
Union Victory at Virginia IKEA Plant: Resistance Grows Against Race-to-Bottom Wages

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good news...


Ikea workers in Danville, Virginia aren’t taking Thomas Friedman’s advice. Last week, after a three-year struggle, they chose by a 221-69 vote to unionize Ikea’s first manufacturing plant in the United States. Their move defies conventional wisdom that a competitive future requires a lower-wage, less unionized America. And Ikea’s choices – to build a factory in the old capitol of the confederacy, to deploy America’s best union-busters, and ultimately to reign them in – illuminate dynamics that get ignored in debates over outsourcing. Ikea’s example shows how easily European companies can embrace American-style union-busting. And it shows a path for workers to fight back.

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My sincere condolences to the Ikea workers. It is now only a matter of time, maybe just months, before Ikea shuts the plant and replaces those products with imports. May your jobs RIP. :(

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As a manufacturer myself i can say for positive that these workers just sealed their own fate.[:/]

Agreed. I would bet even money that most of the 221 that voted for the unionization have never worked in a union shop before.
The products Ikea markets are not difficult to obtain and hold a high standard of manufacturing quality. Any number of Asian countries or Mexico can easily produce tha very same product and be up & running so quickly the warehouses will barely notice the change.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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to deploy America’s best union-busters


American-style union-busting. And it shows a path for workers to fight back.

Play that victim card! The tired cliche' "union-busting" conjures up visions of club-wielding bullies. Could you be any more dramatic?

Organized labor's adversarial posture and portrayal of an employer being the enemy has caused many a factory to relocate.

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Any number of Asian countries or Mexico can easily produce tha very same product.

Did you hear our President's recent speech in which he proclaimed that we will "compete with China?" Has anybody noticed how the Chinese are living? Evidently this is the new standard of living for Americans, with or without organized labor. Maybe that's what the OP meant by "race-to-the-bottom-wages."

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I deal with unions on an almost daily basis. If used right, unions can be a very good thing. However, most of the unions that I deal with tend to abuse their power and cause a great amount of additional expense for the employer. The cost of that additional expense ultimately has to be passed on to the consumer.

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I deal with unions on an almost daily basis. If used right, unions can be a very good thing. However, most of the unions that I deal with tend to abuse their power and cause a great amount of additional expense for the employer. The cost of that additional expense ultimately has to be passed on to the consumer.

+1 to that statement. Unions are responsible for bankrupting how many companies? No you don't deserve 75,000 a year for doing a job that a high school drop out can do just because you have worked for a company for 20 years, but haven't earned any sort of positional promotion.
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+1 to that statement. Unions are responsible for bankrupting how many companies? No you don't deserve 75,000 a year for doing a job that a high school drop out can do just because you have worked for a company for 20 years, but haven't earned any sort of positional promotion.

Of course any "high school dropout" can be a grunt.
When they expect high pay/ benefits without performing they could bankrupt a nation.

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>It is now only a matter of time, maybe just months, before Ikea shuts the plant and
>replaces those products with imports.

Agreed. But as Dreamdancer has stated previously, once they are laid off they will be better off.

though at the moment they have both jobs and union membership so good news :)
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And your comment is SO neo-American...

Suffice it to say that IKEA was founded by a Swede (socialist country, anyone?), who consistently ranks among the #1 or 2 of wealth in the world.

What a sad state of affairs for this country, if even liberals like you consider unionization an enemy...


>though at the moment they have both jobs and union membership so good news

True! That's like being given two weeks notice that you will be fired. Who wouldn't take that as good news?

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>if even liberals like you consider unionization an enemy.

Oh, I don't think unionization is "an enemy." People can join whatever labor organizations they choose, and make themselves as uncompetitive as they choose. And then consumers can choose to buy the overpriced union-made stuff as well - but generally, they don't.

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>though at the moment they have both jobs and union membership so good news

True! That's like being given two weeks notice that you will be fired. Who wouldn't take that as good news?

no, it's like having a job and union membership - the rest is your overactive imagination predicting doom and gloom. i predict they'll still have jobs in 2 weeks - and provide a good example to other employers :)
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though at the moment they have both jobs and union membership so good news :)

Are you perchance suggesting that enforced union membership is a good idea? WOW:S

uh, they voted for the union...
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You are loosing it!!!!!

IKEA has the MOST appealing design, at the MOST appealing price point! Customers love it, the founder loves it, and the founder has no problems w/ unionization either.
Because ultimately we are all in this together!

Check out and learn about ALDI and TRADER JOE. Same story, same lesson from the Socialist Countries of Europe.

You are so far behind the curve....


>if even liberals like you consider unionization an enemy.

Oh, I don't think unionization is "an enemy." People can join whatever labor organizations they choose, and make themselves as uncompetitive as they choose. And then consumers can choose to buy the overpriced union-made stuff as well - but generally, they don't.

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