
Own Pack Job

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I was lazy and used a packer until about my 69th jump... now NOBODY but me packs for me...

Consequently, my first packjob was jumped by my DZO. LOL...I didn't know you shouldn't roll the nose on a Spectre :ph34r::ph34r:

He was on a demo jump and pulled a little lower than normal, too...:o

But he said I passed the packing quiz...:S

I don't want to make all the decisions because if I screw up, then I can't blame it on you...

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Hi Celtic,


How many jumps was it before any of you jumped with your own pack job

I think it was ~ jump #3.


and were you nervous?

No, I have always been one that has had almost absolute confidence in the equipment. B|

Heck, I was shocked, shocked I tell you, to find out that we actually had to wear a backup parachute ( the trusty, old reserve gut pack ) when making a first jump. Very true, before getting to the dz I thought everyone just jumped with one parachute. B|


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1st jump..and yes, VERY nervous! ;)


my instructor told me not to worry and that everything would open if you threw a 120mph airflow at it.. SOMEHOW!
needless to say, that didnt help the nervosity much. :D
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Jump number 21 and i just about shit my pants the whole way up because people at my first drop zone were not very helpful i had watched the DZ packer pack for about 3 weeks then looked on the internet and read the manual that came with the rig to learn how to pack. Looking back on it not the best idea that i have ever had, But it opened and I am still jumping. :)

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a friend jumped my first pack job, I wasn't nervous and he was happy do do the test

Right - Parachutes all have two things in common.
They all have thier own personalities, and they all want to be open.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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2nd jump.... 1st jump was static line jump number one after the theory and ground training, that parachute was packed by a previous student...

After the first jump we had to pack the chute we just jumped, so it could be used again by yourself or the next student...

Obviously throughout the packjob, instructors did several inspections, and provided guidance, to assure all would be OK.

Nervous? not really, considering all the checks, I was pretty confident that it was all fine... made 4 jumps that day.

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My first time jumping my own pack job was #79, later that day I packed #80 and packed a line over and had to cut away. I'll be re-taking the packing class this Sunday, one on one with the instructor this time.
Life is short, eat more bacon, have more sex and jump anytime you can!!

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Yeah packing is going to be one of my main focuses because I definatly want to know my gear inside and out.
Hallucinations are bad enough. But after a while you learn to cope with things like seeing your dead grandmother crawling up your leg with a knife in her teeth.

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(Looking back in logbook) Here we go, jump 20. It was also my first H&P. Yes I about shit my pants on that one, but all went well and cured me of a bit of gear-fear.

Mine was my first H&P too... and if I recall, it was a little bit *LOW* :o:)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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my friend taught me how to pack just to show me before i got the class at my DZ during my AFF class, he got done showing me and had me do it over and over. Then i did it without and comments from him and halfway through he was like "hey im going in the shower" and left me to pack the rest. he was leaving for florida the next day and i asked him to unpack it and repack it himself haha but it was good practice.
"its just a normal day at the dropzone until its not"


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How many jumps was it before any of you jumped with your own pack job, and were you nervous?

3rd jump, I worked my way threw student status by packing for the school....

So basically the student rigs at that DZ were packed by the least experienced packers. Sort of a poster child for every whuffo's nightmare.

I've represented a number of clients in the skydiving industry, so I have some perspective on this. From a business standpoint, that might be imprudent risk management/liability prevention. Students getting hurt generate some of the higher risk of a DZ getting sued. If a person who was fairly inexperienced at packing parachutes packed an injured student's rig, that could be a troublesome fact to deal with. It certainly wouldn't be a helpful one.

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How many jumps was it before any of you jumped with your own pack job, and were you nervous?

3rd jump, I worked my way threw student status by packing for the school....

So basically the student rigs at that DZ were packed by the least experienced packers. Sort of a poster child for every whuffo's nightmare.

I've represented a number of clients in the skydiving industry, so I have some perspective on this. From a business standpoint, that might be imprudent risk management/liability prevention. Students getting hurt generate some of the higher risk of a DZ getting sued. If a person who was fairly inexperienced at packing parachutes packed an injured student's rig, that could be a troublesome fact to deal with. It certainly wouldn't be a helpful one.

How do you know this person wasn't packing for years before he/she decided to become a licensed skydiver?
Moriuntur omnes, sed non omnes vixerunt.

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