Is THIS the best scenery for jumping??

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Puerto Rico is pretty amazing as well but its another island in the ocean so the visuals are similar. Switzerland and Norway also have some really breathtaking visuals. I recently jumped in France at a military facility thats close to Dune du pyla. That was really cool to see while under canopy over the ocean. It is also an excellent place to ground launch from and there are tons of people who parapente there.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Great view, but I heard they have some crazy winds down there!

The winds are definitely something you need to be cautious of but I did 4 jumps there on a couple different days (around jump #36-40) and didn't have any issues....

Apparently about a month after I was there some chick had issues and landed off twice and the second time she broke her ankles and eventually had something amputated. I feel sorry for her but because of that incident you now need a B license and at least 150 jumps >:([:/]

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Great view, unfortunately looks like I wont be jumping there anytime soon. Considering new regs not to mention money. [:/]

This is going to come off mildly retarded but does anyone know that place in Australia, its kinda like the grand canyon but all the plants have adapted. So its like grand canyon meets small rain forrest?

I keep telling my friends skydiving will fix all your problems, Im a fibber you just let go a minute at a time. Choose what to do with it.

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Nothing tops a 13,000ft freefall into shark infested waters capped off with a 140ft SCUBA dive.

WOW.....The blue hole, eh?? I already looked, you need 500 jumps to jump there. Too bad, I'll just have to wait for a couple years....

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Yeah, Hawaii is beautiful. I paid for my girlfriend to do a tandem there just so I could take my rig over for a jump (see attached).
Another gorgeous place to jump is Canberra, the capital of Australia. Being a planned city it looks great from the air and we jump over parliament house and land right in the middle of the city. There is no sports DZ, so we usually only get a couple of jumps in a year over the city, but every jump is just gorgeous.

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I'll take this place ANY day......

I love the "PULL" mowed into the grass :D. Let me guess, "If you can read this..." The pea pit at the end of the runway may not be a great idea if the airport is busy.

This picture is our dz Saturday.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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Puerto Rico is pretty amazing as well....

OHHH Yeah !
You can see my home down there, on the beach, a little bit over my left arm. The caribbean sucks!B|

Did a wingsuit beach jump today flying over the ocean. Cant beat those visuals.
DS #419.5

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All I remember is climbing out and seeing nothing but ocean!! That little Island was a long way off. Thought I'd never make it back... then, after running with the wind for a short time, I had to turn hold into the wind because the uppers were screaming... I think it may have qualified as a backwards cross country.

"Crazy winds" is putting it mildly.
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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