
Yet another mass shooting

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Recent articles have ID'd the shooter and some sources are saying he lived in the apartment complex with his mother.

Is he a citizen or legal resident?
Does he have a job?
How is his mother's health?
Does he have criminal history here or abroad?
Does he have any known mental health history?
Is he legally barred from possessing/purchasing firearms?
How and where did he get the firearm(s) used in the homicide and hostage-taking?
What, if any, traumatic incidents have happened in his life recently?

When you can answer these, you might have something relevant to say beyond passing on potentially accurate news stories. Until then, what makes this case so important? Are these six victims more important than the people shot to death in Chicago this weekend?
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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John it seems that you are rather anti gun ownership (just my impression, I could be wrong). Now you're British (at least you came from over here right?) well I don't understand why if you had such a issue with guns why you'd want to move to America.. I mean, thats like the guy who buys a house next to an airport and then complains about the noise and tries to get it shut down.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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John it seems that you are rather anti gun ownership (just my impression, I could be wrong). Now you're British (at least you came from over here right?) well I don't understand why if you had such a issue with guns why you'd want to move to America.. I mean, thats like the guy who buys a house next to an airport and then complains about the noise and tries to get it shut down.

well, he moved to Chicago, which is basically no different than home in terms of legal gun ownership. Or at least until the Heller decision blew up the nirvana of several hundred murders per year.

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John it seems that you are rather anti gun ownership (just my impression, I could be wrong).

Not at all. I'm only anti gun ownership by the mentally ill and by convicted felons. I'm fine with other folks having guns.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Strange how most countries with gun control laws... registration, background checks, and so forth... seem to have fewer gun related deaths. Oh well. I'm sure one of these days one of these dudes will run into someone else who has a gun, and the ensuing gun fight will undoubtedly NOT cause additional deaths or injuries. Because gun fights are always such controlled, precise, and easily predicted affairs where no bystanders ever get shot.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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John it seems that you are rather anti gun ownership (just my impression, I could be wrong). Now you're British (at least you came from over here right?) well I don't understand why if you had such a issue with guns why you'd want to move to America.. I mean, thats like the guy who buys a house next to an airport and then complains about the noise and tries to get it shut down.

You got it right
He SAYS he is pro-gun ownership but, what he would put into place would end up a defacto ban based on guys who think like him making the determination on who gets a gun and who doesnt

kallend land if you will
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Strange how most countries with gun control laws... registration, background checks, and so forth... seem to have fewer gun related deaths.

"and so forth..." is the part that bothers me. Take a minute to think about why you used the term "and so forth..." instead of continuing your list. It's a different issue in so many respects, but I see the exact same type of fight happening with abortion: "We want to stop the barbaric practice of late-term abortions, teenage girls getting pressured into abortions, and so forth..." and what ensues is a non-stop parade of idiocy with "pro-life" people exposing how they really feel with ignorant comments about rape and "responsible-gun-ownership" advocates saying "turn 'em all in" and not having the faintest idea what their latest law is even banning.

It's a complete spectacle to watch people here get in arguments about these two topics because it shows what total garbage people are willing to put up with from politicians if it at least kinda-sorta aligns with their stance.

Here's some "and so forth..." for you:

AB 48, SB 53 and/or SB 396 Bans parts of magazines that came from a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds, or magazines that were ever capable of holding more than 10 rounds unless you're using them in movies, and requires that the purchase of more than 3,000 rounds in five days be reported to authorities. (apparently enough crimes involve over 3,000 rounds being fired where it's worth creating an entire ammunition purchasing database and taking people's finger prints every time they buy ammo.)

AB 169 Makes it illegal to buy or sell (you already can't bring them into the state if not on the list) handguns that aren't "safe" as defined by a state-maintained roster. This roster keeps people safe by, for example, allowing people to own bluish colored H&K P7M8s, but not chrome or dark gray ones. (see attached: top left? totally safe. Other two? verboten!) A measure also recently went into effect that prohibits guns from being added to the list unless they implement microstamping. (I leave the problems with that as a research exercise for the reader.)

SB 47 and/or SB 374 "re-bans" assault weapons, and this time goes after people who have modified their firearms to be compliant with previous bans, because apparently so many crimes have been committed with these weapons.

It's all just an attempt to ban as many firearms as possible just like any law with the word "abortion" within 20 ft of it is an attempt to ban as many abortions as possible. You can feel however you want about people owning guns in general or people having abortions in general, but don't try and "and so forth..." your way out of having to defend what politicians are actually trying to do on your (greater you, not you) behalf.

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I agree that the devil lies in the details. The points I brought up that were not part of the "and so forth" are still valid, but it IS all in the execution.
I am not against firearm ownership. I have friends who have lived, or who live, in remote northern communities, and in those places owning a firearm is a virtual requirement for survival. I know people who have farms, and need firearms to protect their livestock. I know a guy who takes his hunting rifle out one weekend a year with a couple of friends, goes out, each bagging a deer each, or one between two of them, which they use to fill freezers with and have meat all year round. But I have meet doofuses who buy guns just cuz. I have literally seen a guy blow a hole through his own hand because he had no idea how to handle a pistol. And I have seen people who own firearms, and do nothing with them except show them off to friends and blow pop-cans (soda-cans in the US) off fences when taking a break from playing COD. If you have a reasonable reason to own a fire-arm, and can show a certain level of competence with handling them, and can also show that you are not a criminal or a crazy person who will turn around and use it to kill people, then by all means, get one. I just feel there should be a system in place that takes fire arms out of the hands of people who will hurt or kill others accidentally or intentionally.
Edit: And we have such a system in place that works, more or less, here. Well, it is effective in reducing gun related deaths, even if it does not eliminate them.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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If you have a reasonable reason to own a fire-arm,...

In the US, a reasonable reason is, "cuz I wanna." Which is how it should be.


I just feel there should be a system in place that takes fire arms out of the hands of people who will hurt or kill others accidentally or intentionally.

The system we have right now (convicted of certain crimes and/or adjudicated mentally ill) would work just fine if we could apply it universally. That means the databases are maintained, and all purchasers have to be checked against the database. Those things don't always happen, and for some reason the NRA seems hell bent on keeping it that way.

- Dan G

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***John it seems that you are rather anti gun ownership (just my impression, I could be wrong). Now you're British (at least you came from over here right?) well I don't understand why if you had such a issue with guns why you'd want to move to America.. I mean, thats like the guy who buys a house next to an airport and then complains about the noise and tries to get it shut down.

You got it right
He SAYS he is pro-gun ownership but, what he would put into place would end up a defacto ban based on guys who think like him making the determination on who gets a gun and who doesnt

kallend land if you will

Why is it that you think that a ban on the mentally incompetent having a gun will result in your not having a gun?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Strange how most countries with gun control laws... registration, background checks, and so forth... seem to have fewer gun related deaths. Oh well. I'm sure one of these days one of these dudes will run into someone else who has a gun, and the ensuing gun fight will undoubtedly NOT cause additional deaths or injuries. Because gun fights are always such controlled, precise, and easily predicted affairs where no bystanders ever get shot.


Higher gun ownership relates to higher gun deaths?

Got anything to back that up?

Or maybe it's just the opposite:


Edit because I pasted the wrong link.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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***Strange how most countries with gun control laws... registration, background checks, and so forth... seem to have fewer gun related deaths. Oh well. I'm sure one of these days one of these dudes will run into someone else who has a gun, and the ensuing gun fight will undoubtedly NOT cause additional deaths or injuries. Because gun fights are always such controlled, precise, and easily predicted affairs where no bystanders ever get shot.


Higher gun ownership relates to higher gun deaths?

Got anything to back that up?

Or maybe it's just the opposite:


Check the gun control policies for each of the countries.
Edit: reflecting changes in quote
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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******Strange how most countries with gun control laws... registration, background checks, and so forth... seem to have fewer gun related deaths. Oh well. I'm sure one of these days one of these dudes will run into someone else who has a gun, and the ensuing gun fight will undoubtedly NOT cause additional deaths or injuries. Because gun fights are always such controlled, precise, and easily predicted affairs where no bystanders ever get shot.


Higher gun ownership relates to higher gun deaths?

Got anything to back that up?

Or maybe it's just the opposite:


Sure! And without resorting to propaganda feeds from pro-NRA sources, either:
Check the gun control policies for each of the countries.

Oops, Wrong link. I edited my post, but my error is still in yours (and this quote).
I was wondering why you considered the Guardian a "Pro NRA Propaganda Source."

Try this link:


And your Business Insider link mentions Australia, Japan, Canada and Great Britain.

It ignores Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Jamaica and all the other countries that have very strict gun ownership rules and very high gun death rates.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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