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People do it, it is a bad idea.

If you have a pilot chute sneak out from your main or reserve while on a skydive, it sucks. If that happens while on the highway, it will most likely kill you (or you'll be killed when the truck behind you can't stop in time). Even if you don't have your leg straps on, you're probably going to go off the back of the bike.

I ride my motorcycle to the DZ all the time, but my rig is in a gear bag and that is strapped down to the back of the bike. Even then, you need to be used to riding with that weight on the back of your bike.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I could lock the bag, bit its just a rolling duffel that I bungee down to the back seat.

If you're unable or unwilling to put luggage on your bike, then look into an over sized bag with shoulder straps. Put the rig in there. At least then you're protected.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I ride a sport bike so strapping it to the back would be pretty tough. Can you lock your bag shut?

I have a sport bike too (well, sorta anyway, it's a Katana). I have a Square One gearbag. It holds my rig, jumpsuit, helmet, altimiter, goggles gloves, logbook and a few other odds and ends just fine.

It has the backpack style shoulder straps, so I just put it on my back. It's pretty heavy, but I have the straps adjusted so that the bottom of the bag sits on the seat and I don't have to support all the weight.
It completely eliminates any chance of either of the canopies coming out.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "locking the bag shut". My gear bag has zippers that are secure enough that I don't worry about them opening on the ride to the DZ. I personally wouldn't do anything to my rig to secure it for the ride. Keep in mind that if you do anything to lock the container shut, forgetting to remove it will probably be fatal. It's easy to say that you wouldn't forget anything that important, but ask any pilot how many planes have crashed on takeoff because the gust lock was left in.
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inreply to "Serious answers only cause this is open to a lot of ridicule.

Rig on my back....me on my motorcycle. Good idea....or bad? Has anyone done it? "


Definitely bad !

This killed a well known and loved Aussie skydiver , Tony Lee, in the late 80's.

The gear on his back shifted at high speed causing him to unbalance and fall. We lost a phenomenal skydiver , one of the good guys .

A lot of people's lives were lessened by his tragic loss.

but of course it's your choice.

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always wondered why people are so freaked by this idea. If your gear is will maintained and is not in danger of having a premmie PC extraction whilst doing freefly at 150mph + why the hell should it be an issue at 60mph?

just a thought...
I like my canopy...

...it lets me down.

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always wondered why people are so freaked by this idea. If your gear is will maintained and is not in danger of having a premmie PC extraction whilst doing freefly at 150mph + why the hell should it be an issue at 60mph?

just a thought...

your average skydive lasts 1 minute, after which you land, and your PC gets repacked and re-seated in the BOC.

your motorcycle ride to the DZ is usually significantly longer, which means that your PC has much more chances of escaping the BOC.

when I had a bike I just strapped the rig to the rear seat. Granted not all bikes are capable of that - but a tight fitting gearbag with straps sounds like a much safer idea then riding with the rig on your back.

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I have done it when my car was down, and its a really really bad idea. I stuffed my hackey all the way into the BOC for the ride, but that is almost as bad as riding with your rig on - it can lead to you forgetting to pull it back out if you are in a hurry for a load, which could lead to a total malfunction.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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K....my two cents. There are just too many bad variables that come into play. Could you do it, and get away with it ? Probably. Is it worth the risk if bad shit happens. IMO, no. I ride a Harley, but have no saddlebags, so I don't ride to the DZ. There are at least 4 other Harley riders that ride to the DZ. All their gear is in saddlebags, where there is very little chance of a problem.

Street bike experience = 32 years.
Skydiving experience = 4 years 290 jumps with a year off cuz bad shit happened.

Again, just my two cents.

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always wondered why people are so freaked by this idea. If your gear is will maintained and is not in danger of having a premmie PC extraction whilst doing freefly at 150mph + why the hell should it be an issue at 60mph?

just a thought...

If you have a premmie, how high are you? Most likely above 3k. Hell could be 13k.

Your pilot chute sneaks out while you're cruising down the highway, you're getting drug off, hitting the ground, and the large semi you just passed erotically is going to simply run you over. Did you not think of all the different variables before you asked that?

You have the wrong mindset trying to think that since the equipment can handle x, then it'll be okay with y. You need to consider the risks. What can happen will.
Stay high pull low

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Your pilot chute sneaks out while you're cruising down the highway, you're getting drug off, hitting the ground, and the large semi you just passed erotically is going to simply run you over. Did you not think of all the different variables before you asked that?

I can't imagine much worse a fate than being run over by an erotic semi.B|

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IMHO... very bad idea, mostly for the reasons mentioned previously. Another reason not to, and one that I've personally seen... A buddy stuck a ball point pin thru his main closing loop to prevent an accidental deployment while riding. He remembered that pen whilst burning thru 2K. [:/] Thankfully, he did remember to remove the pull up cord he used to tie down the reserve handle before he boared the plane though...

Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

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always wondered why people are so freaked by this idea. If your gear is will maintained and is not in danger of having a premmie PC extraction whilst doing freefly at 150mph + why the hell should it be an issue at 60mph?

just a thought...

I have had a zipper on a backpack open up on a 2 hour long ride. When I got to the mountains for a break, I looked back and thankfully my clothes somehow stayed in. A bridle, even the best, can work itself out over 2 hours of riding.

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It is simple. I do it all the time. A BASE jumper stash bag... http://www.asylumbase.com/store/product/stash-bag/ They are bomb proof, light weight, and fit a rig packed or unpacked. Most are waterproof. The drawstring at the top has a plastic holder that allows you to pull it completely shut... But then, you tie a bunch of knots (I daisy chain and lock out at the end) so it is bombproof.

Risks... If you get in an accident, your gear may or may not be insured. Thus your bike and your gear both get totaled... I see someone else posted about weight shift causing a wipeout... When properly tightened a base stash bag is able to not shift when rock climbing to an exit point, thus on your back on a bike I never have had an issue.

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I stuffed my hackey all the way into the BOC for the ride, but that is almost as bad as riding with your rig on - it can lead to you forgetting to pull it back out if you are in a hurry for a load, which could lead to a total malfunction.

This happened to a friend of mine. He routinely shoved the hacky all the way inside the BOC to keep it from dislodging while transporting the rig in his car. After a few attempts to get the handle out of the pouch in freefall, he was forced to ride the white canopy down. He doesn’t do it anymore!

The pilot chute isn’t the only way to extract the main, or reserve either. If one of the closing loops should happen to break, you would find yourself in a bad situation.

Just a thought, is it possible to rent a locker at your DZ? Maybe you jump at different locations? But this would certainly solve your problem, if you go to the same DZ all the time. I would love to ride my bike, but I find myself transporting rigs back and forth for reserve packs and such.

Good luck! Blues…
Marriage is like a deck of cards. You start with two harts and a diamond only to discover you wish you had a club and a spade!

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Serious answers only cause this is open to a lot of ridicule.

Rig on my back....me on my motorcycle. Good idea....or bad? Has anyone done it?

I've done it with my rig inside a gear bag and bungied securely to the
sissy bar.

No passenger seat or sissy bar on my new bike so its no longer an option.

Main problem I had was that after a day of jumping I was pretty tired and a 90 minute ride home was not as nice as a nice comfy car ride :)
I would NOT just wear my rig. Too many things could go wrong with that .

My mighty steed

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Serious answers only cause this is open to a lot of ridicule.

Rig on my back....me on my motorcycle. Good idea....or bad? Has anyone done it?

Dude!!! Buy a fricken gear bag!

I drive a ZX11 (see my aviator) and I have soft saddle bags (Givi - $200). The soft bags are great for touring and make a nice platform to strap a gear bag onto. Then, find a way to keep the whole thing right side up???B|
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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Serious answers only cause this is open to a lot of ridicule.

Rig on my back....me on my motorcycle. Good idea....or bad? Has anyone done it?

Dude!!! Buy a fricken gear bag!

I drive a ZX11 (see my avatar) and I have soft saddle bags (Givi - $200). The soft bags are great for touring and make a nice platform to strap a gear bag onto. Then, find a way to keep the whole thing right side up???B|

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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Just a quick word on saddlebags and skydiving gear, keep in mind that saddlebags are right next to the chain/belt drive, the rear wheel and the exhaust pipe. I'm sure everyone knows that heat (like from an exhaust pipe) isn't good for gear, and if your saddle bag gets pushed in to the chain/belt/wheel, like in a minor fall or if they come unstrapped, that's not going to help your gear either.

skyjumpenfool, I understand (I think) that you are not putting a rig in a saddlbag, but using the tops of the bags and the passenger seat as a 'table' to hold your gear bag. I just replied to your post because it was at the bottom.

To add a few thoughts about wearing a rig, even if your canopies saty in the rig, the contunued exposure to UV, road grime, and whatever the other cars/trucks throw at you form the road is not going to be good for your rig. This is a life saving device, handle it accordlingly.

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