
The Next Obama Scandal

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***Nobody who is a moderate swing vote in an election year cares. And they're the ones who will decide the 2014 and 2016 elections.

From what they reported in Canada, Obama got re-elected because conservative voters stayed home in larger numbers than the millions of liberals and moderates who voted for him in 2008 who didn't vote for him in 2012.

I'm very skeptical of that - but if you have a source link(s), I'll keep an open mind until I read it/them.

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Obama got reelected because he was better than the alternative. That's how it works. He doesn't need to be much better, just better.
If the republicans want to get in the white house again? Put up a credible candidate who doesn't suffer from foot in mouth disease. It really is that simple.

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dplease stop:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your lack of understanding is a little sad. The thing is, there are some great republican candidates. However, they will get marginalised by the far right and the same old shit will happen again.
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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Great Watch...
And so true that it cannot be disputed except by ignoring what was said or attacking those of us who point it out or by bringing up President Nixon...
Thanks for sharing.
tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)

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You mean 'now here IT comes,' right?

LOL I wouldn't take Faux News' word that that day is light and night is dark. They definitely have an agenda.

No more or no less than CNN, ABC, NBC, NPR or CBS

So, what is your point?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your lack of understanding is a little sad. The thing is, there are some great republican candidates. However, they will get marginalised by the far right and the same old shit will happen again.

You are correct, there are however, any or all of them were better than what we got

ALL of them were more qualified

Obama did not run on anything last time
He ran agains Mitt (who was by far not the best canidate)

Obama was running negative adds against him before he could respond with campain donation dollars
So, since he would not spend his own money earlier, he took a beating and the stage was set before he even got started

And the only reason you use the phrase "far right" is because you and others views are so far left
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Obama was running negative adds against him before he could respond with campain donation dollars
So, since he would not spend his own money earlier, he took a beating and the stage was set before he even got started

Um no. Romney/Ryan sank their own ship, I think, with their constant position changing. They lost the moderate vote because no one actually had any idea what he really stood for. Combine that with the move further right position of the Republican party themselves in the last few years and it gets REALLY hard to vote for a Republican.

My opinion, of course, but I can tell you as someone who was LOOKING for a good Republican candidate (I'm not overly fond of what the Dems have to offer either) that I hope the party focuses on what it needs to (smaller government, fiscal responsibility), provides us with a good candidate, and stays out of pandering to the far right/tea party groups.


And the only reason you use the phrase "far right" is because you and others views are so far left

Lets be honest with ourselves, Marc - you're not really anywhere near center (at least your posting history suggests that) so of course anything moderate is going to look far left to you.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Obama was running negative adds against him before he could respond with campain donation dollars
So, since he would not spend his own money earlier, he took a beating and the stage was set before he even got started

Um no. Romney/Ryan sank their own ship, I think, with their constant position changing. They lost the moderate vote because no one actually had any idea what he really stood for. Combine that with the move further right position of the Republican party themselves in the last few years and it gets REALLY hard to vote for a Republican.

My opinion, of course, but I can tell you as someone who was LOOKING for a good Republican candidate (I'm not overly fond of what the Dems have to offer either) that I hope the party focuses on what it needs to (smaller government, fiscal responsibility), provides us with a good candidate, and stays out of pandering to the far right/tea party groups.

***And the only reason you use the phrase "far right" is because you and others views are so far left

Lets be honest with ourselves, Marc - you're not really anywhere near center (at least your posting history suggests that) so of course anything moderate is going to look far left to you.


As I said
Romeny was far from a good canidate
And I can agree he did himself no favors

You are also correct in that I am not center
I am a conservative
And many times I do not like what the Republicans are doing either

I have stated before
I think both sides have similar end goals

They just have differnt routes in mind to get there

But, I have not moved right
The country had moved left however
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But, I have not moved right
The country had moved left however

Dunno about that. I think it's moved polarized.
40+ years ago, Nixon proposed a nationalized health care plan. The judges that were appointed by republicans as well as democrats voted to make abortion legal across the country. Reagan was all for working with the democrats to get stuff done. Those would make each of the parties completely unacceptable these days to the right. If you're saying the 1950's were the last great period for the US, well, there were plenty of things wrong then. They were great for middle-class white people. Of course, the top tax rate was about 3 times what it is now, and black people helped to support that middle-class white populace in the style they wanted. Teachers were better because women didn't have a lot of other choices.

Tip O'Neill wrote a great book, Speaker of the House, about holding that job.

The "my way or the highway" scorched earth policy that came in with some junior congresscritters in the 1980's started the delineating of people by who they weren't, rather than by who they were. It's gotten worse with talk radio.

The sense of entitlement that comes from material goods being so cheap and easy to acquire is problematic, as is the "you can't make me" attitude that comes from the proliferation of a legal solution being proposed for every problem. People want what they want, and they want it now.

It's only entitlement if someone else wants it. :|

I think the country's moving, but it's natural because the world is changing (and it will continue to do so). But right/left isn't the axis of motion -- and those axes are getting to be less and less descriptive.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Obama was running negative adds against him before he could respond with campain donation dollars
So, since he would not spend his own money earlier, he took a beating and the stage was set before he even got started

Um no. Romney/Ryan sank their own ship, I think, with their constant position changing. They lost the moderate vote because no one actually had any idea what he really stood for. Combine that with the move further right position of the Republican party themselves in the last few years and it gets REALLY hard to vote for a Republican.

My opinion, of course, but I can tell you as someone who was LOOKING for a good Republican candidate (I'm not overly fond of what the Dems have to offer either) that I hope the party focuses on what it needs to (smaller government, fiscal responsibility), provides us with a good candidate, and stays out of pandering to the far right/tea party groups.

***And the only reason you use the phrase "far right" is because you and others views are so far left

Lets be honest with ourselves, Marc - you're not really anywhere near center (at least your posting history suggests that) so of course anything moderate is going to look far left to you.


What gets me stirred up in these discussions, as it did during the campaign, is that people are only looking at what is being said during the campaign. All opinion is based on today's news topic.

My decisions for political leadership are based on what the person did with their life prior to entering politics. The campaign doesn't mean very much to me.

Mitt Romney was a proven successful financial manager and decided to run for president.

BHO is a mouth who was a community organizer. He was trained by a communist, Frank Davis, and was guided by a 60's anarchist, Bill Ayers.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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It won't be until Hillary is in the WH, and Bill in the wings, that PEOPLE will realize the Democrat's have ruined this country. People, we are 3rd world.

What, you got a problem with the reggae, mon?

See picture for first second and third world. It is cold war terminology for greedy capitalists, filthy commies, and worthless flip floppers.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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THAT, my friend, is not an Obama issue. THAT is a "Patriot Act" issue.

Granted I'm a little short on time, but a cursory search for the news of Obama repealing the patriot act came up empty. In my current position I had about a month where I could blame my predicessor for issues. After that, it was my baby. Granted, this is on a larger scale-but really-eventually you got to take responsibility for your job.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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***First it was the AP's phone records Obama was after. But do they want more than just the AP?

Obama administration secretly collects millions of Verizon phone records

Land of the Free? Hardly ... [:/]

THAT, my friend, is not an Obama issue. THAT is a "Patriot Act" issue.

"It's all Bush's fault"? Right, got it. ••••BDS alert••••

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******First it was the AP's phone records Obama was after. But do they want more than just the AP?

Obama administration secretly collects millions of Verizon phone records

Land of the Free? Hardly ... [:/]

THAT, my friend, is not an Obama issue. THAT is a "Patriot Act" issue.

"It's all Bush's fault"? Right, got it. ••••BDS alert••••

No. Doesn't congress do that stuff? The patriot act is a failing from both sides for letting it pass. No-one wins (except the terrorists....)
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Well, I care and, I am part of the 9/12 project groups. We are the new Civil Rights movement. We shall overcome BHO and his corrupt, socialist evil empire. We will take America back.

This is tinfoil hat material.

Only in right wing conservatard fantasyland can a moderate centrist Democrat, who was a professor of constitutional law, be successfully sold to credulous nitwits as the leader of a corrupt socialist evil empire. What a load of crap!

Why don't you admit that the real issue is that he is a mud person, which makes him unfit to hold power over people of white, northern european ancestry?

The conservatards went happily along with the "Patriot" act when the previous administration decided to abrogate (go look it up, Ron) a good portion of our civil liberties.

It takes a complete lack of historical knowledge, and a substantial amount of stupidity, to fall for the conservatard idocy that some folks believe is the gospel.

It's not the person. It's his policies and ideology. It's the people he keeps as associates, advisers and czars. It is a collusion of evil.

Here we go again...

If socialism, and socialistic programs are so evil, why don't you have the ethical and moral consistency to NOT take money and services from the two most "socialistic" programs administered by the US Government? Social Security and Medicare are the programs I refer to. Could it be a manifestation of two faced hypocrisy? You hate "socialism" when it benefits other, but you'll happily take the benefits when it is good for you.


Just what one would expect from a Right Wing Conservatard.

How's the "Tribe" doing these days? Have the folks that do your thinking for you come up with any new gems of ignorance?

Collusion of evil? That was the previous administration, not the current one.

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Your assumptions are so far out in left field they are just not worth my time and energy. Your thinking is not correct and I can't change that.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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