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4 hours ago, billvon said:

They are the Luddites of today, afraid of new technology that's going to change the status quo

Thats what so funny. All of their shouting at clouds doesn't do them any good. I wonder if they vision themselves as valiant warriors holding back the tide.

King Canute would have something to say to them

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4 hours ago, gowlerk said:

You haven't been skydiving for very long have you? Stainless steel hardware is actually an option that most people choose over the standard cadmium plating. Used in many aerospace applications as well.

Oh wow, just looked it up, I stand corrected. 

I revealed my age a bit unintentionally there, damn I'm glad it's being phased out in favour of stainless. Cadmium is highly toxic and carcinogenic. (and also not used in most solar cells despite Brent's claims)

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33 minutes ago, olofscience said:

Oh wow, just looked it up, I stand corrected. 

I revealed my age a bit unintentionally there, damn I'm glad it's being phased out in favour of stainless. Cadmium is highly toxic and carcinogenic. (and also not used in most solar cells despite Brent's claims)

You know, it's becoming more plausible that you do drive a Mini-Cooper and live in your parents basement.

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34 minutes ago, olofscience said:

Oh wow, just looked it up, I stand corrected. 

I revealed my age a bit unintentionally there, damn I'm glad it's being phased out in favour of stainless. Cadmium is highly toxic and carcinogenic. (and also not used in most solar cells despite Brent's claims)

Again, not my claims… reading comprehension = F

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7 minutes ago, olofscience said:

Haha, you wish.

Why would he or anyone else wish that you had a bus season pass? You're a smart fellow wether or not you're old enough to sit for the drivers test or live above your own liquor store and walk to work. That said your sense of privacy about personal details on a forum where you, if not pontificate, hold forth strongly, seems silly to me. Pretty much all of your correspondents here have dropped their kickers for a peek, why not you too? 

Edited by JoeWeber

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5 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Pretty much all of your correspondents here have dropped their kickers for a peek, why not you too? 

Maybe because I still have many years to spend in the sport and would prefer what I say here to not interfere with my enjoyment of my hobby.  I'm a nobody anyway, so even if you knew who I was it wouldn't really make much difference. Experience and a track record usually commands more respect - which is the case for many people here, but I simply haven't had as much time to build up mine, so I'd be at an disadvantage for that too.

Because yes, that bus photo was from before I had my first driving license. Make of that as you will...

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1 minute ago, olofscience said:

Maybe because I still have many years to spend in the sport and would prefer what I say here to not interfere with my enjoyment of my hobby.  I'm a nobody anyway, so even if you knew who I was it wouldn't really make much difference. Experience and a track record usually commands more respect - which is the case for many people here, but I simply haven't had as much time to build up mine, so I'd be at an disadvantage for that too.

Because yes, that bus photo was from before I had my first driving license. Make of that as you will...

Perhaps, but you aren't holding forth on jumping topics , instead you are putting yourself out there as a math and science expert and a keen identifier of scallywags. You are right about one thing though, unless it spends enough time in the pickle barrel it's just a soggy cucumber.

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3 hours ago, olofscience said:

Maybe because I still have many years to spend in the sport and would prefer what I say here to not interfere with my enjoyment of my hobby.  I'm a nobody anyway, so even if you knew who I was it wouldn't really make much difference. Experience and a track record usually commands more respect - which is the case for many people here, but I simply haven't had as much time to build up mine, so I'd be at an disadvantage for that too.

Because yes, that bus photo was from before I had my first driving license. Make of that as you will...

Holy smokes, you are just a kid!  I thought you were a typical deranged lefty. Now I feel bad for giving you the business.

All kidding aside I am truly sorry, and I will no longer engage with you on this forum 

Edited by brenthutch

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8 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

Perhaps, but you aren't holding forth on jumping topics , instead you are putting yourself out there as a math and science expert and a keen identifier of scallywags. You are right about one thing though, unless it spends enough time in the pickle barrel it's just a soggy cucumber.

Well I do have an advanced degree, but it's why it's good I cite reputable sources and show my working in maths right?

5 hours ago, brenthutch said:

Holy smokes, you are just a kid!  I thought you were a typical deranged lefty.

Hey that's a bit extreme, I *have* graduated university, those lefty brainwashing factories right?


And I restrict myself to mostly these topics. I don't really understand the long and complex history about Israel and what's happening there now. But tech and climate change I do understand, and it's going to affect me for quite a long time so I speak up when there's blatant misinformation going around.

Edited by olofscience
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Shell’s finance chief said on Thursday the firm had exited a power purchase agreement (PPA) for the planned SouthCoast windfarm off the coast of Massachusetts, agreeing to pay a penalty rather than face rising costs for building the project.

Energy firms from BP (BP.L) to Orsted (ORSTED.CO) have announced hefty writedowns in recent days for their U.S. windfarm projects in the face of high inflation.


They are falling like dominoes 

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5 hours ago, olofscience said:

Hey that's a bit extreme, I *have* graduated university,

*Whoop-de-doodle*, so has Brent. When will you start showing him some due? He's also spent 20 years in Special Forces, gave out toasters at a bank, has a black friend, is raising two kids (God help us all), taught youngun's how to skydive and live, and wrote the best seller Art of the Troll. Like it or not, (no, Lippy, it's not a poll) he does deserve some respect.

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4 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

*Whoop-de-doodle*, so has Brent. When will you start showing him some due? He's also spent 20 years in Special Forces, gave out toasters at a bank, has a black friend, is raising two kids (God help us all), taught youngun's how to skydive and live, and wrote the best seller Art of the Troll. Like it or not, (no, Lippy, it's not a poll) he does deserve some respect.

He's a troll, and trolls deserve no respect.

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9 hours ago, olofscience said:

Well I do have an advanced degree, 


I have two, and have a facility in mathematics that might be expected as a prerequisite for a PhD in physics.

Something that's omitted from advanced degree programs is the knowledge that facts and logic do not outweigh "feels" in a large fraction of the population.

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30 minutes ago, kallend said:

I have two, and have a facility in mathematics that might be expected as a prerequisite for a PhD in physics.

Something that's omitted from advanced degree programs is the knowledge that facts and logic do not outweigh "feels" in a large fraction of the population.

Hi John,

Sad, but true.

'I love the uneducated.'

Jerry Baumchen

PS)  For 20+ yrs, I have been saying that the average American voter is uninformed & prefers to stay that way.

Edited by JerryBaumchen
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1 hour ago, kallend said:

Something that's omitted from advanced degree programs is the knowledge that facts and logic do not outweigh "feels" in a large fraction of the population.

That should surprise no one. We are animals and we got to where we are by using instincts first. Intelligence comes second. 

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1 hour ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi John,

Sad, but true.

'I love the uneducated.'

Jerry Baumchen

PS)  For 20+ yrs, I have been saying that the average American voter is uninformed & prefers to stay that way.

When you consider how dumb the average American is, half of them are dumber than that.

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