
Trump's Legacy

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Americans chant ‘Build the wall’ while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico

(source: http://globalnews.ca/news/3323468/americans-build-the-wall-cancun/)

"The incident adds to a “growing number of complaints” from tourism workers who say that spring breakers have been “offensive, rude and haughty towards Mexican people.”

Stupidity knows no bounds. Say and do stupid stuff to people that serve you food.

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Americans chant ‘Build the wall’ while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico

(source: http://globalnews.ca/news/3323468/americans-build-the-wall-cancun/)

"The incident adds to a “growing number of complaints” from tourism workers who say that spring breakers have been “offensive, rude and haughty towards Mexican people.”

Stupidity knows no bounds. Say and do stupid stuff to people that serve you food.
... and clean your room (with all your stuff in it), and serve you drinks. Pretty easy to mess with jokers like that.

[Customs official: "excuse me sir, please step aside with your bags. Did you pack these bags yourself?"

k-9 team approaches, dog visibly attentive

Spring Breaker: "uh, yeah. What's the problem? I'm an American!"]
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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Americans chant ‘Build the wall’ while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico

(source: http://globalnews.ca/news/3323468/americans-build-the-wall-cancun/)

"The incident adds to a “growing number of complaints” from tourism workers who say that spring breakers have been “offensive, rude and haughty towards Mexican people.”

Stupidity knows no bounds. Say and do stupid stuff to people that serve you food.
... and clean your room (with all your stuff in it), and serve you drinks. Pretty easy to mess with jokers like that.

[Customs official: "excuse me sir, please step aside with your bags. Did you pack these bags yourself?"

k-9 team approaches, dog visibly attentive

Spring Breaker: "uh, yeah. What's the problem? I'm an American!"]

Not to mention that offending local law enforcement is never a good idea while visiting south of the border.

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And in other news...

"Secret Service asked for $60 million extra for Trump-era travel and protection, documents show" --Washington Post


The U.S. Secret Service requested $60 million in additional funding for the next year, offering the most precise estimate yet of the escalating costs for travel and protection resulting from the unusually complicated lifestyle of the Trump family, according to internal agency documents reviewed by The Washington Post.

Nearly half of the additional money, $26.8 million, would pay to protect President Trump’s family and private home in New York’s Trump Tower, the documents show, while $33 million would be spent on travel costs incurred by “the president, vice president and other visiting heads of state.”

We're talking $33 million extra.

And later in the article...

The budget requests reflect a potentially awkward contrast between Trump’s efforts to cut federal spending in many areas and the escalating costs of his freewheeling travel itinerary. Trump jetted to Mar-a-Lago on Friday for his fifth post-inaguration weekend trip, one day after the White House released a federal budget proposing deep cuts to many government programs.

(emphasis mine)

Has no one told him about Camp David? Already secure, and the use of which is already in the budget.
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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And some of this money is getting spent solely because it wouldn't be nice for a 10 year old to have to change schools...

As the article explores, while nearly half of that increase is being spent on that issue, we don't know how much will go actually to the Trump organization as payment for rents, or improvements in security and infrastructure to the building. Of course, the building is probably (totally my analysis) able to lay off some of its own security personnel because 1) they are no longer allowed on many floors, and 2) the place is already crawling with Secret Service. Why keep the other guys?
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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I think it is just indicative of American Society at the moment.

Where it is fine to spend millions on avoiding upsetting one 10 year old boy, while simultaneously proclaiming how there is no money to feed the poor, provide healthcare or fund the arts in any way.

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Hey, these billionaires like Trimp have worked ha Denounced over the course of their lives that they deserve the support of a mere few tens of millions from the welfare state. What kind of heartless monster would say otherwise?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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More on Trump's legacy, which is currently being threatened by reality:
Wall Street is losing faith in the Trump agenda
by Matt Egan
March 22, 2017

Wall Street's faith in the fate of the Trump agenda has been shaken, if not shattered, by political reality.

This week's market tumble is evidence of how the "Trump trade" that sent stocks and other risky assets booming after the election is showing serious cracks amid President Trump's struggles to push through a replacement for Obamacare.

Not only is the Dow on track for its worst month since January 2016, but other warning lights are flashing, too.

Favorite sectors like banks, manufacturers and small cap stocks are suddenly seeing red. Oil prices have collapsed to $47 a barrel, the U.S. dollar slumped to a four-month low against the Japanese yen and the VIX volatility index has shown signs of life.

Gold, which often rises during times of fear, has soared 8% so far this year and CNNMoney's Fear and Greed Index has swung back into "fear" territory. Cash fleeing to the safety of government bonds have lowered the 10-year Treasury yield down to 2.39%, a dramatic reversal from 2.62% just two weeks ago.

"The bumbling on the health care bill has people losing faith in the Trump Bump," Michael Block, chief market strategist at Rhino Trading, wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Dow plunged 238 points, its biggest decline since September, as it became clear that Trump's Obamacare replacement bill is in doubt due to opposition from conservative Republicans.

Wall Street worries that the health care trouble could delay, or even derail, the other "pro-business" promises that have underpinned the Trump rally. That includes "massive" tax cuts that would juice corporate profits, as well as a push for dramatic deregulation and a burst of infrastructure spending.

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More on Trump's legacy, which is currently being threatened by reality:
Wall Street is losing faith in the Trump agenda
by Matt Egan
March 22, 2017

Wall Street's faith in the fate of the Trump agenda has been shaken, if not shattered, by political reality.

This week's market tumble is evidence of how the "Trump trade" that sent stocks and other risky assets booming after the election is showing serious cracks amid President Trump's struggles to push through a replacement for Obamacare.

Not only is the Dow on track for its worst month since January 2016, but other warning lights are flashing, too.

Favorite sectors like banks, manufacturers and small cap stocks are suddenly seeing red. Oil prices have collapsed to $47 a barrel, the U.S. dollar slumped to a four-month low against the Japanese yen and the VIX volatility index has shown signs of life.

Gold, which often rises during times of fear, has soared 8% so far this year and CNNMoney's Fear and Greed Index has swung back into "fear" territory. Cash fleeing to the safety of government bonds have lowered the 10-year Treasury yield down to 2.39%, a dramatic reversal from 2.62% just two weeks ago.

"The bumbling on the health care bill has people losing faith in the Trump Bump," Michael Block, chief market strategist at Rhino Trading, wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Dow plunged 238 points, its biggest decline since September, as it became clear that Trump's Obamacare replacement bill is in doubt due to opposition from conservative Republicans.

Wall Street worries that the health care trouble could delay, or even derail, the other "pro-business" promises that have underpinned the Trump rally. That includes "massive" tax cuts that would juice corporate profits, as well as a push for dramatic deregulation and a burst of infrastructure spending.

It's Obama's fault.

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Is it really the possibility of a failed health care bill that has confidence dropping, or could it also have something to do with his manic temper, claims of conspiracy, and reliance on news commentators instead of his own vast resources? IMHO, it's disingenuous and misleading to heap all the credibility blame on a bill in Congress.
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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Is it really the possibility of a failed health care bill that has confidence dropping, or could it also have something to do with his manic temper, claims of conspiracy, and reliance on news commentators instead of his own vast resources? IMHO, it's disingenuous and misleading to heap all the credibility blame on a bill in Congress.

It is the first real indication he may not be able to do what he said he was going to do. Lots is riding on this for Trump, specially since he decided to go "all in" on this one.

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***Is it really the possibility of a failed health care bill that has confidence dropping, or could it also have something to do with his manic temper, claims of conspiracy, and reliance on news commentators instead of his own vast resources? IMHO, it's disingenuous and misleading to heap all the credibility blame on a bill in Congress.

It is the first real indication he may not be able to do what he said he was going to do. Lots is riding on this for Trump, specially since he decided to go "all in" on this one.
Like "temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the country"?
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

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******Is it really the possibility of a failed health care bill that has confidence dropping, or could it also have something to do with his manic temper, claims of conspiracy, and reliance on news commentators instead of his own vast resources? IMHO, it's disingenuous and misleading to heap all the credibility blame on a bill in Congress.

It is the first real indication he may not be able to do what he said he was going to do. Lots is riding on this for Trump, specially since he decided to go "all in" on this one.
Like "temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the country"?

Sorry, I worded that poorly. I was more speaking to major pieces of legislation.

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Is it really the possibility of a failed health care bill that has confidence dropping, or could it also have something to do with his manic temper, claims of conspiracy, and reliance on news commentators instead of his own vast resources? IMHO, it's disingenuous and misleading to heap all the credibility blame on a bill in Congress.

Everything you listed has been labeled liberal fearmongering, hatred and delusion by the right wing. And while most intelligent people are worried about such things, the decisionmakers in the economy are looking to what he can actually _do._ If he cuts taxes on businesses significantly, and doubles defense spending, the short term outlook for businesses is good - and they will act accordingly. This is true even if he starts grabbing women by the pussy again and gibbering incoherently on Twitter. But if he can't get any of his initiatives passed, then it's not as good for US business.

So they are going to look for actual progress (i.e. budgets passed, regulations cut) ahead of all the more subjective judgments on his competence. And while healthcare cuts are not what they care about, there is a perception that he can't make progress until this passes - and if he can't even get this passed in a 100% supportive Congress, the success of anything he tries is in doubt.

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Is it really the possibility of a failed health care bill that has confidence dropping, or could it also have something to do with his manic temper, claims of conspiracy, and reliance on news commentators instead of his own vast resources? IMHO, it's disingenuous and misleading to heap all the credibility blame on a bill in Congress.

Everything you listed has been labeled liberal fearmongering, hatred and delusion by the right wing. And while most intelligent people are worried about such things, the decisionmakers in the economy are looking to what he can actually _do._ If he cuts taxes on businesses significantly, and doubles defense spending, the short term outlook for businesses is good - and they will act accordingly. This is true even if he starts grabbing women by the pussy again and gibbering incoherently on Twitter. But if he can't get any of his initiatives passed, then it's not as good for US business.

So they are going to look for actual progress (i.e. budgets passed, regulations cut) ahead of all the more subjective judgments on his competence. And while healthcare cuts are not what they care about, there is a perception that he can't make progress until this passes - and if he can't even get this passed in a 100% supportive Congress, the success of anything he tries is in doubt.

Well said Bill. I fully agree.

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Doesn't this make Trump like 0-6 on everything so far

"We're going to be winning so much, you'll be sick of winning"

So much for the 'great' negotiator.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

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Fair argument, Bill. Thanks. :)
I have to do better about seeing things from the eyes of people who have no earthly clue about diplomacy and politics, and how they can affect the whole system aside from "bills passed" and "executive orders."

See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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Doesn't this make Trump like 0-6 on everything so far

"We're going to be winning so much, you'll be sick of winning"

So much for the 'great' negotiator.

Clueless! I don't think Trump and Ryan could organize a piss-up in a brewery.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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