
Black Community Vs. the Democratic Party

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Is it time for the black communities of our nation to leave the Democratic Party?


well - I would like parties to not feel like they have any demographic under their thumb.

It is time for individuals to join those causes they believe in as individuals. Mobs suck.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Do you mean like right wing conservative Christian capitalism?

that's in the list, yes - though that description does not have a race, gender, orientation, etc on it, so it's more of a group of like minded people. However, it's (rightly or not) branded as a race, gender, orientation thing - right or wrong - so if it's hijacked (internally by membership bias, or label externally by those that want to weaken it) that way it loses impact in my mind.

I know it's just a philosophy, but the closer we get to individualism the better off, I believe, we'll all be.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***Is it time for the black communities of our nation to leave the Democratic Party?


well - I would like parties to not feel like they have any demographic under their thumb.

It is time for individuals to join those causes they believe in as individuals. Mobs suck.

Thanks captain obvious :P


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So does this mean you're willing to acknowledge that the current democratic party has done nothing more in regards to putting their party differences aside and working hand in hand with others to resolve issues together?

Real men lead by example. Obama should take notes because his version of hope and change are a bunch of damn lies.

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I see many of the posts here in SC as representative of the young voters. They are used to having their needs met by others instead of working for them. They put their efforts into seeking their desires. Leadership and experience mean little when they choose their political candidates. I am constantly reminded of what my former grandson-in-law stated has his reason for choosing BHO, "He has a lot of good ideas." In other words, he bought the campaign rhetoric.

And why do the Canadians, Britains, Scandinavians stick their noses in our politics? I don't know about you but, I don't give a crap about theirs.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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And why do the Canadians, Britains, Scandinavians stick their noses in our politics? I don't know about you but, I don't give a crap about theirs.

Just looking at the avatars many of them use tells us a bunch about them.........
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I see many of the posts here in SC as representative of the young voters. They are used to having their needs met by others instead of working for them. They put their efforts into seeking their desires. Leadership and experience mean little when they choose their political candidates. I am constantly reminded of what my former grandson-in-law stated has his reason for choosing BHO, "He has a lot of good ideas." In other words, he bought the campaign rhetoric.

And why do the Canadians, Britains, Scandinavians stick their noses in our politics? I don't know about you but, I don't give a crap about theirs.

When you say "having their needs met by others," does that include health care? Like depending on Medicare?

I don't see "Young Voters" as any different than "Middle Aged Voters" or "Old Voters."
They vote for their self interest.
Some of them are dumb enough to believe what the politicians promise.

I've seen FB posts that tout the "Truth and Clear Speaking" of one party vs the "Lies and False Promises" of the other.

And I've seen it go both ways. :P

And the US is the largest economy in the world. What we do affects the entire world (note our 2008 housing bubble collapse).

I also welcome outside viewpoints. It's always interesting to hear a different point of view. Often, an outsider will see things that our own prejudices miss. I try to be honest enough with myself to know that.
That's one of the reasons I get my news from a variety of sources. It's absolutely fascinating to hear the same story spun different ways. It's also pretty cool to hear an outside view.

Local PBS has BBC (Brit) and NHK (Japan) news on TV. Watching stories about the Ebola situation can be very interesting.

Last night on BBC, there was a story about Ms Hickox in Maine. The reporter said something like "In the battle between fear and science, fear is winning."
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I see many of the posts here in SC as representative of the young voters. They are used to having their needs met by others instead of working for them. They put their efforts into seeking their desires. Leadership and experience mean little when they choose their political candidates.

More absolute rubbish from the old man on Medicare and Social Security.

I spend my working life with young engineering students. They work incredibly hard and defer gratification for years, in order that they can become productive members of society who will create the kind of things that Ron relies on. Like the computer he types his rubbish on and the communications systems that propagate his rubbish almost instantly around the world.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Just as important a part of the voting population as the subgroup of your friends.

Look at voters as individuals, rather than blocs. Look at candidates as individuals, rather than as just extensions of the party they run under.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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***I see many of the posts here in SC as representative of the young voters. They are used to having their needs met by others instead of working for them. They put their efforts into seeking their desires. Leadership and experience mean little when they choose their political candidates. I am constantly reminded of what my former grandson-in-law stated has his reason for choosing BHO, "He has a lot of good ideas." In other words, he bought the campaign rhetoric.

And why do the Canadians, Britains, Scandinavians stick their noses in our politics? I don't know about you but, I don't give a crap about theirs.

When you say "having their needs met by others," does that include health care? Like depending on Medicare?

I don't see "Young Voters" as any different than "Middle Aged Voters" or "Old Voters."
They vote for their self interest.
Some of them are dumb enough to believe what the politicians promise.

I've seen FB posts that tout the "Truth and Clear Speaking" of one party vs the "Lies and False Promises" of the other.

And I've seen it go both ways. :P

And the US is the largest economy in the world. What we do affects the entire world (note our 2008 housing bubble collapse).

I also welcome outside viewpoints. It's always interesting to hear a different point of view. Often, an outsider will see things that our own prejudices miss. I try to be honest enough with myself to know that.
That's one of the reasons I get my news from a variety of sources. It's absolutely fascinating to hear the same story spun different ways. It's also pretty cool to hear an outside view.

Local PBS has BBC (Brit) and NHK (Japan) news on TV. Watching stories about the Ebola situation can be very interesting.

Last night on BBC, there was a story about Ms Hickox in Maine. The reporter said something like "In the battle between fear and science, fear is winning."

Understanding or as you put it...the wiliness to listen to other view points so what do you say in regards to the following:

Wendy Davis running an ad says Greg Abbott does not want blacks to vote.

Paul Begala on CNN today makes a statement the "Democrats are in trouble in states where they hunt Democrats down with dogs". What the HELL, I've never known of any state that hunts Democrats down with dogs...I do remember in the past Democrats hunting African Americans down with dogs.

In Georgia, Democrats are circulating a flier warning that the voting is the only way to prevent another Ferguson with two small children holding signs "Don't Shoot".

So is it time the Black community begin to look elsewhere other than the Democratic Party, I think so.


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Mirage62's comment about lumping people into tribes and ascribing them all the same (whatever) comes to mind here.

Don't conflate "republican" with "conservative" or "racist" (especially not historically), and don't conflate "democratic" with "liberal" or "racist" (especially not historically.

The parties have changed, the specific beliefs of liberals and conservatives have changed, and society has changed, over the years.

It's time for everyone to think about individual candidates and evaluate them before voting, rather than just depending on their party. Not just blacks, women, hispanics, Christians, etc. Those blocs' memberships overlap, and people should figure out what they individually value.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I tried nothing, just answered to an idiotic *post*, so don't know what you want.

My good upbringing forbids me to go further into detail.


Here's what you said:

'Thx God, not all North Americans are hillybilly'

I'm quite sure there are just a mixed sort of germans that could foot tbe bill of being a 'hillbilly'.

It's like calling someone a racist simply because you disagree with someone who has once been offended. B|

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