
Goodbye Mr. Cain. It was fun while it lasted.

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Yes. There are still racists in both parties, and there tend to be more in republican circles

This would only be true if there were not blacks that are racist against whites.

White population: 72%
Black population: 12%

If 20% of each population is racist against the other, which type would be more numerous?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Oh dear. He's done now. The one thing you absolutely can not do as a candidate is demand the press not even try to talk about the story. By doing this, he's sealed his fate. They will now dig into him until he simply quits or they find out what he's really hiding.

This isn't opinion . . . it's history.

As is frequently the case both in politics and elsewhere, the first one to lose their cool, is the one that loses.

Last week it was Rick Perry to blame. Today it's "the Democratic machine in America". Herman can't seem to make up his mind.

I seriously doubt the Dems want him to give up. I'm sure they'd prefer him over Perry or Romney as the GOP candidate.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"I have never acted inappropriately with anyone, period," said Cain. "The charges and the accusations I absolutely reject: They simply didn't happen. They simply did not happen."

"I did not have sex with that woman" - Bill Clinton
"I am not gay" - Larry Craig

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"I have never acted inappropriately with anyone, period," said Cain. "The charges and the accusations I absolutely reject: They simply didn't happen. They simply did not happen."

"I did not have sex with that woman" - Bill Clinton
"I am not gay" - Larry Craig

are you implying that anyone who issues a denial must be guilty? That's clearly what you're saying by listing one established guilty from each party.

Until yesterday, we didn't have any specifics, and the NDAs from the settlements preclude any real answers. Makes it hard to tell if we're dealing with another Paula Johnson type. Or just look at all the women coming out of the woodwork to say they had played around with Tiger - with the guaranteed press coverage, I've little doubt that some were playing the game.

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>are you implying that anyone who issues a denial must be guilty?

Nope. Just that politicians tend to lie - and that the more vehement their denials the more likely there is something amiss.

I don't see a distinction between the two. The innocent also make vehement denials. What we know from teachers accused of child molestation, however, is that the damage is done when the accusation is made, regardless of truthfulness. And you're proving this.

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That "nine-nine-nine" plan is turning into a "nein-nein-nein" plan. Anybody want to bet whether the debate moderators tonight will be able to stick to the topic, or just get caught up in the whole sexual harrasment thing and leave questions about the economy unasked and unanswered ?
You don't have to outrun the bear.

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>What we know from teachers accused of child molestation, however, is that
>the damage is done when the accusation is made, regardless of truthfulness.

Well, an immediate campaign to censor any information about the molestation - including demanding that the press ignore it, and paying off the child in question - would indeed lead to a big problem for the teacher in question. Rightfully so, in my opinion.

If he's been falsely accused, then be open about it. Tell the world what happened. This "I can't remember" and "there's no truth whatsoever to this rumor" and "well maybe I did pay them off but there's no OTHER truth to this rumor" is what's killing him.

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New Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream flavor

Herman Cain's HarrasMINT choclate chip

contains mint choclate chip ice cream with black walnuts forced into marshmallows covered in white chocolate and denial.

special price 9.99

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If he's been falsely accused, then be open about it. Tell the world what happened. This "I can't remember" and "there's no truth whatsoever to this rumor" and "well maybe I did pay them off but there's no OTHER truth to this rumor" is what's killing him.

Oh, there's no question he handled it poorly. But let's say he's innocent and this is just a shake down...one of the women filed a complaint at the next job because someone emailed a joke comparing men to computers because they had to be turned on.

These events are 15 years ago, so memory is poor. Due to the settlement, you haven't been allowed to talk about it, so you not reinforcing that memory. And you yourself have already demonstrated that denial = guilt when a politician does it, so then the guy tries the Reagan approach of "I cannot recall." An innocent person doesn't have any good moves. He certainly can't say 'I need to consult with my lawyer first, due to the terms of the settlements.'

There's enough smoke here to be very suspicious. But there's enough of a smell coming out of the accusations to be very wary of making a conclusion. It's particularly troubling that one of the women who now wants to talk, only wants to do so at a press conference with all of the other women present as well. Why?

In the bigger picture, he wasn't going to win the nomination or the office for more serious reasons. Not to belittle sexual harassment, but so far the allegations have been of the ticky tack side, not even at the level seen with Arnold S.

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>What we know from teachers accused of child molestation, however, is that
>the damage is done when the accusation is made, regardless of truthfulness.

Well, an immediate campaign to censor any information about the molestation - including demanding that the press ignore it, and paying off the child in question - would indeed lead to a big problem for the teacher in question. Rightfully so, in my opinion.

If he's been falsely accused, then be open about it. Tell the world what happened. This "I can't remember" and "there's no truth whatsoever to this rumor" and "well maybe I did pay them off but there's no OTHER truth to this rumor" is what's killing him.


I am trying to remember if your quotes sound more like Hillary or Bill........
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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beyond these women accusing Cain, the reality is he is a one trick pony. His only response to ANYTHING is 9-9-9. In a previous debate with Newt Gingrich when he was asked specific questions about health care he couldn't answer and cutely said "ill let newt go first"

When asked about what we should do about italy the answer was 9-9-9. When asked about making the markets more equitably it was 9-9-9. His knowledge of foreign policy makes Sarah Palin look like Henry Kissinger.

This is how I felt by the end of the debate last night.


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All I can say is you have a high tolerance for coincidence.

more a higher standard for evidence. 3 or 4 unsubstantiated accusations do not make a trend. Nor do settlements, given the propensity for lawyers to do a cost/benefit decision.

But I think you glossed over my third paragraph where I talked about smoke.

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All I can say is you have a high tolerance for coincidence.

more a higher standard for evidence. 3 or 4 unsubstantiated accusations do not make a trend. Nor do settlements, given the propensity for lawyers to do a cost/benefit decision.

Of course the two settlements are evidence. Granted not legal evidence and certainly not conclusive evidence, but they are evidence just the same for the prospective voter.

The final decision on whether to grant those settlements was clearly Cain's. And given his uncompromising stance on practically everything, it's very difficult to accept a scenario where he wouldn't fight it out if both of those claims were without merit.

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All I can say is you have a high tolerance for coincidence.

more a higher standard for evidence. 3 or 4 unsubstantiated accusations do not make a trend. Nor do settlements, given the propensity for lawyers to do a cost/benefit decision.

Of course the two settlements are evidence. Granted not legal evidence and certainly not conclusive evidence, but they are evidence just the same for the prospective voter.

The final decision on whether to grant those settlements was clearly Cain's. ah, no, it was not.And given his uncompromising stance on practically everything, it's very difficult to accept a scenario where he wouldn't fight it out if both of those claims were without merit.

funny how all of these acusers are from Chicago .

more to come I am sure but, this looks more and more like a hachet job

Newt is next as he is now rising in the poles
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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more to come I am sure but, this looks more and more like a hatchet job

So you're suggesting that the women who filed these complaints knew, 10 to 15 years ago, that Cain would one day run for President, and they filed complaints against him just so they could do a "hatchet job" on him a decade or more in the future? Don't you think people who have that kind of a crystal ball might have better uses for it than plotting against potential future presidential candidates?


Newt is next as he is now rising in the poles

Newt will take any position that he thinks is politically advantageous, he has no ethic other than to gain power for himself. I'm also surprised the so-called party of "family values" would embrace such a morally destitute hypocrite. If he's "rising in the poles" it's likely because he's got that pole firmly inserted up his ass.

What's up with the Republican party that they seem to have so much trouble finding candidates who are intelligent and thoughtful, and when they do find them they are reluctant to embrace them, and instead favor vacuous showboats or extremist ideologues?

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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more to come I am sure but, this looks more and more like a hatchet job

So you're suggesting that the women who filed these complaints knew, 10 to 15 years ago, that Cain would one day run for President, and they filed complaints against him just so they could do a "hatchet job" on him a decade or more in the future? Don't you think people who have that kind of a crystal ball might have better uses for it than plotting against potential future presidential candidates?


Newt is next as he is now rising in the poles

Newt will take any position that he thinks is politically advantageous, he has no ethic other than to gain power for himself. I'm also surprised the so-called party of "family values" would embrace such a morally destitute hypocrite. If he's "rising in the poles" it's likely because he's got that pole firmly inserted up his ass.

What's up with the Republican party that they seem to have so much trouble finding candidates who are intelligent and thoughtful, and when they do find them they are reluctant to embrace them, and instead favor vacuous showboats or extremist ideologues?


kool aid
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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more to come I am sure but, this looks more and more like a hatchet job

So you're suggesting that the women who filed these complaints knew, 10 to 15 years ago, that Cain would one day run for President, and they filed complaints against him just so they could do a "hatchet job" on him a decade or more in the future? Don't you think people who have that kind of a crystal ball might have better uses for it than plotting against potential future presidential candidates?

Like the lady on TV, who was all smiles and hugging on Cain a month ago?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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All I can say is you have a high tolerance for coincidence.

more a higher standard for evidence. 3 or 4 unsubstantiated accusations do not make a trend. Nor do settlements, given the propensity for lawyers to do a cost/benefit decision.

Of course the two settlements are evidence. Granted not legal evidence and certainly not conclusive evidence, but they are evidence just the same for the prospective voter.

And as I said, I have a higher standard before I consider such evidence as legitimate and make any conclusions. Your last sentence suggests that your earlier words are unimportant - you've made your decision. But odds are neither of us will have to decide to vote for him or not.


The final decision on whether to grant those settlements was clearly Cain's. And given his uncompromising stance on practically everything, it's very difficult to accept a scenario where he wouldn't fight it out if both of those claims were without merit.

Actually, I suspect the choice was not his. As head of the Restaurant Association (whatever it was called) and with the suits against it, not him personally, their counsel is making the decisions to limit exposure. And when one of the women later made the error of trying to sue a government agency that fears this less, they told her to fly a kite.

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