
How many scandals can the Obama adminstration juggle at once?

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It seems like a fair question let's see what he has got on his plate right now:

1. Fast and Furious-
The DOJ was letting criminals take weapons bought in the U.S. back to Mexico in an attempt to track down arms traffickers, to bad they had no way of tracking the weapons after they left the country. Epic fail that cost the lives of many.

2. Solyndra Solar-
$526 Million flushed down the toilet. The Bush administration new it was going to fail and tried to shut it down. They visited Obama in the white house and convinced him it was a good idea, being a green guy and all, he had to throw money at it, just to have it turn around and fail 3 months later. Now they are trying to say it's Bush's fault.

3. Light Squared-
More Obama donors paid him to let them install 4G cell towers. To bad they interfere with GPS systems and military applications. Obama turned around and tried to pressure General Shelton, Commander of the Air Force Space Command, that this wasn't true. He refused. This is turning into a real debacle.

There may be more coming. While Obama may be smart, as a leader, he is proving to be real inept.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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How many scandals can they juggle untill what happens? The hard core Liberals will never abandon him.

I know that, and the press will never fully investigate this. However, I'm just curious to see what else he thinks he can get away with with his elitist attitude.

He is Obama, he can do what he wants to push his agenda. He answers to no one.......:S
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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How many scandals can they juggle untill what happens? The hard core Liberals will never abandon him.

Oh, I don't know. If Hillary decides to mount a challenge, BHO could find himself alone.

Much though I loathe that woman, the field of candidates makes her look stellar.

The scum truly rises to the top.



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How many scandals can they juggle untill what happens? The hard core Liberals will never abandon him.

Oh, I don't know. If Hillary decides to mount a challenge, BHO could find himself alone.

Much though I loathe that woman, the field of candidates makes her look stellar.

The scum truly rises to the top.



I doubt the powers that be in the DNC (SOROS) would allow her to even challenge Obama. Can you imagine the devastation and yahoo that would create?

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I doubt the powers that be in the DNC (SOROS) would allow her to even challenge Obama. Can you imagine the devastation and yahoo that would create?

Nobody would have to stop her. A Secretary of State does not run to oust the President that gave them the job. It's simply something that isn't done; ever. It would undermine the country.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I doubt the powers that be in the DNC (SOROS) would allow her to even challenge Obama. Can you imagine the devastation and yahoo that would create?

Nobody would have to stop her. A Secretary of State does not run to oust the President that gave them the job. It's simply something that isn't done; ever. It would undermine the country.

Right, she would have to resign first. Not an issue anyway, I suspect she's gotten being the first female President out of her system.

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She can't run....having served two terms as POTUS already.

she can't run until Obama loses - the party would not accept such disloyalty. But by 2016, age becomes an issue. I'm not sure how voters will treat a 69yo woman candidate, though she isn't aging the way Feinstein did.

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she can't run until Obama loses - the party would not accept such disloyalty.

Ahh, the party had no problem throwing her under the bus for a nobody from Chicago.

Liberals are as loyal as cats.

The party didn't owe her the nomination. How was she thrown under the bus, exactly?

When half your own party doesn't like you, and 98% of the other party doesn't like you, how good a candidate are you, really? I don't think being SecState has removed her negatives, and backstabbing her own party by running now would only increase them.

It's a moot point in any event - aside from Palin, we have all the candidates we're going to get.

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she can't run until Obama loses - the party would not accept such disloyalty.

Ahh, the party had no problem throwing her under the bus for a nobody from Chicago.

Liberals are as loyal as cats.

The party didn't owe her the nomination. How was she thrown under the bus, exactly?

Republicans never would have nominated someone with the gravitas of Obama. Hillary would have been the nominee until the shinny new BO came along and the party dropped her like greasy watermelon.

Now most of them are having buyers remorse.

One of my liberal friends told me he expected Romney to win this year.

My jaw hit the ground so hard it left a crater.

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The party didn't owe her the nomination. How was she thrown under the bus, exactly?

Republicans never would have nominated someone with the gravitas of Obama. Hillary would have been the nominee until the shinny new BO came along and the party dropped her like greasy watermelon.

uh, no, she simply lost. The party didn't do anything to her.


One of my liberal friends told me he expected Romney to win this year.

My jaw hit the ground so hard it left a crater.

Why? He's the only respectable candidate in the field - not a moron, not a religious nut. He's the one that Democrats would ditch Obama to vote for. Virtually none of the others will get those votes and a few of them seem to guarantee an Obama win.

But I don't expect the GOP to nominate him.

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The party didn't owe her the nomination. How was she thrown under the bus, exactly?

Republicans never would have nominated someone with the gravitas of Obama. Hillary would have been the nominee until the shinny new BO came along and the party dropped her like greasy watermelon.

uh, no, she simply lost. The party didn't do anything to her.

She lost to a community organizer with zero experience. She's been a democratic powerhouse fundraiser for 16 years. Democrats in general jumped off her ship and onto BO's raft,,, for what? I don't understand it myself, but I'm not a democrat.

I disdain her, and i think her husband is a traitor, but she would have been a better president than BO.

But of course he was a cooler pick than her so she got dropped.

Hell sometimes I wish republicans would have dropped Mccain and Dole like that, we may have avoided the two horrible presidents. Bu that's not how most republicans vote.


One of my liberal friends told me he expected Romney to win this year.

My jaw hit the ground so hard it left a crater.

Why? He's the only respectable candidate in the field - not a moron, not a religious nut. He's the one that Democrats would ditch Obama to vote for. Virtually none of the others will get those votes and a few of them seem to guarantee an Obama win.

But I don't expect the GOP to nominate him.

Because the person who told me this is a far left moonbat who had 2 obama stickers on his car.

I'm not knocking Mitt, I'm just surprised how fast liberals are dropping Obama, at least in the peoples republic of Cambridge, Ma.

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She lost to a community organizer with zero experience. She's been a democratic powerhouse fundraiser for 16 years. Democrats in general jumped off her ship and onto BO's raft,,, for what? I don't understand it myself, but I'm not a democrat.

I disdain her, and i think her husband is a traitor, but she would have been a better president than BO.

But of course he was a cooler pick than her so she got dropped.

FFS, let's end this community organizer horseshit. He was a US Senator, same as her. Yes, she had a whopping 4 years on Obama due to some NY carpetbagging, but it's not much of a difference. And which 16 years was she a powerhouse fundraiser? She was the First Lady. A more active one that most, but that didn't make her a powerhouse anything.

If you want to derisively refer to Obama as a Junior Senator from Illinois, that would at least be accurate. He was also a 3 term state senator.

Bill Clinton the traitor. Yeah, that firms up your lack of objectivity. But yes, you didn't like her...same as tens of millions of American voters, including Democrats.

I believe a lot of voters in 2008 wanted someone that was not a Bush or Clinton, after 20 years of it. And since McCain was oddly running on the Bush platform, despite the economy, he was swept aside. No doubt people wanted to believe in the message of change, and many of those people have been disappointed at the results. But the notion he won because he was a cooler pick than H Clinton is just stupid. She lost by a 54-46% delegate margin.


One of my liberal friends told me he expected Romney to win this year.

Because the person who told me this is a far left moonbat who had 2 obama stickers on his car.

I'm not knocking Mitt, I'm just surprised how fast liberals are dropping Obama, at least in the peoples republic of Cambridge, Ma.

There's a difference between supporting Romney versus expecting him to win. Hard to tell from your statements which is the case here. But you should try harder to separate your personal biases from a review of the current situation.

It's been nearly 3 years, so if people are disappointed by Obama's lack of experience and subsequent results, now is a perfectly fair time to express it. We do have a nomination process for the GOP to put up a replacement candidate going on right now.

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FFS, let's end this community organizer horseshit.

Why, that's what he was? He was a community organizer. What is horseshit about that?


If you want to derisively refer to Obama as a Junior Senator from Illinois, that would at least be accurate. He was also a 3 term state senator.

Great let's bring up his record of no show votes and present votes as opposed to taking real stances on issues.


Bill Clinton the traitor. Yeah, that firms up your lack of objectivity. But yes, you didn't like her...same as tens of millions of American voters, including Democrats.

Lack of objectivity? When did I ever claim to be objective? I just call it as i see it.


One of my liberal friends told me he expected Romney to win this year.

Because the person who told me this is a far left moonbat who had 2 obama stickers on his car.

I'm not knocking Mitt, I'm just surprised how fast liberals are dropping Obama, at least in the peoples republic of Cambridge, Ma.

There's a difference between supporting Romney versus expecting him to win. Hard to tell from your statements which is the case here. But you should try harder to separate your personal biases from a review of the current situation.

Nope, I'm fine with allowing my personal biases to color my review of the current situation.

I voted against this half wit in the oval office and preached day in and day out that he would allow the fed to print money to pay for whatever socialist programs he comes up with and I've been right every step of the way.

I am biased.

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