
Drugs and DZs

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It's when they get high before boarding that plane when it becomes an issue.

So the Sunset H&P at alti, to enjoy the peacefulness and beauty granted to us by God, whilst burning a big fatty isn't an issue.... other than gettting the damn thing lit anyway. :)

Leave the brakes on 'till ya get it roasting! :)

You better cut it out, Jim. Youre gonna have these kids thinking youre one of those crazy rule breaking fuckers from the "old days"....god forbid.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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:D By looking at your avaitar, that is one big fatty ya got going there.

Who you calling fat willis? Hey, here's a question. In Holland, Can the staff smoke doobies. It's legal over there so just wondering.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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flashback to kindergaten/or there abouts~~~~~~~~~~~~M.Y.O.F.B.

~~~~~~~~back to adulthood and reality...............get stable, fly your slot, and by all means get a grip.

I posted this in another thread thought it would fit in nice here too!!!
if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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I can't find the post, but someone said that the dropzone is full of "normal" people just like any other place.

Who's naive?

TYPE A TYPE A TYPE A... oooooh, something shiny!

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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It was my post:

"The dropzone isn't some magical wonderland where everything is perfect. It is full of, for the most part, regular people."

I was addressing to OP's apparent surprise that people used drugs at their dz. Same goes for when people are surprised there is drama and everyone doesn't get along. A dz is subject to all the crap that any other organization or group is. A certain % will be thiefs, a certain % liars, a certain % assholes and a certain % will be extremely nice.

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"Who you calling fat willis? Hey, here's a question. In Holland, Can the staff smoke doobies. It's legal over there so just wondering"

Actually its NOT legal in Holland, it's decriminalized. That means it's tolerated socially, you won't get busted for it, but it is still technically illegal. And there are standards that are applied to the advertisement of smoking that are very strictly enforced. You cannot advertise the availability of marijuana or any other drug outside the extablishment, that is why they are referred to as coffee bars. Also why there are many subtle refernces to smoking in the names and artwork of said bars. One place, Popeyes, has an article on the back of their weed menu explaining that they chose the name Popeye because of the characters ever-present pipe.
All non-chemically synthesized drugs are decriminalized in Holland, including Peyote, Marijuana, Hash, Hash oil and Magic Mushrooms. Everything else you are taking a chance.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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I can see the focus was lost here and there. The only way to claim that a DZ is "drug free" is to do mandatory pre-employment drug screening and then do randoms for the staff. Now, in my travels, I have yet to see that. What happens is the DZO just takes the word of the staff member as gold. Hell, anybody can and will say whatever it takes to get paid to skydive.

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if you think about it we are all a bunch of druggies in a way ---- people take drugs to release different chemicals in the brain to make them feel good ---- and that same chemical attacks the shit out of our brain from the moments we start putting our rig on, so i guess its either a huge rail, or a lift to 13,500, i know what i prefer!
so who is replacing an old bad habit?;)

only a couple days til my first skydive city experience -->SUPER STOKED

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There was an incident about 10 years ago now when a TM had smoked some pot then went up on a jump and ended up killing both of them.

I don't think that is entirely acurate.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Oh come on now, everyone knows it was the fatty the TM blazed the night before that got them killed, it had nothing to do with the parachutes that didn't work.:S

Please go and peddle your drug useage elsewhere. I know this is all talk for how much dope do you need.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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So going to saftey day are we....:ph34r: make sure everyone is safe.

Safety Meetings take a whole day now? Back in the 70's it didn't seem to take that long but my memory isn't so good for those days :)
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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No, can't agree. Alcohol is alcohol and drugs are drugs. No excuses for smoking marijuana and etc should be made.

To my mind alcohol must be prohibited during jumping day and before jumps. Drugs (all types) must not be allowed at all! >:( Being illegal by the way.

Well I would read all the other responses but I only have half an hour at a time on the computer. Not to mention the connection is VERY slow. But about the whole pot thing. I really don't think it effects a persons motor skills. Look at the dude that won the gold medal and then tested positive for the stuff. Just goes to show that the government is full of it on this issue. sure pot isn't the best thing in the world but it isn't as bad as it's made out to be.
I guess I should add I was a faithful pot head for quite some years but have not been high in over 2 and a half years. Not because I think it's so bad. I just have other priorities I need to take care of first.
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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