
Athiests guide to the election

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I know it's beyond the attention span of many on here...and it's getting a bit dated given the turn of events of late in politics, but it's interesting just the same.

Thoughts, anyone?
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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Interesting to a degree, now that I've had a chance to listen, especially his views on the deal with politicians. He does come at it from a view of, "I'm right and they're wrong. Therefore, they are the batshit crazy ones." A "believer" (generic) on the other hand, would see him as the nutty one. Course, maybe everyone is really wrong about how things work and we're all bat shit crazy. Point being, he's propped himself up on a pretty big pedestal to make blanket accusations on who is or is not crazy.

A lot of his objections fall flat, though. Most Christians believe that they are no longer under most of the laws in the OT, so things like being stoned for the Sabbath, mixing cloth, etc. no longer apply. Genesis objections can be categorized as "flat" as well, since there are a variety of thoughts of how Gen 1-11 was meant to be taken (Creation especially). So while he was rattling on about, "No one can answer these!" I'm thinking, "Actually, those are pretty basic answers..."

I did like thinking about his hypothetical court example where he wonders why we don't have a "God told me!" plea. I suppose if I were sitting on the jury and someone actually said that, I too would either say, "liar" or "crazy" in my head, but, if they had some miraculous sign to show they weren't (which one would imagine God would grant), I'd be willing to listen more. There were very strict requirements that someone had to make in order to be called a prophet way back when, and if you didn't meet those requirements (like you made a failed prediction), you were stoned. Maybe we should bring back that law for all the televangelists that say they speak for God.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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Thoughts, anyone?

He's an illusionist...

...that talks, even worse.

I just knew you'd love him!
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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I suppose if I were sitting on the jury and someone actually said that, I too would either say, "liar" or "crazy" in my head, but, if they had some miraculous sign to show they weren't (which one would imagine God would grant)

Would he? I seem to remeber this particular god character not being very big at all on explaining, justifying or otherwise making his demands easier to believe/obey. More of a "'cos I said so" type of guy.


There were very strict requirements that someone had to make in order to be called a prophet way back when, and if you didn't meet those requirements (like you made a failed prediction), you were stoned. Maybe we should bring back that law for all the televangelists that say they speak for God.

Well that's not crazy at all.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Penn is one of the outspoken hero's of atheism / rational thought. I always love listening to his views as they always have a humorous angle. He sure did make me laugh .

How can the christians respond to such logic and reason ? I wonder ? with more quotes from a spell book ?

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I know it's beyond the attention span of many on here...and it's getting a bit dated given the turn of events of late in politics, but it's interesting just the same.

Thoughts, anyone?

Jillette is always entertainment. Unfortunately, he did not offer a guide to the 2012 election. He only stated his opinion why he does not understand some candidates.

We all, candidates and voters alike, need to separate the salvation provided by Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary from politics.

Sin, Salvation are the paramount considerations.

The President of the United States, or any other elected office, is a whole different realm of reasoning and consciousness.

Jillette believes Christians speak in a code that he does not understand. He is absolutely correct. Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit he, or anyone, cannot break the code.

You've been a long time under the bridge, eh Steve. Stand in the sunshine and take a deep breath.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Here we go again.... Belief vs. logic..... It will never be decided by bible quotes and pure logic.

The bible quoters think that their bible is a reference book and those using logic are talking to themselves.

You either believe or you don't. Debate is futile.

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As an agnostic time after time I am reminded that there is not one single political party in my home of Canada as well as in the USA that represents someone like myself. Yes I am a fiscal conservative so I throw up every time one of the Left leaning socialist parties say they represent my views (in Canada 4 of the 5 major parties all lean left, some more than others). But when the other politicians break into their "Bat Shit Crazy" talk about their religious beliefs, my eyes just gloss over. You would think that enough non-religious people who believe in fiscal responsibility could band together. But for some reason they don't or they can't.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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How can you possible have a productive debate about religion or the lack of? What could people who believe in something possible use as credible reference material?

When it comes to the New Testament for Christians, the Old Testament for Jews or the Koran for Muslims, either every word written in them is 100% true or they are pure fiction. Personally I believe all three books are "Bat Shit Crazy" fiction. The Universe and it's origin is beyond my comprehension, hence the reason why I am agnostic. There may or may not be a God(s) creator of the Universe. But if one exists I am pretty confident that it is nothing like the creator of these three major religions that follow those "Bat Shit CrazY' texts. As I said either every word written in these texts is 100% true, or they are just pure fiction. There is no place for selective interpretation of what "talking to a snake" meant.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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If you want to believe, fine.

If it makes you happy, great.

If you want to claim that it makes any kind of logical sense beyond that, you fail. What withstands logical scrutiny does not require belief; belief is only necessary where one's claims have no basis in fact.

Stick to claims that are well qualified ("I believe that..." or "this has worked for me...") and you're good. The moment you attempt to claim "reality" for something dependent upon belief, you have overshot.



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How can the christians respond to such logic and reason ? with more quotes from a spell book ?

I'll try:

-Clinton was the most religious president.
OK, I guess, I dunno.

-It's ridiculous that Athiests like Obama because they think he's a liar and an athiest.

-Bachmann is a blasphemer.
Ok, who cares?

-The largest sect in America is Athiest.
Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

-Catholics and protestants almost completely disagree, yet both are considered Christian.

-Atheism is growing and it's because of the internet and Katy Perry.

-The Bible is crazy.
1 Corinthians 1:18,21
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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How can you possible have a productive debate about religion or the lack of? What could people who believe in something possible use as credible reference material?

Shared personal testimony and that is not debatable. It is what it is.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I made no such claims in the post to which you referenced. I was commenting on Jillette's misdirection. As Coreece apply pointed out, he is an illusionist.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I made no such claims in the post to which you referenced. I was commenting on Jillette's misdirection. As Coreece apply pointed out, he is an illusionist.

You took him to task for his "misdirection," which appears to be from critiquing what you hold dear. You were not clear on that point so you are right - the claims were implicit, not explicit.

BTW, though Jillette is an illusionist, his standard approach is to reveal the basis of the illusion once it is performed. His presentation is a far cry from those who pretend that their stock in trade is magical.

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I made no such claims in the post to which you referenced. I was commenting on Jillette's misdirection. As Coreece apply pointed out, he is an illusionist.

You took him to task for his "misdirection," which appears to be from critiquing what you hold dear. You were not clear on that point so you are right - the claims were implicit, not explicit.

BTW, though Jillette is an illusionist, his standard approach is to reveal the basis of the illusion once it is performed. His presentation is a far cry from those who pretend that their stock in trade is magical.

I guess I screwed up. The point I was trying to make is that Christian beliefs, regardless of the particular sect or denomination, has or, should have, no bearing on political office.

Personally, I like knowing an elected official is a professed Christian. That is as far as it goes for me. It is not the basis of my vote.

Jillette's initial premise was to guide atheists in choosing a candidate. He only critiqued the Christian based candidates, giving him the benefit here. Mormonism is not recognized as a Christian belief. It stands alone. He then proceeded with a monologue on his lack of understanding of their beliefs since he did not consider them crazy.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I made no such claims in the post to which you referenced. I was commenting on Jillette's misdirection. As Coreece apply pointed out, he is an illusionist.

You took him to task for his "misdirection," which appears to be from critiquing what you hold dear. You were not clear on that point so you are right - the claims were implicit, not explicit.

BTW, though Jillette is an illusionist, his standard approach is to reveal the basis of the illusion once it is performed. His presentation is a far cry from those who pretend that their stock in trade is magical.

I guess I screwed up. The point I was trying to make is that Christian beliefs, regardless of the particular sect or denomination, has or, should have, no bearing on political office.

Personally, I like knowing an elected official is a professed Christian. That is as far as it goes for me. It is not the basis of my vote.

Jillette's initial premise was to guide atheists in choosing a candidate. He only critiqued the Christian based candidates, giving him the benefit here. Mormonism is not recognized as a Christian belief. It stands alone. He then proceeded with a monologue on his lack of understanding of their beliefs since he did not consider them crazy.

Would you vote for an atheist?
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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I made no such claims in the post to which you referenced. I was commenting on Jillette's misdirection. As Coreece apply pointed out, he is an illusionist.

You took him to task for his "misdirection," which appears to be from critiquing what you hold dear. You were not clear on that point so you are right - the claims were implicit, not explicit.

BTW, though Jillette is an illusionist, his standard approach is to reveal the basis of the illusion once it is performed. His presentation is a far cry from those who pretend that their stock in trade is magical.

I guess I screwed up. The point I was trying to make is that Christian beliefs, regardless of the particular sect or denomination, has or, should have, no bearing on political office.

Personally, I like knowing an elected official is a professed Christian. That is as far as it goes for me. It is not the basis of my vote.

Jillette's initial premise was to guide atheists in choosing a candidate. He only critiqued the Christian based candidates, giving him the benefit here. Mormonism is not recognized as a Christian belief. It stands alone. He then proceeded with a monologue on his lack of understanding of their beliefs since he did not consider them crazy.

Would you vote for an atheist?

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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