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Hey Gang.

I can find nothing about this in the mainstream news sources (TV & Newspaper) in Laredo. Nor is there anything on CNN, Fox and MSNBC.

Can anyone confirm this story through a nationally recognized news source?

Read the "Mission and Belief" page on the OP's link. Credibility probably isn't this publication's strong suit. It seems to be designed provide the right wing nutters and religious fundies material to jerk off en masse.

Seems to have worked!

A lot of folks eat shit like that up. If, the Zetas did raid a ranch, it would be because something or someone is on that ranch that they want. They'd get it and get gone.


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Much as the threat of islamic terrorism striking on US soil fell on deaf ears in the 90's, this is a threat that is all too real and not taken seriously by 99% of the US. It will be taken seriously, but unfortunately only after a significant incident has tragic results.

Dave - I realize you may not be able to confirm/deny, but had you heard about this (below)? I ran across it just now, attempting to confirm the blog that Dan posted.

From the Houston Chronicle:

The FBI is advising law enforcement officers across the country that a Texas cell of Los Zetas — an increasingly powerful arm of the Mexican Gulf Cartel drug trafficking syndicate — has acquired a secluded ranch where it trains its members to “neutralize” competitors in the United States.

In order to ensure its share of the lucrative illegal drug trade, the cartel’s members reportedly are operating north of the border to collect debts and spy on competitors. They have also protected cocaine and heroin shipments that were bound for Houston, where they were repackaged and shipped on to Alabama, Delaware, Georgia and Michigan, according to the FBI.

The information, which was disseminated Monday to state, local and federal agencies, does not provide specifics, such as the location of the ranch, but includes a notation that the information came from reliable FBI contacts.

Trainees are reportedly taught about home invasions, firearms and ways to run vehicles off the road in order to kidnap occupants who owe drug debts.

If you think about it, they may do this here in the US and not break any laws in the process.
Real estate is dirt cheap.
Military style weapons (semi-auto anyway) are legal.
Cars aren't all that expensive.

And the cartels have a lot of money.

Buy a remote ranch.
Set up a shooting range. Include a couple buildings for entry/clearing drills.
Set up a driving course.

What I've just described would also fit Gunsite, Thunder Ranch and a host of other schools that offer shooting and tactical training.

Or any number of "milita" groups.

And except for the fact that the Los Zetas probably wouldn't be legally in the country, setting up a "school: like that here in the US is perfectly legal, subject to local zoning and weapons ordinances.

Scary thought.:|
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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So you think we should invade Mexico, driving straight to Mexico City killing everything that moves along the way?

Nope, just that the federal government needs to acknowledge the problem and help the states actually secure the border. The very low number of National Guard recently promised isn't a drop in the bucket as to what is truly needed.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Credibility probably isn't this publication's strong suit. It seems to be designed provide the right wing nutters and religious fundies material to jerk off en masse.

So, it's like Kos, DemUnderground, Mathhews, Olbermann and ABC/NBC/MSNBC/CNN/CBS for you guys?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Credibility probably isn't this publication's strong suit. It seems to be designed provide the right wing nutters and religious fundies material to jerk off en masse.

So, it's like Kos, DemUnderground, Mathhews, Olbermann and ABC/NBC/MSNBC/CNN/CBS for you guys?

You guys? You must mean the extreme left wing nutters....that's not me and I can't speak for them.
I personally will take ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN over "The Cypress Times", or any other publication that bases it's mission statement on biblical scripture.

It's fun seeing how easily some people are worked into a tizzy by a rag like this. I can just imagine veins popping out of people's foreheads!:ph34r:
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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Credibility probably isn't this publication's strong suit. It seems to be designed provide the right wing nutters and religious fundies material to jerk off en masse.

So, it's like Kos, DemUnderground, Mathhews, Olbermann and ABC/NBC/MSNBC/CNN/CBS for you guys?

You guys? You must mean the extreme left wing nutters....that's not me and I can't speak for them.

No, of course it's not you...because we ALL know just how moderate it is to describe people as 'right wing nutters and religious fundies".


I personally will take ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN over "The Cypress Times", or any other publication that bases it's mission statement on biblical scripture.

How about the San Diego Examiner? That got enough liberal street-cred for you?

Of course, reading the rest of the thread would have shown you that the link to the Examiner had already been provided, but that wouldn't have let you make your oh-so-moderate comment, now would it?


It's fun seeing how easily some people are worked into a tizzy by a rag like this. I can just imagine veins popping out of people's foreheads!:ph34r:

Go put yourself in the position of the folks in Laredo and say they're 'worked into a tizzy'.

BTW - that last one is from the LV Sun - hopefully that's a source that meets your standards for being allowed to report the news.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Credibility probably isn't this publication's strong suit. It seems to be designed provide the right wing nutters and religious fundies material to jerk off en masse.

So, it's like Kos, DemUnderground, Mathhews, Olbermann and ABC/NBC/MSNBC/CNN/CBS for you guys?

You guys? You must mean the extreme left wing nutters....that's not me and I can't speak for them.

No, of course it's not you...because we ALL know just how moderate it is to describe people as 'right wing nutters and religious fundies".


I personally will take ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN over "The Cypress Times", or any other publication that bases it's mission statement on biblical scripture.

How about the San Diego Examiner? That got enough liberal street-cred for you?

Of course, reading the rest of the thread would have shown you that the link to the Examiner had already been provided, but that wouldn't have let you make your oh-so-moderate comment, now would it?


It's fun seeing how easily some people are worked into a tizzy by a rag like this. I can just imagine veins popping out of people's foreheads!:ph34r:

Go put yourself in the position of the folks in Laredo and say they're 'worked into a tizzy'.

BTW - that last one is from the LV Sun - hopefully that's a source that meets your standards for being allowed to report the news.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>Well, judging by the past actions regarding Arizona, the Obama
>administration will cede the land to them . . .

. . . and the GOP will apologize to them.

Maybe Obama can organize another 'beer summit'.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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And how does that change the fact we gave him training and weapons?

And when the fuck will you take a position on the situation at hand? This is one ridiculous series of post-even from you.

What situation at hand? There's no proof whatsoever the story linked in the original post of this thread even happened.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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How about the San Diego Examiner?

Actually, no story linked from anywhere with "examiner.com" in it has any credibility with me in and of itself, because "examiner.com" isn't really a news site. It's a blogging site with virtually no editorial over site and a little bit of revenue sharing.

The more outrageous the story, the more money the author generates for himself.

FFS, some people don't even know the difference between a credible source of information and complete bullshit anymore.

Seriously, you guys need to do some research about how "examiner.com" operates. Their entire business model revolves around reposting shit and gaming the Google system.

Not that they don't also repost some credible stuff, but very close to 99% of what you'll find there is histrionic reposts. This story being a perfect example.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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How about the San Diego Examiner?

Actually, no story linked from anywhere with "examiner.com" in it has any credibility with me in and of itself, because "examiner.com" isn't really a news site. It's a blogging site with virtually no editorial over site and a little bit of revenue sharing.

The more outrageous the story, the more money the author generates for himself.

FFS, some people don't even know the difference between a credible source of information and complete bullshit anymore.

Seriously, you guys need to do some research about how "examiner.com" operates. Their entire business model revolves around reposting shit and gaming the Google system

And you know this how?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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OK, lets say for sake of discussion that the original claim of MULTIPLE RANCHES ...TAKEN OVER BY LOS ZETAS was true. Would their be any legal justification to consider this a "foreign invasion" requiring a military response? Wouldn't this be a "home invasion" type crime, handled by local/state law enforcement, with backup from federal agencies if relevant laws were violated (such as crossing state lines)? Wouldn't use of military forces violate the Posse Comitatus Act?

No doubt Mexico is going to hell in a handbasket over these drug gangs, but the gangs do not represent the Mexican Government any more than American criminals speak for the US Government. There is a difference between a "home invasion" and an "armed insurrection".

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Not that they don't also repost some credible stuff, but very close to 99% of what you'll find there is histrionic reposts. This story being a perfect example.

99%? Which is it - they post from credible stuff, or they're 99% BS.

They are basically the newspaper equivalent to Fox News, no doubt, but the slanting is in the description of events, not outright fabrications.

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They are basically the newspaper equivalent to Fox News, no doubt, but the slanting is in the description of events, not outright fabrications.

No, that's the thing, they aren't a newspaper at all.

It takes -zero- qualifications to be "hired" by examiner.com. You set up an account, copy and paste whatever bullshit you please from whatever PAC or political leaning, knitting circle, movie news . . . whatever you happen to like and you end up getting maybe $50 a month if you have enough traffic.

"Examiner.com" doesn't give a flying fudge-cycle what you post. The ONLY thing they care about is having a huge number of bloggers so it puts them at the top of Google searches for just about anything you type in. Then, when the sucker/user clicks on their link instead of the expensive Goodle Ad Word link, they make money from the ad revenue place on your site and they pass a small portion of that along.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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ah, I see it.

The SF Examiner is still the remains of what used to be the Hearst paper. It does have actual writers covering local events, and is printed. Editorial slant is heavily right. Like many city newspapers, it relies heavily on the wire services for articles.

Not quite the same as the web version.

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ah, I see it.
The SF Examiner is still the remains of what used to be the Hearst paper. It does have actual writers covering local events, and is printed. Editorial slant is heavily right. Like many city newspapers, it relies heavily on the wire services for articles.
Not quite the same as the web version.

Well, part of the "scam" of examiner.com is the use of the word "examiner" which is also used by a number of traditional and legitimate news organizations; much like "times" or "herald."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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And you know this how?

Because I actually research the sources of information I read.

So provide the link.

All too easy;

And if I chose to sign in, I could conceal my IP address and insert information that say elephants could be suspended with daffodils. Wiki is so weak...

In updates abound, there are lots of conflicting reports. The writer who "broke" the story is standing by her sources. Michelle Malkin is saying that there were no ranch invasions at this point. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/07/24/invasion-gangs-gun-battles-at-tex-mex-border/

Hate this crap...

First, if it's real - let's consider what happened in terms of media non-coverage (from everyone).

Second, if it's fake - we've seen how viral this gets....and WOW is all I can say (along with wtf? Really? You're hurting legitimate debate and cause to secure the border by doing this crap).

I'd like to see how this develops into Sunday...
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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And if I chose to sign in, I could conceal my IP address and insert information that say elephants could be suspended with daffodils. Wiki is so weak...

Be that as it may. The situation at examiner.com is precisely as I have previously described it. It's fairly well known in media circles. Has been discussed on more places than simply Wikipedia.


In updates abound, there are lots of conflicting reports. The writer who "broke" the story is standing by her sources. Michelle Malkin is saying that there were no ranch invasions at this point. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/07/24/invasion-gangs-gun-battles-at-tex-mex-border/

Hate this crap...

First, if it's real - let's consider what happened in terms of media non-coverage (from everyone).

Second, if it's fake - we've seen how viral this gets....and WOW is all I can say (along with wtf? Really? You're hurting legitimate debate and cause to secure the border by doing this crap).

I'd like to see how this develops into Sunday...

Yes. It will be interesting.

Things like this, the recent faked video by Breitbart and neo-nazis doing border patrol do more to hurt than help the case of the Right. FFS if somebody is on the side of truth, they sure as hell don't need help from people that make up fake shit and nazis.

Seriously, when is the Right going to denounce people like this?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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it sounds like a load of crap from a fringe 'news agency'. If someone called 911, laws are in place that make first responders 'respond'

That means police and firefighters, and probably others would have been dispatched.

And a situation of confronting armed 'persons' would have probably escalated from there into something much larger and it would have been picked up my MANY news agencies.

Did something happen on ranches on the border? Probably. Is it what that rag describes? Probably a long stretch from the actual truth.

Do we have border issues? Absolutely.

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