
More on the War on Women

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Too bad that "War on Women" has been so misused that when women are being shot because they are campaigning for basic human rights, well, there isn't a word worse than "war" to describe it.

There actually are wars on women in this world.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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So you think its appropriate to call it 'war on women' when someone opposes the idea that tax payers need to pick up the tab for some lazy cunts morning after pills?

Its moments like this where I thank god that I live in a modern metropolitan area. I'm sure you're willfully ignorant of this, but it actually saves tax payers money when we end up with less people like you when "lazy cunts" have access to birth control. You really prove my point in the most fantastically ironic way, bravo sir.

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Are you petitioning liberals to be more politically correct and refer to your views as "chauvinist bullshit"?

No. I just find it interesting that fighting against taxpayer funded birth control (in order to prevent taxpayer funded births and babies) is a "war on women."

Meanwhile, women are being routinely assassinated in places around the world in a war on women.

Naw. People don't really care about "women" unless there's a libertarian or a republican to villainize. The fact is the label "War on Women" has stripped in value what a "War on Women" is.

There has to be a reason why the fate of women in Asia and Africa isn't being addressed. What are those reasons?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Or we can hope that they stop procreating. That's worked very well so far.

It's far more effective to take action yourself than to hope someone else does.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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So the only two options are we either pay for their birth control or we pay for their children? I'm really glad I don't live in a Metropolitan area if this is how your tribe thinks.

Meanwhile, people like me say, "You don't pay for my kids and I don't pay for yours." Somehow, that makes me a Warrior against Women.

I particularly like the "chauvenist" attribution. As if "kids" are not a male issue. I've got four kids. Hey, skinnay - are they not MY problem? Am I merely a semen donor? Does the issue of birth control has ZERO male involvement?

This isn't the fucking 1950s. I am a father and I am intimately involved with my kids. And for you to claim that I am not an equal partner in the decision of whether to have kids and an equal partner in raising my kids indicates to me a pretty fucked up, chauvenistic attitude and an inherent viewpoint that women are nothing more than cum dumpsters to impregnate and leave on the government dole.

Sorry. I have a higher viewpoint of women than that. And I have a higher viewpoint of my role as a father. Anyone who thinks that I or any other men are bit players in a child's life can go to hell.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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It's far more effective to take action yourself than to hope someone else does.

Wendy P.

My point exactly. Take responsibility for oneself and stop expecting others to pay for your personal hygiene. Or we can continue to expand government to take care of people who won't take care of themselves.

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Or we can hope that they stop procreating. That's worked very well so far.

It's far more effective to take action yourself than to hope someone else does.

Wendy P.

Or, we can stop providing incentives for it. "You decide. You'll be on your own."

Setting limits with people is remarkably effective.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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So the only two options are we either pay for their birth control or we pay for their children? I'm really glad I don't live in a Metropolitan area if this is how your tribe thinks.

The problem with your tribe is that you think its "their" children. Last time I checked men are equally responsible for making babies, but maybe you can clear that up.

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So you think its appropriate to call it 'war on women' when someone opposes the idea that tax payers need to pick up the tab for some lazy cunts morning after pills?

Its moments like this where I thank god that I live in a modern metropolitan area. I'm sure you're willfully ignorant of this, but it actually saves tax payers money when we end up with less people like you when "lazy cunts" have access to birth control. You really prove my point in the most fantastically ironic way, bravo sir.

It's amazing to me that people can be this ignorant in 2012, and even yet, admit to it, it ensures that their party will never hold a major office.

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I thank god that I live in a modern metropolitan area. I'm sure you're willfully ignorant of this

I love these types of comments - this is the biggest issue facing society today. Pure narcissism and self satisfied superiority complexes.

The best is when someone makes a statement like this in a discussion condemning nationalism, racism, sexism, or any other form where one group feels so smugly superior to other groups.

locale as a criteria for superiority is great - for high school football games

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'm really glad I don't live in a Metropolitan area if this is how your tribe thinks.

hey, more of it.

"your" tribe?
"their" tribe?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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There has to be a reason why the fate of women in Asia and Africa isn't being addressed. What are those reasons?

Now if they were protesting for "The right to make their own health care decisions" maybe there would be an uproar.

Both sides of this debate are guilty of obfuscation, but that term is the current "gold standard."

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I thank god that I live in a modern metropolitan area. I'm sure you're willfully ignorant of this

I love these types of comments - this is the biggest issue facing society today. Pure narcissism and self satisfied superiority complexes.

The best is when someone makes a statement like this in a discussion condemning nationalism, racism, sexism, or any other form where one group feels so smugly superior to other groups.

locale as a criteria for superiority is great - for high school football games

So do you have a problem with people who say "god bless america"?

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So the only two options are we either pay for their birth control or we pay for their children? I'm really glad I don't live in a Metropolitan area if this is how your tribe thinks.

The problem with your tribe is that you think its "their" children. Last time I checked men are equally responsible for making babies, but maybe you can clear that up.

I have no idea where you got the idea that I was only talking about one party being responsible for having a child. Men and women have equal responsibility and both have access to birth control. Last I checked, a condom only costs $.50 unless you get one of those fancy "French Tickelers". Besides, any woman who would have sex with a guy who can't come up with $.50 for a condom has made a poor choice already.

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So do you have a problem with people who say "god bless america"?

not normally. Normally it's harmless and well intentioned.

But if they wear their religion like a cloak and truly do think that makes them better than the next guy and want that to be an excuse to belittle others of different thought and location, etc etc etc. Of course I do. Not any different than urban smugness, or academic smugness, or political smugness, or class smugness, or secular smugness, etc etc etc.

take the purely hypothetical statement "I so glad I'm a Christian, I'm sure the heathen is just willfully ignorant of the true state of affairs. Most of them are." Of course, this is just an example, I'm sure analogies abound.

"Men" just don't understand
"(insert race here)" just don't get it

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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So do you have a problem with people who say "god bless america"?

not normally. Normally it's harmless and well intentioned.

But if they wear their religion like a cloak and truly do think that makes them better than the next guy and want that to be an excuse to belittle others of different thought and location, etc etc etc. Of course I do. Not any different than urban smugness, or academic smugness, or political smugness, or class smugness, or secular smugness, etc etc etc.

So saying "my country is the best" is harmless and well intentioned, but "my area of the country is best" is smug and excuse to belittle others?

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So saying "my country is the best" is harmless and well intentioned, but "my area of the country is best" is smug and excuse to belittle others?

No. "God Bless America" doesn't mean any more or less than "God Bless You" - which is what is frequently said when a mass of snot is forcefully ejected from my nose. It's not saying, "Your mucus is better than mine."

Hey, "God Bless America" is said by many because they may think America needs it. "God save our Queen" - not saying she's any better or worse, but she's their Queen.

"God Bless America" and "my country is the best" are different things altogether.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The 'lazy cunt' is also the 'lazy prick' that was too lazy to stick a rubber on it.

It case you missed basic 8th grade biology, it takes two people to make a baby, it only takes one of them to fuck it up and the other to end up in poverty and on welfare (potentially)

To bad you cannot see .....

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