
Yes. Those Scary Brown People Again

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>Oki Great post says a bunch

For someone who always claims to be laughing at other people, you sure seem to be lacking in the ability to recognize humor.

Oh ya
That was great humor
but I guess if you agree with belittling other people I guess you could find it funny
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Didn't want to go this direction but.. I have longtime gay and minority friends and I'm not quite sure what "right's" they are not afforded... In fact, many of my gay/minority friends are doing better than me.


Let's get some beers and talk.
Owned by Remi #?

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Didn't want to go this direction but.. I have longtime gay and minority friends and I'm not quite sure what "right's" they are not afforded... In fact, many of my gay/minority friends are doing better than me.


Let's get some beers and talk.

Beer Summit!B|

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Didn't want to go this direction but.. I have longtime gay and minority friends and I'm not quite sure what "right's" they are not afforded... In fact, many of my gay/minority friends are doing better than me.


Let's get some beers and talk.

Every time I hear that kind of response I have to just walk away. GOD I really do hope karma is real and these guys get to walk in other shoes a few hundred times around the sun.

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Let's get some beers and talk

Yes, Frank's next week. And I'll grab the projector when I throw plates on the truck (and shovel the snow out of the bed). We can set it up in my living room, get it working, then check out fox news. :D:D.

Do you have any NIC's/sound cards laying around that would work on win2k?

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>Micheal Jackson's?

He's more kind of gray nowadays I am thinking. Maybe a little green. (Note to Rush - I am not calling you gray, or green.)


I guess you dont want anybody to use your tactic of messing with context back at ya, do you?

Good for you:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I have longtime gay and minority friends and I'm not quite sure
>what "right's" they are not afforded.

The right to marry and the right to serve in the military openly come to mind.

They have the right to be domestic parteners, with all the same legal rights, Marriage is a religious thing , I know of no religion that believes gay is acceptable!

The Military does not allow many Open life styles, Gay is just one of them! You agree to join an Organisation, You Agree to "Thier" terms, Not your own!:S


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>They have the right to be domestic parteners

Agreed. They just don't have the right to marry.

>with all the same legal rights

No. Federal law lists 1,138 protections afforded to married couples that are not afforded to domestic partners. All states recognize marriage; very few states recognize each other's domestic partnership agreements.

>The Military does not allow many Open life styles, Gay is just one of them!

Show me the rule that prohibits openly heterosexual soldiers from serving, then.

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>Because there are no gays in the military . . .

Not too many, no. Over 10,000 have been discharged because they were gay.

>and no same-sex marriages.

Again, not too many, no. Here in California, it was legal for about six months, and is now illegal again. It is illegal in most places in the US.

Of course, by your logic, we can ban private gun ownership - and as long as some people still own guns, then there will be no change in gun rights!

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OK, here we go with the off topic reading comprehension arguments....he said/she said BS.



OK Mike...have it your way.

Tell ya what, Andy - show me the post where rush is saying anything other than everyone should get the same treatment.

Right after you show me the post that says I said Rush was saying anything other than everyone should get the same treatment.

Ball's in your court.

just sayin'

Nope, still in your court. You made the assertion, now show the examples to prove it.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>Oki Great post says a bunch

For someone who always claims to be laughing at other people, you sure seem to be lacking in the ability to recognize humor.

Seeing as how USUALLY any mention of white/other color by him is throwing the race card, can you blame rush for thinking it was serious?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Every time I hear that kind of response I have to just walk away. GOD I really do hope karma is real and these guys get to walk in other shoes a few hundred times around the sun.

When I read a post like that I often feel the same way.

In this case, the responder isn't an anonymous jackass that I can write off as some privileged white guy who doesn't have a clue. The responder is a guy whom I consider to be a dear friend and know to be a kind, generous, reasonable and thoughtful young man, regardless of the fact that he has attempted to kill me no fewer than 2 times. :P

So, we're going to go have a beer and discuss the root feelings behind the comment. Hopefully, Lou will be back to report in on the results of the beer summit.
Owned by Remi #?

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Billvon, I take your point.

But I'm going to revise Amazon's post that I replied to:


It is truly sad that so many conservatives actually believe that gay people or minorities in this country actually have the same rights to marry and serve in the military as other Americans, and are only seeking all those "special rights

Now I can't argue the above.

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Now I can't argue the above.

Quit diggin', Louie.

I'll argue that while there is no explicit "right" to employment in Ohio, it's not possible for my employer to fire me because I'm female, while it is possible for them to fire me because I'm gay.

You think many of your gay friends are doing well or better than you? Maybe they are, but only on the whim or tolerance of a company that sees their value and contributions as employees instead of some other non-important aspect of their humanity.

I've worked m-fcking hard to get where I am WRT my job. It would suck to get fired because someone saw me, say, enjoying a hotdog ;) with some friends at a gay bar.

I can't resist adding:

Now, it would be pretty funny if you got fired because someone saw you, say, enjoying a hotdog ;);) with some friends at a gay bar.

Love, Kelly.
Owned by Remi #?

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You think many of your gay friends are doing well or better than you?

It's interesting how so many people think that become someone is doing better than they are in some way, that must mean they're not discriminated against.

Maybe they're just working a whole lot harder against the discrimination.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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OK, here we go with the off topic reading comprehension arguments....he said/she said BS.



OK Mike...have it your way.

Tell ya what, Andy - show me the post where rush is saying anything other than everyone should get the same treatment.

Right after you show me the post that says I said Rush was saying anything other than everyone should get the same treatment.

Ball's in your court.

just sayin'

Nope, still in your court. You made the assertion, now show the examples to prove it.

A swing and a miss. Re-read and try again.

You're getting tiresome.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Nope, still in your court. You made the assertion, now show the examples to prove it.

A swing and a miss. Re-read and try again.

You're getting tiresome.

Post 76.

"Apparently you think YOU do." - Implication that rush is making a decision about whose religion gets disrespected, when he's advocating treating everyone equally.

"Geez...I forgot what the thread is about. I'm having such fun reading your closed-minded inanities! "

Still waiting on the explanation of how treating everyone equally is 'close-minded' or inane.

"Hard to argue against that, eh?
-Well, not if you might think flying is a "right" of some sort, I guess."

It's not.

"-Well, not if you might want to accommodate people so they CAN fly."

They *can* fly - they just have to go through the same security procedures as everyone else.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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