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As Bill said, the planet will survive regardless.
But there are no guarantees of how comfortable we will be, regardless of what we do. That said, there are no guarantees that when we deploy, our parachutes will open, or that penicillin will kill bacteria, or many other things. But we do them anyway, because they seem to be the best way in a not-100% world.

I.e. -- if you don't know the answer, but the situation is progressing, you do the best you can, and don't just wait for things to progress too far. Do you think that the military waits until it has a guarantee of a specific result before executing a plan?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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We do not have the power to destroy the planet, only to make our lives more miserable with our pollution.

OK, we differ here. I think you underestimate the power of the human being to screw up anything. Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will, screw themselves right out of existence.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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As Bill said, the planet will survive regardless.
But there are no guarantees of how comfortable we will be, regardless of what we do. That said, there are no guarantees that when we deploy, our parachutes will open, or that penicillin will kill bacteria, or many other things. But we do them anyway, because they seem to be the best way in a not-100% world.

I.e. -- if you don't know the answer, but the situation is progressing, you do the best you can, and don't just wait for things to progress too far. Do you think that the military waits until it has a guarantee of a specific result before executing a plan?

They did in Benghazi.

Take a look at the Powell doctrine.

Essentially, the Doctrine expresses that military action should be used only as a last resort and only if there is a clear risk to national security by the intended target; the force, when used, should be overwhelming and disproportionate to the force used by the enemy guaranteeing a specific result (victory)

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We do not have the power to destroy the planet, only to make our lives more miserable with our pollution.

OK, we differ here. I think you underestimate the power of the human being to screw up anything. Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will, screw themselves right out of existence.

I don't think so. Although it's possible for us to damage the planet to the point that human life (or almost all life for that matter) is no longer possible, I don't think any climate change is going to do that.

It may make it very, very difficult.
It may well kill off most of the population.

But humans are smart and very, very adaptable. We've managed to populate 6 of 7 continents. We do have a presence in Antarctica, but it isn't sustainable.
But we've manged to not only survive, but sustain and grow a population in just about every habitat on the planet. From the Arctic to the Amazon jungle.

The breakdown of society and the fighting that would be inevitable could destroy or pollute the planet to the point that humans won't make it. Nuclear war is the most likely way for that to happen. Would Russia nuke China or India if a billion people decided that Siberia looked like a nice place to relocate after "home" got to hot and/or dry?

But I'll still bet that no matter what, there will be people left in some sort of society.

Probably killing each other off on a regular basis. That won't change.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I.e. -- if you don't know the answer, but the situation is progressing, you do the best you can, and don't just wait for things to progress too far. Do you think that the military waits until it has a guarantee of a specific result before executing a plan?

No and no. But at least there are ignorant politicians trying to insert themselves into the mess.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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We do not have the power to destroy the planet, only to make our lives more miserable with our pollution.

OK, we differ here. I think you underestimate the power of the human being to screw up anything. Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will, screw themselves right out of existence.

I don't think so.

You are much more the optimist and you are right. Humans are capable of great things...even doing their best to kill themselves off.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Hi Brent,
I've lived in the South and worked in the oil patch most of my life. Needless to say, I'm surrounded by people making the same points as you do. Lately, I've been asking this question when they go into full denial mode about 'global warming.'
Do you think that human activity is ruining the planet? Forget one small aspect of this, IE: the atmosphere, let's look at the bigger picture:
In my lifetime, the human population has tripled. Wilderness areas are now parks. Forests are clear cut and converted to subdivisions. The oceans and reefs are dying. Over fishing and habitat loss is decimating any other species than human. We are eating up resources that took millions of years to accumulate in decades. We are on track to add another 3 billion of us, and I may still be alive for that!
And all these folks want a better life. They want to drive, have electricity, clean water, be warm, eat well.
Is this possible? What do we want our Earth to be like when we pass it on to our grandchildren?
I'm sorry, but I don't see this working out well for them. Do you, really?
So back to my original thought, considering that we are pretty much fucking up everything else, what makes you think we aren't doing the same thing to the atmosphere? What if this is the big one, the thing that really wipes us out? Will you, and many others bleating about 'economic interests,' carry any weight with the miserable survivors of our greed; those grandchildren left with the ruined cinder we are well on the way to creating?
I don't have any answers for this, but I don't want to be on record saying we should just carry on; it's all a conspiracy of Al Gore to make money for himself, and the best answer is just drill baby drill.
I'd tag you, and so many like you, as the easy targets to blame, should I be around to explain how and why we made such a mess of this wonderful planet we had.
The worst of all possible solutions is to deny the problem. The longer you do that, the less likely we are to ever solving it.
So carry on captain, no icebergs ahead, and the Titanic can't sink.
But what do I know?

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Your narritive has so many errors it is difficut to respond to your post.

If you think that overpopulation is threatening our planet, I dont understand why you dont support policies that reduce population growth. Developed countries (that use a lot of coal and oil) have population growth of near zero. Undeveloped regions (with a low carbon footprint) are reproducing like rabbits. Development = stable population. Development also = high energy use.

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>That is why I don't understand all that, "I'm right and you are wrong" arguing when we
>could be discussing and making progress towards solutions.

Keep in mind that what you are seeing here (arguing on the DZ.com) is a tiny fraction of what goes on. In the real world no one really cares what gets said on the Internet. Personally I spend a lot more time working on electric vehicle wireless charging systems than I do having pointless arguments on the Net.

So overall progress is being made, despite the fraction of people who seem to revel in failure. (not talking about you.)

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>Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will,
>screw themselves right out of existence.

I doubt it. Kill off most people? I could see us doing that. Killing off _all_ people? We're pretty resilient, and if we do manage to force ourselves back to the stone age, all that power to pollute and kill en masse will disappear.

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You can fancy it up all you want but it still comes out the same unless you can explain to us mere mortals how you can justify calling it "world" data if the U.S. is not included in that.....as if the U.S. exists somehow outside the realm of "the world"

The US data is not excluded from the world data, and the world data still reveals temperatures to be warmer than average.


Are you saying that they are two mutually exclusive entities? If that's true then just say so.

No one said any such thing.


So if you still don't understand what I said, let it go.

Apparently you don't even understand what you are talking about. Your comments are bordering on non-sensical.


I could be wrong and you could be right.

Not "could be." You are wrong. None of the mental gymnastics you are doing will change the math.
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In light of the myriad reports from both sides of the issue coming from so many "authorities" on the subject saying so many different things, some diametrically opposed...

The actual data tell a pretty one sided story. It is only in non-scientific newspapers and periodicals where there is any debate about what the data mean, usually by people not qualified to have an informed opinion on the topic (due to not actually being familiar with the data, analyses, or climatology in general). Climate scientists may still debate some of the small details, but largely agree that the earth is warming and that humans are a significant reason for that warming.
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We do not have the power to destroy the planet, only to make our lives more miserable with our pollution.

OK, we differ here. I think you underestimate the power of the human being to screw up anything. Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will, screw themselves right out of existence.

I don't think so.

You are much more the optimist and you are right. Humans are capable of great things...even doing their best to kill themselves off.

Billvon hit it on the head in post #137.
I'm actually pretty pessimistic about the situation.
I just don't see us exterminating ourselves.

Doing major damage to the ecosystem? Almost certainly.
Seriously depleting the population? Yes.
Back to the dark ages? Quite possibly.

We are simply repeating the disaster that was Easter Island on a much, much larger scale.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Easter Island? I agree - no more stone statues to anger the gods. What were those people thinking?
You want the world to cool off? Do it the way volcanoes do. Build a 9 mile high smokestack and burn some nasty, high-sulfur coal.
You don't have to outrun the bear.

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Then I've been seriously misinformed about the Mole People and their coal-burning volcanoes. Do volcanoes put sulfur particles in the upper atmosphere which reflect sunlight and cool the earth? Maybe that's what I was thinking about.
You don't have to outrun the bear.

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>Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will,
>screw themselves right out of existence.

I doubt it. Kill off most people? I could see us doing that. Killing off _all_ people? We're pretty resilient, and if we do manage to force ourselves back to the stone age, all that power to pollute and kill en masse will disappear.

And of course you are waaay most likely right...I'm too old to have much faith in humans after seeing all the BS we willingly do to each other.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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>Oh, yes, the planet will be here, yes. I just think that humans could, and probably will,
>screw themselves right out of existence.

I doubt it. Kill off most people? I could see us doing that. Killing off _all_ people? We're pretty resilient, and if we do manage to force ourselves back to the stone age, all that power to pollute and kill en masse will disappear.

And of course you are waaay most likely right...I'm too old to have much faith in humans after seeing all the BS we willingly do to each other.

Global warming so far has certainly killed off a large percentage of the planet's population. Look at how many billion fewer we have on this planet now than in 1979. Then again, using actual historical data is just more flat-earth denier bible-thumping anti-science.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The US data is not excluded from the world data, and the world data still reveals temperatures to be warmer than average.

Saying the same damned thing I've been saying and you don't see that.

...now try telling that to some of those arguing against it with circles and arrows and paragraphs on each one


No one said any such thing.

I wasn't talking to everyone. I was asking a question of one particular person. If you assume it was an accusation in question form, you would be wrong. Do have a response to the question asked?


So if you still don't understand what I said, let it go.


Apparently you don't even understand what you are talking about. Your comments are bordering on non-sensical.

Not "could be." You are wrong. None of the mental gymnastics you are doing will change the math.

So why didn't you let it go?
After your idiotic demonstration of your total misunderstanding as shown in your first comment here, you may want to rethink that.
How far off base can you get?

My God it's tough dealing with people who can't focus.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Saying the same damned thing I've been saying and you don't see that.

That may have been what you meant, but it certainly was not what you were saying, at least not before you began back-pedaling.


After your idiotic demonstration of your total misunderstanding as shown in your first comment here, you may want to rethink that.

Your reading comprehension is as deficient as your logic (i.e., completely absent) if you really believe that. The only person to demonstrate "total misunderstanding" in this thread is you, with your absurd claim that the world cannot be warmer than average in the same month that the USA is cooler than average. You even ignored concrete examples proving how such a thing is possible.
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Saying the same damned thing I've been saying and you don't see that.


That may have been what you meant, but it certainly was not what you were saying, at least not before you began back-pedaling.


So, you can't combine data generated in the U.S. with data generated in the rest of the world to get a unified picture of climate changes on a global level?

I'm saying not only that you can, but also that you must, and you guys are saying you can't. Is that it?

See Post 122.

Are you purposely being stupid or are you just trolling?
Try again.


Your reading comprehension is as deficient as your logic (i.e., completely absent) if you really believe that. The only person to demonstrate "total misunderstanding" in this thread is you, with your absurd claim that the world cannot be warmer than average in the same month that the USA is cooler than average.

Your statement here makes it appear that you are just simply stupid..is that correct? Reading comprehension? Show me where ANYONE, including me, said that.

OK..you're not up top par today. Go away.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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