
Remember, it is the Republican Party who cares about the people.

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For how long of a period do you feel the government should provide unemployment benefits? A year? 18 months? 36 months? Indefinitely?
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kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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For how long of a period do you feel the government should provide unemployment benefits? A year? 18 months? 36 months? Indefinitely?

I don't know about other folks but my experience has been that I found work when my unemployment benefits were coming to an end. In other words, while drawing unemployment I looked for an ideal job. When the bennies were coming to a close I took what I could get. Similar to a long paid vacation.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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For how long of a period do you feel the government should provide unemployment benefits? A year? 18 months? 36 months? Indefinitely?

The Republicans all think they should be extented, they just wanted them funded with out adding to the debt. Then again the right said that American unemployed are lazy and would not look for work until the benifits ran out.

I would like to see some unemployed Republicans volunteer to have their benifits stopped.

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Princess Pelosi calls unemployment benefits "stimulus," and all she had to do to get senate republicans to extend benefits willingly is to treat it as such and use some of the 400 billion unspent stimulus dollars to pay for it.

Of course that would require the democrats giving up some of their hard earned pork dollars for their re-election coffers. So instead it's polarizing politics as usual on capitol hill
Peace, love and hoppiness

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For how long of a period do you feel the government should provide unemployment benefits? A year? 18 months? 36 months? Indefinitely?

As long as there is a lot of unemp, 9.5% then it's warranted. Let's say 7% is a good time to let up as a start.

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Princess Pelosi calls unemployment benefits "stimulus,"

They are, tax cuts, which are virtually only for the very rich, turn into stagnate bank accounts. Unemp checks hit the economy in minutes; not real hard to understand.


and all she had to do to get senate republicans to extend benefits willingly is to treat it as such and use some of the 400 billion unspent stimulus dollars to pay for it.

That was then, now they've decided to chop them, all but 2 Senate R's were gonna fillibuster.


Of course that would require the democrats giving up some of their hard earned pork dollars for their re-election coffers. So instead it's polarizing politics as usual on capitol hill

Or raise taxes to nab some of those elitist, hard-stolen dollars.

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Yea, I know, all those unemployed people are just whiners.

Well, the money was needed for the poor Wall St. execs' bail out. Wouldn't want them to have to sell a mansion or two, or the family yacht, or they might not have enough left over to donate to the GOP.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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They are, tax cuts, which are virtually only for the very rich, turn into stagnate bank accounts. Unemp checks hit the economy in minutes; not real hard to understand.

Banks circulate money. I take it that you forget that the Depression was made worse because people pulled their money out of banks so it wasn't available for investment.

Unemployment checks hit the economy in minutes. Yeah. Take money out of the economy and putting it back in does not seem to be good for the economy.

[Reply]Or raise taxes to nab some of those elitist, hard-stolen dollars.

This statement says it all. The taxes aren't about helping anybody but are about punishing one or more groups of people that you want to see suffer. Of course, the true "elitists" are the ones with the self-anointed authority to determine who should and should not be punished.

You don't care about people. You hate some people. You'll get further if you admit that because it will display some intellectual honesty.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I'm not disagreeing with her that the long term unemployment benefits will ~stimulate~ the economy, you give broke people money and they are going to spend it, probably mostly out of necessity, but also because being spend happy was probably a good reason they were broke to begin with. My hangup with her is why couldn't the Democrats do the sensible thing and use unspent money that exists for this very reason to pay for it and not just put another straw on the back of a pretty exhausted camel
Peace, love and hoppiness

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For how long of a period do you feel the government should provide unemployment benefits? A year? 18 months? 36 months? Indefinitely?

As long as there is a lot of unemp, 9.5% then it's warranted. Let's say 7% is a good time to let up as a start.

What fucking planet do you live on?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Factoid indirectly related to the topic:

According to a report I got today, only 25% of 2010 college graduates with bachelor's degrees have found jobs or admission to graduate school so far. Even traditionally employable majors like engineering are way down.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How does the gov't giving people money it doesn't have stimulate the economy?

Seems like unemployment is turning into the new welfare... [:/]

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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They are, tax cuts, which are virtually only for the very rich, turn into stagnate bank accounts. Unemp checks hit the economy in minutes; not real hard to understand.

Banks circulate money. I take it that you forget that the Depression was made worse because people pulled their money out of banks so it wasn't available for investment.

Unemployment checks hit the economy in minutes. Yeah. Take money out of the economy and putting it back in does not seem to be good for the economy.

[Reply]Or raise taxes to nab some of those elitist, hard-stolen dollars.

This statement says it all. The taxes aren't about helping anybody but are about punishing one or more groups of people that you want to see suffer. Of course, the true "elitists" are the ones with the self-anointed authority to determine who should and should not be punished.

You don't care about people. You hate some people. You'll get further if you admit that because it will display some intellectual honesty.

As Luck would have it,...don't exspect intellectual honesty coming from him anytime soon.

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According to a report I got today, only 25% of 2010 college graduates with bachelor's degrees have found jobs or admission to graduate school so far. Even traditionally employable majors like engineering are way down.

What is typical for less than one month after many colleges graduate (and only 7 weeks after the rest)?

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For how long of a period do you feel the government should provide unemployment benefits? A year? 18 months? 36 months? Indefinitely?

I don't know about other folks but my experience has been that I found work when my unemployment benefits were coming to an end. In other words, while drawing unemployment I looked for an ideal job. When the bennies were coming to a close I took what I could get. Similar to a long paid vacation.

Here in SF, the maximum unemployment benefit would cover typical rent, nothing more, so that's perhaps 50% of living costs. While it may extend the time before you have to get a job, it doesn't make idle time quite leisurely.

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Yea, I know, all those unemployed people are just whiners.

From your link:

Republicans say they support the benefits extension. But with the exception of Maine GOP moderates Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, who voted with Democrats on Tuesday, they insist any benefits be financed by cuts to programs elsewhere in the $3.7 trillion federal budget.



President Barack Obama is hailing pay-as-you-go budget legislation he signed Friday night as one in a series of crucial steps needed to snap Washington out of a destructive pattern of overspending.

“Now, Congress will have to pay for what it spends, just like everybody else,” Obama said in his radio and Internet address released Saturday morning.

The attachment says it all...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The attachment says it all...

Love the attachment. It really hits the nail on the head.:ph34r:
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Yea, I know, all those unemployed people are just whiners.

All Democrats want to do is borrow money from China to buy votes.They pass paygo and exempt every bill they propose...[:/]

On May 10, The Detroit News found job applicants turning down landscaping companies’ offers of employment. Tom Corbett, a Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor, told a Harrisburg, Pa., radio station that some construction companies in his state are dealing with the same problem.

Corbett said the companies told him some laid-off workers have refused work until they run out of unemployment checks, according to an AP story. In fact, Pennsylvania has reported more than $4 million in unemployment fraud, according to WGAL.com

Lancaster Nissan dealers expressed “frustration after several applicants were offered jobs but turned them down.” One was a former car salesman who didn’t want to lose his benefits by working.

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Yea, I know, all those unemployed people are just whiners.

Well, the money was needed for the poor Wall St. execs' bail out. Wouldn't want them to have to sell a mansion or two, or the family yacht, or they might not have enough left over to donate to the GOP.

Yes, those unemployed are whining again, as McSame's aid says. Haven't you figured out yet that if you make the rich richer that you will ensure proserity for all?

Funny to hear these neo-nothings advocate tax cuts which concentrate the money at the top, yet denonce Communism, the otehr ideology that also concentrates the money at the top.

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They are, tax cuts, which are virtually only for the very rich, turn into stagnate bank accounts. Unemp checks hit the economy in minutes; not real hard to understand.


Banks circulate money.

Unless teh rich hang on to it via tax cuts. See, tax increases with writeoffs just ensure reinvestment, tax cuits allow for profit taking and stagnation of funds. The banks only do what savers/borrowers/the Fed Reserve allows them to do.


I take it that you forget that the Depression was made worse because people pulled their money out of banks so it wasn't available for investment.

Yes, the fools should have left it there for the rich and bankers to grab. With it fed isnured that isn't an issue anymore; why even bring it up?


Unemployment checks hit the economy in minutes. Yeah. Take money out of the economy and putting it back in does not seem to be good for the economy.

Wait, economic activity versus stagnation is bad? I thought a recession was basically a reduction in consumer buying, reduced production/GDP? I'm lucky to have you teaching me things; you must be right, cut unemp benefits and cut taxes so the rich can hang on to even more so we can get out of this recession. Are you naive enough to think you've gotten anyone to buy that BS?

[Reply]Or raise taxes to nab some of those elitist, hard-stolen dollars.


This statement says it all. The taxes aren't about helping anybody but are about punishing one or more groups of people that you want to see suffer. Of course, the true "elitists" are the ones with the self-anointed authority to determine who should and should not be punished.

No, I want tax increases so that the rich have to reinvest in order to keep it, stimulating teh economy. You want tax cuts so the rich can pull their profits out and stuff them away for a rainy day. Nice for them, bad for us. Bad for the economy.


You don't care about people. You hate some people. You'll get further if you admit that because it will display some intellectual honesty.

And you abhore poor people and want peopel to buy your BS about tax cuts helping the economy, yet you can't name 1 maj fed tax cut that has benefitted the economy. And if you could dig one out, can you dig out 3 or 5 or better yet, establish a major trend. The ev shows the trend is that tax increases benefits the overall economy.

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I'm not disagreeing with her that the long term unemployment benefits will ~stimulate~ the economy, you give broke people money and they are going to spend it, probably mostly out of necessity, but also because being spend happy was probably a good reason they were broke to begin with. My hangup with her is why couldn't the Democrats do the sensible thing and use unspent money that exists for this very reason to pay for it and not just put another straw on the back of a pretty exhausted camel

Fair enough, I don't really care how it's funded. The Dems are prolly doing it this way as when the stimulus runs out it won't be replentished.

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