
Some local police will refuse to confiscate guns

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State officials in Oregon and Texas are vowing to fight back against any attempt by the federal government to impose new gun control laws.

The warnings come as President Obama prepares to unveil a "comprehensive" plan to address gun violence, based on the recommendations from the Vice President Biden-led task force. The plan is expected to include a call for legislation to ban assault weapons as well as a variety of executive actions.

But in Oregon, Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller wrote a letter to Biden Monday saying his department will not enforce any new gun laws it considers unconstitutional.

Mueller said politicians are "attempting to exploit the deaths of innocent victims" by supporting laws that would harm law-abiding Americans. The sheriff said he took an oath to support the Constitution, and laws preventing citizens from owning certain semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines would violate their rights.

"We are Americans," Mueller wrote. "We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws."

Meanwhile, 1200 WOAI reports that in Texas, Republican state Rep. Steve Toth plans to introduce a bill that would make it illegal to enforce in the state any federal laws restricting semi-automatic firearms or the size of gun magazines.

Toth told 1200 WOAI that the bill would also call for felony charges to be brought against federal officials who attempt to enforce any such rules.

"If a federal official comes into the state of Texas to enforce the federal executive order, that person is subject to criminal prosecution," Toth told 1200 WOAI.

The warnings could be the first wave of state officials pushing back against Congress and the White House as they take up new gun control measures in the wake of the Connecticut mass shooting. Obama and others say new rules to at least limit the size of high-capacity magazines are overdue and could save lives.

Mueller, though, told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Albany, Ore., that he felt compelled to make his views known because sheriffs have not had much of a say on the vice president's anti-gun violence task force. Mueller said his constituents have been repeatedly asking his deputies about what will happen if new gun restrictions are adopted.

"We're restricted and prohibited from enforcing all types of federal laws, including immigration laws," he said Tuesday. "It would be unreasonable for anyone to think that I would enforce a federal firearms law."

Mueller said some other sheriffs expressed support for his stance, but he does not know of any who have pledged to take similar action in regard to potential gun laws.

Linn County is largely rural and politically conservative. Fewer than 40 percent of its registered voters supported President Barack Obama in November. Mueller said most households in the county have guns.

Though the letter might add fuel to an already hot topic, Mueller said he wishes people could have a civilized discussion about the issue, rather than resort to threats and name-calling. He said he doesn't think the vice president is a bad person; he just doesn't like the path he appears to be on regarding gun laws.

"We don't have to be jerks to each other over it," he said. "If old Joe wants to come out here to Linn County, we'd have a good conversation."

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The real fun will happen when he tries to pass the law of the land by "Executive Order".

Executive orders may work when it comes to his cabinet, his office, or the military, but to pass laws without congress will be a new one....

I guess we should replay "School House Rock"

[music]I'm just a bill.... just a plain ol' bill......sitting here on capital hill.....[/music]
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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The other day I was down at the court house talking with the DA and a few state troopers and they said they would not give up their guns or remove guns from others... Just ante gonna happen...

I feel sorry for New York people today... I think the government is going to be hearing a great sucking sound as Thousands of people and companies leave the state and take their money south and west to free states... It should be a boom to them...


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Could happen! All the 'scare mongers' are all worked-up and not using their heads. The way new gun control bills are flying around, there's more confusion than sensibility. The last school masacre has everyone riled-up and noone seems to be settling down and being rational. The whole country is divided. We need to let thebull-shit and gunsmke settle and approach the subject of guns with some sense and reason. Otherwise, what you describe is going to happen.


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>We will find out in the next two hours or so if he plans on bypassing congress. If
>that happens this country could be turned upside down overnight.

It could indeed. The right wingers could decide they don't like Obama - and then where will he be?

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I'm pretty sure Alabama's law enforcement will readily agree. Alabama has seen one of the highest rates of gun sales/registration per capita in the country the last few months.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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>And Obamas agenda will be shut down.

Looks like Obama's agenda is just fine. The threat of impeachment may increase the amount of laughter in the White House but that's about it.

You mean like the way they laughed about "shovel ready jobs"?

We will see how much laughing there is in a few months.

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>You mean like the way they laughed about "shovel ready jobs"?

They're just about finished with the one down the street from me. So people here are sorta laughing at the GOP's claims, yes.

These are great ways to bring millions of dollars into a community by providing projects worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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We will find out in the next two hours or so if he plans on bypassing congress. If that happens this country could be turned upside down overnight.

So what's the verdict? Civil war or hyperbole?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>You mean like the way they laughed about "shovel ready jobs"?

They're just about finished with the one down the street from me. So people here are sorta laughing at the GOP's claims, yes.

These are great ways to bring millions of dollars into a community by providing projects worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

See, there you go interjecting reality into good intentions. $500,000 a year for a carpenters apprentice doesn't seem like too much.

Oh, wait...that would make him rich and subject to a massive tax increase.

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We will find out in the next two hours or so if he plans on bypassing congress. If that happens this country could be turned upside down overnight.

So what's the verdict? Civil war or hyperbole?

For now its a moot point since he didnt use EU to ban assault weapons and hi capacity magazines. However if congress doesnt pass the bill for the ban of assault weapons and he uses EO to enact himself then yes we could see a civil war.

Oh by the wait Piers Morgan called for you and he mentioned you left your underwear between his sheets. Do you want them back?

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I live in washington state and I am disappointed that none of the county sheriffs here have taken a stand in support of our rights like sheriff Mueller and sheriff Hensley have.
In the past I have seen oregonians as less conservative than we are on the other side of the river,but now I am pleasantly surprised.
Hats off to sheriff Mueller of linn county oregon, and to sheriff Hensley of crook county oregon.
I do not consider myself a conservative nor a liberal,but somewhere in the middle.
You could call me practical or a realist.

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Oh by the wait Piers Morgan called for you and he mentioned you left your underwear between his sheets. Do you want them back?

How did he know to reach me at your place? I didn't think you wanted anyone to know you were fagging for me:|
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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