
Happy White People's Day

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So Chris Rock Twitted this on the 4th July...

'"Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks."'

Now it seems that people are outraged. My question is why? What he said was true not to mention pretty damn funny. Were you offended? If so why?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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>Now it seems that people are outraged. My question is why?

I think because it implied that blacks aren't "included" in the 4th of July. It would be like tweeting "happy armed forces day; disabled vets don't count but I am sure they like the attention." That might be funny to some people but I can see other people getting ticked off.

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People are pissed off precisely because it is true and reminds them what a fucked up deal it was. People pretty much don't ever want to be reminded that the myths they hold dear are simply myths.

Not that they'll actually admit it.

A lot of our founding fathers were fucked up.

If you base your entire political belief system on dogmatic adherence to what they believed was right (I'm looking at you, Tea Party), then it kind of blows your theories out of the water when you're reminded how fucked up slavery was and how these same guys who are otherwise so seemingly faultless and sacrosanct when it comes to some issues, were completely and utterly in the wrong about something as basic as "all men are created equal."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm happy that we finally get recognition and our own day.

And we didn't even have to get systematically kidnapped, separated from our families, beaten, chained, raped, murdered and enslaved for 300 years to qualify for it. Yay us!

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So Chris Rock Twitted this on the 4th July...

'"Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks."'

Now it seems that people are outraged. My question is why? What he said was true not to mention pretty damn funny. Were you offended? If so why?

I am upset that he has chosen to emigrate to Zimbabwe, thus depriving us of his awesome talent.

Maybe if we had not oppressed him so severely, he would have been willing to stay.

Oh, the White Guilt! How can we live with the shame? It is all our fault!


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Blacks today have not benefited by America becoming free and independent?

Should blacks also ignore Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, because that wasn't part of their ancerstor's culture back in the 1700's as slaves?

Happy white-people's Thanksgiving Day!
Happy white-people's Christmas Day!

If they want to eschew all modern holidays because of what happened 200 years ago, then they're living in the past, ignoring the reality of the present, and continue to live as "victims" despite that reality. And they continue to divide America instead of being a part of it.

Hey, how about Happy black-people Kwanza Day! Yeah, I guess if it's good enough for them, then we can play the same game in reverse, right? Maybe he should publish a calender that omits any mention of those darned white people holidays, and see how many sell.

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A lot of our founding fathers were fucked up.

If you base your entire political belief system on dogmatic adherence to what they believed was right (I'm looking at you, Tea Party), then it kind of blows your theories out of the water when you're reminded how fucked up slavery was and how these same guys who are otherwise so seemingly faultless and sacrosanct when it comes to some issues, were completely and utterly in the wrong about something as basic as "all men are created equal."

Your ignorance is astounding, Quade.

Care to elaborate on how "a lot of the Founders were fucked up"... despite the fact that all of them recognized the flaws of man and of Human Nature, which is why they gave us the Constitutionally Limited Republic with DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES... not a democracy...

...to prevent the flaws of man and of human nature (and the power of factions as spoken about in the Federalist Papers) from subverting the rights of the people through the desires of money and power.


If you base your entire political belief system on dogmatic adherence to what they believed was right (I'm looking at you, Tea Party),

Tea Party Principles:

1) Return to Limited Government
2) Follow the Constitution
3) Low taxes
4) RESPONSIBLE spending

Care to elaborate on this "political belief system on dogmatic adherence to what they believed was right".

And once again... I'm not a Tea Party member.

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I'm happy that we finally get recognition and our own day.

And we didn't even have to get systematically kidnapped, separated from our families, beaten, chained, raped, murdered and enslaved for 300 years to qualify for it. Yay us!

Obviously you aren't Irish.

Blacks don't have some exclusivity on slavery and other abuses.

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Likewise, buddy... Likewise!

You're full of... BS History. And I'll call you out on it every time.

And the 3/5th compromise was the beginning of the end of slavery. And Douglass called the Constitution a "Glorious Liberty Document."

Oh and... Jefferson, was not legally able to free his slaves, under Virginia Law.

That's why he release them at death, it was a loop hole he exploited.

What an evil racist!

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I am offended though, by Quade's continued ignorant usage of the Franklin Rattlesnake.
:)Edit: typo

I am SO glad you're SO up on your history, except, of course, who's flag that particular symbol flew on.

Tsk, tsk.

The name you're looking for is "Gadsden." The first one. Not his son; he was a class A-1 prick.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And once again... maybe its your age, grampa :P;) (though I feel like I'm ~90 myself)... you forget we have already discussed, that if it were not for Franklin's usage, there would have been no usage of a rattlesnake on your treasured "and stolen by the Tea Party - boo hoo" flag.

Add for your Edit:

His father...? Jenna?

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>Ever notice how white liberals rarely have anything but negativity towards the U.S.?

Unless a democrat is in office. Then white conservatives fall all over themselves complaining about how much the economy sucks, how bad our foreign policy is, how stupid healthcare plans are etc etc.

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Ever notice how white liberals rarely have anything but negativity towards the U.S.? Every country has it's history and it's problems. The 4th of July is one of those days where we should be celebrating what's good about America.

If you want to celebrate everything that's good about America...that's a pretty tall order.

I tend to keep it to celebrating, "Fuck you, King George day."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And yet you continue to make the same mistake over and over again.

Pity really.

The terribly sad truth about the TeaScumbaggers and the RWCs in general is that there is no factual information that can be provided that can break them out of their belief structure. Once they have a belief, that's it. No matter how wrong, fucked up, inane, provincial, or absolutely ignorant the belief, they stick with it. Facts and truth DO NOT MATTER AT ALL.

It used to be that being ignorant was something that was seen as slightly shameful, in need of being corrected. Not any more. The TeaScumbaggers and RWCs are amazingly ignorant of the facts and are very proud of it.

Witness the Fast and Furious bullshit. One guy gets killed in a shootout and they flip out. They really should read the story at


but they won't. The facts conflict with the beliefs that were carefully nurtured by the RWC media machine.

These same scumbags don't give a rats ass about the Iraq invasion/occupation, torture committed in our names, and the gross abuse of the filibuster by the Rescumlicans since the Obama administration took office. Outing a CIA agent because her husband TOLD THE TRUTH!!!
Treasonous actions given a total pass by the RWCS/TeaScumbaggers.

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>Ever notice how white liberals rarely have anything but negativity towards the U.S.?

Unless a democrat is in office. Then white conservatives fall all over themselves complaining about how much the economy sucks, how bad our foreign policy is, how stupid healthcare plans are etc etc.

Apparently the people I celebrate the 4th of July with are vastly different than your friends. What I hear is that America is a great country that has fallen on hard times. they are positive about America being great again. I guess we just travel in different circles.

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