
Interesting essay on scientific illiteracy in Congress

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

Which is precisely why the Republican party is aligned with religion. It makes it easy for them to get votes from the illiterate. A strategy developed during the Reagan era, which is one of the reasons the US has been consistently been going downhill since then.

Paul Broun, MD is a scientist. WOW!
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

I know you aren't, but you should be ashamed of the way you celebrate this kind of ignorance.

See my post #26 above.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

I know you aren't, but you should be ashamed of the way you celebrate this kind of ignorance.

Wearing ignorance on your sleeve is the new badge of honor for some.

Please remind me why one side of the aisle is perceived as significantly more stupid than the other? Regardless of embracing Bronze Age superstition by one group, the level of intellectual incompetence achieved by the other side is every bit as impressive - and occasionally more so.

I am reminded of the T-shirt somebody wore at the drop zone, which said simply 'Your Retarded.'

Again, though Republican fuckwits are truly world-class, Democrat fuckwits do their best to make their GOP counterparts seem like rank amateurs at the stupidity game. Neither group has any basis upon which to crow about their mental horsepower.

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

Which is precisely why the Republican party is aligned with religion. It makes it easy for them to get votes from the illiterate. A strategy developed during the Reagan era, which is one of the reasons the US has been consistently been going downhill since then.

Paul Broun, MD is a scientist. WOW!Paul Broun is no scientist. Being a MD does not make one a scientist, any more than auto mechanics are engineers. MDs are technicians; the ones who also are researchers may be scientists, depending on the field of research. Paul Broun is the antithesis of a scientist, as he does not believe in the scientific method and, further, he believes that objective scientific inquiry will inevitably lead one to hell.

He is also my representative (I guess that makes us sort of neighbors). Although he ran unopposed in the last election, I cast a write-in vote for "Charles Darwin". I guess you and I cancel each other out in the vote department.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

I know you aren't, but you should be ashamed of the way you celebrate this kind of ignorance.

Wearing ignorance on your sleeve is the new badge of honor for some.

Please remind me why one side of the aisle is perceived as significantly more stupid than the other? Regardless of embracing Bronze Age superstition by one group, the level of intellectual incompetence achieved by the other side is every bit as impressive - and occasionally more so.

I am reminded of the T-shirt somebody wore at the drop zone, which said simply 'Your Retarded.'

Again, though Republican fuckwits are truly world-class, Democrat fuckwits do their best to make their GOP counterparts seem like rank amateurs at the stupidity game. Neither group has any basis upon which to crow about their mental horsepower.

Just curious, why would you inject reality and balance into this thread?


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How shallow. From George Washington forward, most presidents have outwardly displayed their reverence toward Christianity (with the exception of the Chicago neighborhood organizer).

That's an incredibly stupid thing to say. Obama is just as vocal about faith as all the rest of them. Just think, how are you going to bash him for listening to a radical black preacher if you're bashing him for not displaying religious tendencies?


The US has been consistently going down hill since the ultra left gained a foothold in the Democrat Party. Take a look at Venezuela, and you can see where we are headed.
What happens when our nasty rich people leave the country with their corporations and have a weenie roast over their burning American passports?
When it happens, all the wealth-envy activists with PhDs, will be scratching their heads (in Spanish) and wondering why all their students have left the country for work. Gee, Karl Marx never mentioned living on a diet of baloney (sandwiches) after the revolution.

You literally have no idea how far right the right is and how far left the left is. The idea that the USA is being brought to the brink of revolutionary socialism is utterly laughable.

Jakee, this is laughable, and.....it's a hit in the UK.http://www.youtube.com/embed/wq_lhlIn1e0[url]. [url]http://www.youtube.com/embed/wq_lhlIn1e0Never throw stones in a glass house. Looks to me like you have your own hands full.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Looks to me like you have your own hands full.

Not really, no.

There's a lot I might change about this country, but it's pretty fuckin' far from entering the Warsaw Pact, and you guys are even further.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.[/quote

I know you aren't, but you should be ashamed of the way you celebrate this kind of ignorance.

Wearing ignorance on your sleeve is the new badge of honor for some.

Please remind me why one side of the aisle is perceived as significantly more stupid than the other? Regardless of embracing Bronze Age superstition by one group, the level of intellectual incompetence achieved by the other side is every bit as impressive - and occasionally more so.

I am reminded of the T-shirt somebody wore at the drop zone, which said simply 'Your Retarded.'

Again, though Republican fuckwits are truly world-class, Democrat fuckwits do their best to make their GOP counterparts seem like rank amateurs at the stupidity game. Neither group has any basis upon which to crow about their mental horsepower.

There'a no doubt that both sides have their idiots. There is one side that has no problem wanting to put their Bronze Age ideas into law.

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>What happens when our nasty rich people leave the country with their
>corporations and have a weenie roast over their burning American passports?

You better pray that the ivory tower liberals are starting the next Apples, Intels and Microsofts, so the ignorance-celebrating conservatives can still get jobs in the US.

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>What happens when our nasty rich people leave the country with their
>corporations and have a weenie roast over their burning American passports?

You better pray that the ivory tower liberals are starting the next Apples, Intels and Microsofts, so the ignorance-celebrating conservatives can still get jobs in the US.

Nothing is a sure thing, Bill when the BHO's own "Job Czar", packs up and heads for China taking GE with him.http://www.businessinsider.com/general-electric-x-ray-headquarters-china-2011-07
"While the company reported no job losses in the U.S. stemming from the move, President Obama and Jeffrey Immelt are likely to face flak, since Obama appointed Immelt the top outside economic adviser and charged him with running a jobs-focused panel to help bring the U.S. economy back on track.

GE came under scrutiny earlier this year after The New York Times reported the company did not pay any taxes in 2010. It has since been reported that GE had not finished its tax filing, and that the company expected to pay taxes.

Immelt has also been criticized for employing 36,000 more people abroad, than in the U.S. and cutting 34,000 American jobs after becoming CEO, according to The Huffington Post."

OK, he only took "part" of the company. Like a good liberal, he will slowly wean the rest of the company to China. He will wait until Obama leaves office so he won't have to go through his begging and crying without a teleprompter. No doubt the Peoples Liberation Army will love to get their hands on GE's Aircraft Engine Department, and the John Kerrys and Hillarys of this world will cough them up. Don't think your ivory tower liberals are immune from betraying their country? Money talks (even to liberals).
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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>Nothing is a sure thing

Definitely true. But education, innovation and new technology generally win over ignorance and same-old same-old technology.

>OK, he only took "part" of the company. Like a good liberal, he will slowly wean
>the rest of the company to China.

Right. Compared to conservatives who were there decades ago. (How much of Wal-Mart's products come from the US?)

>Don't think your ivory tower liberals are immune from betraying their country?

No group is.

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OK, he only took "part" of the company. Like a good liberal, he will slowly wean the rest of the company to China.

Dude, you've got it wrong. this is your chance to bash Obama for secretly being a conservative and betraying his liberal support. Taking jobs to China to get the same results for lower pay? What could be more conservative than that?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Wearing ignorance on your sleeve is the new badge of honor for some.

Working in IT, I frequently see people smile and state some variation on "Oh I don't know how to use a computer" when they need help. Fucking hell, people, that's nothing to smile about. It's one thing if you're 90, it's another entirely if you're still in the workforce in an office environment and can't use computers without someone watching over your shoulder.
cavete terrae.

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GE came under scrutiny earlier this year after The New York Times reported the company did not pay any taxes in 2010. It has since been reported that GE had not finished its tax filing, and that the company expected to pay taxes.

At this point in time there's really no excuse for repeating this falsehood about GE paying no taxes.

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***Ha ... Nice one :)

Hardly nice. Liberal or conservative, it's not nice; especially for his "Job Czar". Of course Barack never saw this coming; right?

No, it's not nice if you're a liberal, it's great if you're a conservative.

Liberal view: Evil corporate overlords screwing over the little guy in pursuit of the almighty dollar. Companies should be more strongly regulated, forced to keep jobs in the US and while they're at it, made to pay their employees more.

Conservative view: Responsible CEO remaining competitive in the market by minimising operating costs and therefore fulfilling the company's only real moral and practical responsibility, which is to the shareholders.

How you could bash it as being a typical liberal move is beyond me, and really just shows that you don't think about anything.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

I know you aren't, but you should be ashamed of the way you celebrate this kind of ignorance.

Wearing ignorance on your sleeve is the new badge of honor for some.

The intelligence of man is foolishness to God.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

Which is precisely why the Republican party is aligned with religion. It makes it easy for them to get votes from the illiterate. A strategy developed during the Reagan era, which is one of the reasons the US has been consistently been going downhill since then.

Paul Broun, MD is a scientist. WOW!Paul Broun is no scientist. Being a MD does not make one a scientist, any more than auto mechanics are engineers. MDs are technicians; the ones who also are researchers may be scientists, depending on the field of research. Paul Broun is the antithesis of a scientist, as he does not believe in the scientific method and, further, he believes that objective scientific inquiry will inevitably lead one to hell.

He is also my representative (I guess that makes us sort of neighbors). Although he ran unopposed in the last election, I cast a write-in vote for "Charles Darwin". I guess you and I cancel each other out in the vote department.


Son of a gun! Since I haven't actually voted in GA as yet and since I receive Paul Broun's newsletters I thought he was my representative. He is not, Doug Collins in my Congressman. He is also a strong Christian, Republican. Whew! I am still in good hands.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Bill Moyers takes on radical-right Republicans for denying the science behind evolution and climate change, showing a video clip of Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), chairman of oversight and investigations for the Science, Space and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives, who says evolution is a lie “straight from the pit of hell” and climate change, a hoax.

Would you believe he is my representative? He has my vote next election.

I know you aren't, but you should be ashamed of the way you celebrate this kind of ignorance.

Wearing ignorance on your sleeve is the new badge of honor for some.

The intelligence of man is foolishness to God.Let's stipulate, just for purposes of this discussion, that God created humans in their present form, with (in at least some individuals) both curiosity about the world and the intelligence to figure out how things work (physics, chemistry, biology, geology etc). Would you say that these attributes (curiosity and intelligence) are a blessing or a curse?

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Let's stipulate, just for purposes of this discussion, that God created humans in their present form, with (in at least some individuals) both curiosity about the world and the intelligence to figure out how things work (physics, chemistry, biology, geology etc). Would you say that these attributes (curiosity and intelligence) are a blessing or a curse?


I choose blessing that becomes a curse with ego centrism.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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***Let's stipulate, just for purposes of this discussion, that God created humans in their present form, with (in at least some individuals) both curiosity about the world and the intelligence to figure out how things work (physics, chemistry, biology, geology etc). Would you say that these attributes (curiosity and intelligence) are a blessing or a curse?


I choose blessing that becomes a curse with ego centrism.

It's a blessing as long as the knowledge does not call into question the existence of a god. What you call ego centrism is nothing more than a person who believes the evidence that contradicts your beliefs.

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***Let's stipulate, just for purposes of this discussion, that God created humans in their present form, with (in at least some individuals) both curiosity about the world and the intelligence to figure out how things work (physics, chemistry, biology, geology etc). Would you say that these attributes (curiosity and intelligence) are a blessing or a curse?


I choose blessing that becomes a curse with ego centrism.

So you'd call ignorance a curse that gets worse with egocentrism?

Still doesn't make sense that you're proud of it...
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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