
Pregnant Woman Miscarries After Being Sprayed With Pepper Spray..

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Ok, so now your opinion outweighs that of the courts whose duty it is to interpret the Constitution?
Why don't we just scrap the whole 200+ year old document and everybody just do whatever they want.
yeah, that'll work. :S

Look up "standing." And then "civil disobedience."

That document says that people have the right to assemble to exercise their right to speech. It also says that they're innocent until proven guilty, and the government must give due process before punishment. More simply put, cops don't get to enact punishment because they think a crime may be being committed.

Frankly, this incident is now reminding me of the finger in the chili at Wendy's incident, but that doesn't change the above.

Once again, courts have held that the rights to assemble and free speach have limits.

Yeah...in this country in this day and time of bought and paid for courts and politicians, it becomes limited when it inconvieniences any of the 1% as evidenced by your posts:ph34r::ph34r:

Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?


Now that is some funny shit.

Are you really incapable of seeing reality???


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Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?


Now that is some funny shit.

Are you really incapable of seeing reality???


Nope. Show me the reality I asked you to show, not just supposition.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?


Now that is some funny shit.

Are you really incapable of seeing reality???


Nope. Show me the reality I asked you to show, not just supposition.

Prove that you and those like you do not control the courts... right from the moment judges are "annointed" by the bought and paid for politicians.

THe "judges" on the supreme court who were bought and paid for and "annoited" by Saint Ronnie and King George The First made sure that King George the Second came to power. That worked out so so well for the country... even daddy knew he was the idiot son:S

Those with money... do not suffer the same depredations of the legal system as do those in the prisoner class that the corporate legal system is making a killing on in this country.

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Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?


Now that is some funny shit.

Are you really incapable of seeing reality???


Nope. Show me the reality I asked you to show, not just supposition.

Prove that you and those like you do not control the courts... right from the moment judges are "annointed" by the bought and paid for politicians.

THe "judges" on the supreme court who were bought and paid for and "annoited" by Saint Ronnie and King George The First made sure that King George the Second came to power. That worked out so so well for the country... even daddy knew he was the idiot son:S

Those with money... do not suffer the same depredations of the legal system as do those in the prisoner class that the corporate legal system is making a killing on in this country.

Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed we were talking about the USA. I see you are talking about some imaginary land far, far away.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?


Now that is some funny shit.

Are you really incapable of seeing reality???


Nope. Show me the reality I asked you to show, not just supposition.

Prove that you and those like you do not control the courts... right from the moment judges are "annointed" by the bought and paid for politicians.

THe "judges" on the supreme court who were bought and paid for and "annoited" by Saint Ronnie and King George The First made sure that King George the Second came to power. That worked out so so well for the country... even daddy knew he was the idiot son:S

Those with money... do not suffer the same depredations of the legal system as do those in the prisoner class that the corporate legal system is making a killing on in this country.

Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed we were talking about the USA. I see you are talking about some imaginary land far, far away.

You really should take some of all that money you inherited... and try to buy a clue. IT would also help to get your "news" from something other than FAUX News... the mouthpiece of the New World Order.

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Megyn Kelly claims pepper spray is "a food product, essentially." Deborah Blum explains why this is highly misleading:

The reason pepper-spray ends up on the Scoville chart is that – you probably guessed this - it’s literally derived from pepper chemistry, the compounds that make habaneros so much more formidable than the comparatively wimpy bells. Those compounds are called capsaicins and – in fact – pepper spray is more formally called Oleoresin Capsicum or OC Spray.

But we’ve taken to calling it pepper spray, I think, because that makes it sound so much more benign than it really is, like something just a grade or so above what we might mix up in a home kitchen.

See the pepper spray product reviews: http://www.amazon.com/review/B0058EOAUE?ie=UTF8&ref_=cm_cr_dp_all_summary&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending&_encoding=UTF8&tag=littlegreenfo-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Time and again you claim the courts are owned by the rich, yet you provide absolutely no evidence other than your own opinion. Care to give it another try?


Now that is some funny shit.

Are you really incapable of seeing reality???


Nope. Show me the reality I asked you to show, not just supposition.

Prove that you and those like you do not control the courts... right from the moment judges are "annointed" by the bought and paid for politicians.

THe "judges" on the supreme court who were bought and paid for and "annoited" by Saint Ronnie and King George The First made sure that King George the Second came to power. That worked out so so well for the country... even daddy knew he was the idiot son:S

Those with money... do not suffer the same depredations of the legal system as do those in the prisoner class that the corporate legal system is making a killing on in this country.

Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed we were talking about the USA. I see you are talking about some imaginary land far, far away.

You really should take some of all that money you inherited... and try to buy a clue. IT would also help to get your "news" from something other than FAUX News... the mouthpiece of the New World Order.

Sorry to disappoint you yet again, but my inheritence, what there after the government got their hands on it, was actually from a business my father and I built up from nothing. What I enjoy today is all from my own labor, both with my father and on my own.
You should try it sometime. But then, I don't get the impression you would get along well without the security of drawing a predictable and reliable paycheck.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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You should try it sometime. But then, I don't get the impression you would get along well without the security of drawing a predictable and reliable paycheck.

I did... and did fairly well BUT eventually I got sick and tired trying to get scumbag small business owners to actually pay for the goods and services they recivedthat they owed for without having to head to court.>:(>:(>:(

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You should try it sometime. But then, I don't get the impression you would get along well without the security of drawing a predictable and reliable paycheck.

I did... and did fairly well BUT eventually I got sick and tired trying to get scumbag small business owners to actually pay for the goods and services they recivedthat they owed for without having to head to court.>:(>:(>:(

I rarely had that problem and, when I did, we were always able to work it out without me having to use the courts.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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You should try it sometime. But then, I don't get the impression you would get along well without the security of drawing a predictable and reliable paycheck.

I did... and did fairly well BUT eventually I got sick and tired trying to get scumbag small business owners to actually pay for the goods and services they recivedthat they owed for without having to head to court.>:(>:(>:(

So you tried to become one of the 1%, but you failed, and now you want to have the Government take away the 1%'s success because you couldn't get it yourself.


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Most small businesses do fail. I've started six businesses. Luckily the first one was very successful, as was the fourth. The rest were failures, especially the last. Lost my ass on that one :P.

Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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You should try it sometime. But then, I don't get the impression you would get along well without the security of drawing a predictable and reliable paycheck.

I did... and did fairly well BUT eventually I got sick and tired trying to get scumbag small business owners to actually pay for the goods and services they recivedthat they owed for without having to head to court.>:(>:(>:(

So you tried to become one of the 1%, but you failed, and now you want to have the Government take away the 1%'s success because you couldn't get it yourself.


No I want them returned to tax policy that had some sanity to it... since they have been on the reciving end of the GUSHER of government largesse for the last 30 years.. while the rest of the country has not prospered and has been stagnant or losing ground.

Perhaps YOU believe in TRICKLE... but sorry bubba... for that to work.. they have to trickle something..... and unless you are completely blind and clueless.. that has not been happening for most people... so pardon me if I do not believe a bunch of lying sack of shits as so many of you do.. who get fooled over and over and over... you DO know what that is called right???

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Perhaps YOU believe in TRICKLE

I do.

I've never worked for a poor man. In fact, one job I've had for +10yrs exists mostly because of wealthy people and corporations. That's who hires me.

Cool.. so you are good with the rest of the country going to shit around you while a very few hoard more and more of the wealth of this nation... Me... I am not good with that.

Have you ever been to a third world country???

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so you are good with the rest of the country going to shit around

Sure. I own an iphone, have seen several Travolta films, and I sometimes use Windows along with a range of complex expensive Cisco routing equipment across the world every time I click a link. Oh yea there's a good game on now, Pitt/Redskins.

What could I possibly have against Jobs, Travolta, Gates, Chambers, or Rooney,

As far as I know, they make shit that makes my life more enjoyable!

not Nicolas Cage though - he's a 99%'er

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>Cool.. so you are good with the rest of the country going to shit around you while a
>very few hoard more and more of the wealth of this nation.

It's what you have said you are doing. You are working, you often list your favorite possessions and you recently said you had hired people this year. So the question is just as valid when asked of you - why are you working, hoarding and being one of those greedy bosses while the country goes to shit around you?

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>Cool.. so you are good with the rest of the country going to shit around you while a
>very few hoard more and more of the wealth of this nation.

It's what you have said you are doing. You are working, you often list your favorite possessions and you recently said you had hired people this year. So the question is just as valid when asked of you - why are you working, hoarding and being one of those greedy bosses while the country goes to shit around you?

Because I was doing my part to being a productive member of a society I have not completely given up on yet. I have helped others to be better for the company... more training for them.. more talent for the company in the long run... a better team. Its that whole leading by example... and not being afraid to help others be more productive. As I have said before. I LIKE living in a civilized society.... it seems what passes for conservatives in todays world.. have lost that desire.[:/]

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>Because I was doing my part to being a productive member of a society I have not
>completely given up on yet. I have helped others to be better for the company... more
>training for them.. more talent for the company in the long run... a better team. Its
>that whole leading by example... and not being afraid to help others be more

So you hire people and try to help make them more productive to allow your company to make more money. Which would put you in the same category as all those one percenters, helping your own company try to hoard more cash, then claiming it will "trickle down" to the low level employees.

(And no, there's nothing wrong with that.)

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