
Duke law student defends her involvement in porn to pay tuition. Opinions?

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"For me, immoral acts generally arise when there's a question of harm - theft, violence, emotional abuse etc. In fact I'd generally say the most evil acts perpetrated by human beings always start with the simple act of treating people like things instead of people."

Ok, I wasn't putting my opinion out there to initiate a long debate about it. To me, you either get it or don't. I agree w/your framework. I'll add this test to it, though:

[I]Would I want this person around my young children? Would I want my children to like/trust/want to emulate him/her?

Like and trust? Sure. It's not like I could see her bringing up her work at a family dinner table discussion. As for emulation...
once they're consenting adults making an informed decision? Sure, why not? Especially in this instance - this woman is clearly well aware that porn is not a long term career, and is using the quite considerable pay rates earned in the more professional side of the business to fund an education for a much more "prestigious" career.

Also thank you for answering my question - I was expecting a more religiously based foundation but didn't want to assume, good thing I waited... ;)
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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"There better be. If crybaby goody two-shoes fundies ruin my porn viewing I am gonna bring back the whole "feed 'em to the lions" thing"

Wacky Aussie slang :S? What the Heck is a "Fundie"???

About those Lions, Grue. We didn't let our Govt. take away our guns, & I'm no lamb. A lot of lions, & people hiding behind them, would go before me.

My mistake, I mistook you for a religious moron since those are usually the ones bitching about whoring around and porn, and anyone who has read my political views would know I would never actually seek to feed any group, religious morons or not, to lions :ph34r:
cavete terrae.

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"Like and trust? Sure. It's not like I could see her bringing up her work at a family dinner table discussion. As for emulation...
once they're consenting adults making an informed decision? Sure, why not?"

Sorry, but we differ on this. I believe that young woman, & everyone else of her ilk, have a fatal flaw. I believe that fatal flaw pervades every aspect of their being. I wouldn't expose my children to their poisonous influence.

I'm definitely not a Holy Roller. I actually find religious talk to be offensive. I can understand the assumption, though.

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"Like and trust? Sure. It's not like I could see her bringing up her work at a family dinner table discussion. As for emulation...
once they're consenting adults making an informed decision? Sure, why not?"

Sorry, but we differ on this. I believe that young woman, & everyone else of her ilk, have a fatal flaw. I believe that fatal flaw pervades every aspect of their being. I wouldn't expose my children to their poisonous influence.

And what IS that "fatal flaw" and how "fatal" must it be if it hasn't killed her?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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She's whoring herself out to pay for school. It's just as immoral as it would be if a guy was doing it.

How immoral is it if a guy does it?

Is reading comprehension not your strong point?

It's a very strong point.

I'm curious though, what's the point in you continuing to post if you have no intention of explaining your point of view?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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"And what IS that "fatal flaw" and how "fatal" must it be if it hasn't killed her?"

I've already said this. Ya get it or you don't. You have no problem w/those behaviors, Quade? Then, maybe your kids can grow up just like her...

No. You didn't. The closest I can find is;

Would I want this person around my young children? Would I want my children to like/trust/want to emulate him/her?

There are a LOT of people I wouldn't want around "my young children" that have zero to do with the porn industry, so you haven't defined it at all.

I can nearly guarantee you there are a number of porn actresses I would rather have "my young children" around than a number of clergy or clowns or even honest to god, full on, have-the-medals-to-prove-it American heroes.

If you'd like to use the words, "I just think it's icky" that's cool. That's an opinion and you're entitled to it, but to declare some sort of authority as to the morality of the situation is simply non-sense.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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"I'm curious though, what's the point in you continuing to post if you have no intention of explaining your point of view?"

I posted my opinion w/no intention of getting into a protracted waste of my time, explaining (to me) the obvious. I've already stated as much. I was asked nicely by someone, & explained myself a bit more. Now, the SC Obtuse Machine is gearing up, & I'm not having any of it.

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"No. You didn't."

Yes, I did. Reread my posts. They're all you're going to get on this.

"I can nearly guarantee you there are a number of porn actresses I would rather have "my young children" around than a number of clergy or clowns or even honest to god, full on, have-the-medals-to-prove-it American heroes."

I never said they're the only morally deficient people in town.

"If you'd like to use the words, "I just think it's icky" that's cool. That's an opinion and you're entitled to it, but to declare some sort of authority as to the morality of the situation is simply non-sense."

Nonsensical only because it differs from your viewpoint. I've seen that before from you. Waste someone else' time w/your argumentative BS. I don't need to validate my beliefs to you, or anyone else. Let your daughter have her first gang bang on her sweet sixteenth, & film it for all I care.

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She's whoring herself out to pay for school. It's just as immoral as it would be if a guy was doing it.

How immoral is it if a guy does it?

That would be grounds for him being called a STUD...

Unless he was delving into the very lucrative Gay for Pay world. From what I understand.. they pay the boys very well for that sort of thing.:D:D

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"That would be grounds for him being called a STUD..."

No, that would be grounds for calling him a Whore, same as she is...

Are you sure you are living in the same America that the rest of us are????

I have been a pretty keen observer of the sexual mores of the American people from having lived all over this country, beginning in a very religious and conservative family to coming of age in the late 1960's where many found a breath of fresh air to clean out a hell of a lot of stupidity held over from Puritan America.

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"Are you sure you are living in the same America that the rest of us are????"

Yes, I'm sure. I'm also sure that others disapprove, but don't bother saying anything, here. SC being what it is. I don't recall any great outpouring of sympathy when Johnny Holmes finally died from AIDS. He was just a loser/user/drug addict w/a big dick who finally met his end...

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"Like and trust? Sure. It's not like I could see her bringing up her work at a family dinner table discussion. As for emulation...
once they're consenting adults making an informed decision? Sure, why not?"

Sorry, but we differ on this. I believe that young woman, & everyone else of her ilk, have a fatal flaw. I believe that fatal flaw pervades every aspect of their being. I wouldn't expose my children to their poisonous influence.

I'm definitely not a Holy Roller. I actually find religious talk to be offensive. I can understand the assumption, though.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree then - I'd really like to get a better handle on where your distaste for sex-workers springs from, but without that there's not much more to discuss (you stated up front you weren't interested in doing so, so that's fair enough). Thanks for taking the time anyway.
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Nonsensical only because it differs from your viewpoint. I've seen that before from you. Waste someone else' time w/your argumentative BS. I don't need to validate my beliefs to you, or anyone else. Let your daughter have her first gang bang on her sweet sixteenth, & film it for all I care.

Better not, that would be illegal. You need to be 18 to work in porn.

And is your argument simply that it's immoral because parents wouldn't want their kids to do it? Because in that case a pretty high percentage of skydivers and BASE jumpers must be bad people.

Or is your argument just "Because I say so"? In which case my counter argument is simple: it's not immoral, and it's your problem if you're too obtuse to see that.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Nonsensical only because it differs from your viewpoint. I've seen that before from you. Waste someone else' time w/your argumentative BS. I don't need to validate my beliefs to you, or anyone else. Let your daughter have her first gang bang on her sweet sixteenth, & film it for all I care.

And is your argument simply that it's immoral because parents wouldn't want their kids to do it? Because in that case a pretty high percentage of skydivers and BASE jumpers must be bad people.

Add in Bankers, Lawyers.....
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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Porn = prostitution as far as I can tell. Money in exchange for sex with strangers. I'm pretty sure some porn is done off camera and some prostitution is done with camera. Maybe the presence of the stage crew makes a difference? But I imagine some porn... who knows?

Immoral? I recall a court decision years ago that said 'moral' was a religious term and defined those things prohibited by god or God. I'm actually pretty comfortable with that definition. It effectively leaves it up to individual discretion and outside the realm of law. Someone have a better definition?
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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I recall a court decision years ago that said 'moral' was a religious term and defined those things prohibited by god or God... Someone have a better definition?

One that isn't wrong?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I recall a court decision years ago that said 'moral' was a religious term and defined those things prohibited by god or God... Someone have a better definition?

One that isn't wrong?

OK. Put words to it.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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