
Kicked out of line twist on jump #6!

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I'm proud of myself! My last jump was my 6th and was for AFF Level 5 completion. When the canopy opened, the lines were as twisted as a stick of licorice. It took about 7 or 8 kicks, but I managed to straighten everything out. As soon as the lines were straight, I checked the altitude and it was 3000ft.

Now I know you are all thinking "What's the big deal, that happened to me dozens of times, I've rescued myself from worse predicaments, etc., etc." And you're right. But I'm quite the newbie, and before I did my first jump, I could not possibly grasp the idea of keeping one's composure while under canpoy nearly a mile from the ground. So I'm proud!

I owe this little success story to my instructors & jumpmasters at Sky Knights SPC in East Troy, WI, and to whomever runs skydivingvideos.com. I remembered watching a video of a guy kicking himself out of a line twist. Having that visualization in my head gave me a "he could do it, so can I" mentality.

(I suppose I also should give thanks to my Taekwondo instructor!) :)

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There's training, looking at the flash cards, and discussing it - but it really hits home the first time you have significant line twists. Remaining calm and just doing what you were taught to do seems to be key, and sounds like you did that.

I'd caution you though. Keep that up and you'll be a full-fledged skydiver and broke as all get-out :S

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I had nearly the same thing happen to me as a student. I had so many twists the canopy wasn't totally inflated, but I was definitely falling slower. I hear what you mean about the whole deal of keeping your head at that experience level. I was pretty happpy with how it worked out too.

I had a few more jumps when it happened to me, I think. I also managed to look down at the ground while I was untwisting to make sure I was still as high up as I thought I was.


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i think i was on my 5th or 6th jump before i didn't have line twists. i looked up to see which way to kick and all the lines were straight. kinda confused me. :S
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Oh yes, line twists on most of my static lines too! Explained to me as a "nuisance factor" not a malfunction by my FJC instructor. (which can of course cause a spinning malfunction in smaller canopies).

Don't knock yourself, it's great you're looking at your experience and evaluating. Keep at it and keep on learning!


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That’s what I love about skydiving, the confidence one builds from overcoming challenges. This one little one will lead to hundreds more. Just think about how you will feel after your first 100 way!

Good job on reacting to and solving a problem!
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Try doing static line.... Linetwists every 3rd jump at least

LMAO!! Yup. I'd kicked myself out of line twists three times before I ever pulled a ripcord. I also kicked myself out of line twists on 4 of the 7 wingsuit jumps I've done.

Line twists on lightly loaded canopies are generally a minor issue (assuming that you are above your decision altitude, of course).

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First AFF jump I had line twist. At first I kind of freaked but grabbed the lines and started kicking and it came free. Pretty nuts for the first jump. Nice work man on clearing it. I recently finished AFF and working on the A license. I hear line twists will happen many more times

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Hiya - I too had line twists on my very first AFF jump. Looked up - thought oh shit - then started to pull them apart as per the training - nothing happened. >:(

Pulled harder, and kicked at the same time - and hey presto it cleared - all excitement being the first jump. Confidence in being able to sort out a nuisance factor was great.

Anyways - on my way home from the DZ I got a speeding ticket from the police...then on level 2 a week later I broke my ankle - thats when I started to think is someone trying to tell me to take up golf,LOL :$

Merry Christmas, and blue skies to all :)

Out of 10,000 feet of fall, always remember that the last half inch hurts the most — Captain Charles W. Purcell, 1932

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