
Obesity rankings by state

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I'd bet that if you tried a whole food plant based diet for a month, your taste buds would mature and you would enjoy food even more. It's amazing that on my lifestyle, I can smell fruits and vegetables from across the room, and those who consume animal products need to put the vegetation to their noses to smell it.

well, you have to be able to smell across the room - you run out of breath walking that far!

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I'd bet that if you tried a whole food plant based diet for a month, your taste buds would mature and you would enjoy food even more. It's amazing that on my lifestyle, I can smell fruits and vegetables from across the room, and those who consume animal products need to put the vegetation to their noses to smell it.

well, you have to be able to smell across the room - you run out of breath walking that far!

I have more energy and better health since I've adopted this lifestyle. Even Lawrocket has enjoyed better health. Interestingly, as I posted this morning on facebook, is the bathroom situation. When I was a girl, there was a saying for snooty people. "She/he thinks her shit doesn't stink." Well, this morning, after my morning routine in the loo, I can honestly hold my nose high in the air and state "My shit doesn't stink." It actually smelled really good. Kind of a fruity aroma. Must be all the stone fruit I've been eating this week.
And the overall health benefits from going on a vegan diet are amazing. Contrary to popular belief, plants do have protein, and several are complete proteins. The top 30 foods on the ANDI scale are plants, with the top 13 being green plants. Eat a whole food, plant based diet, and be virtually free of a diseased state, including obesity.

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Well, this morning, after my morning routine in the loo, I can honestly hold my nose high in the air and state "My shit doesn't stink." It actually smelled really good. Kind of a fruity aroma.

i like you. I respect you.

But I'm definitely laughing at you right now. I can't help but think about the Southpark episode where Prius owners keep sniffing their own ass.

And now I'm off to find some animal flesh and make stinky poo.

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I keep wondering why people are happy that their food has no flavor.

I recommend 2 weeks of deer hunting in Alabama, followed by
a week in Texas to learn about brisket.

I'll bet Californians would quit sucking on tofu and visit Cracker Barrel for breakfast.

I'd bet that if you tried a whole food plant based diet for a month, your taste buds would mature and you would enjoy food even more. It's amazing that on my lifestyle, I can smell fruits and vegetables from across the room, and those who consume animal products need to put the vegetation to their noses to smell it.

that's the holier than thou vegetarian attitude right there that turns so many people off to the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.

You may not have meant it that way, but that's the way it came off.

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I can smell fruits and vegetables from across the room...


"My shit doesn't stink." It actually smelled really good. Kind of a fruity aroma.

Diabetic ketoacidosis can make everything smell fruity to you. It's a pretty serious condition. You might want to have it checked out.

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I'm a doctor, sweetie. I've got it covered. No DKA here. And DKA is when the person's breath smells fruity, not their feces smelling fruity.;)

Eat a whole food plant based diet, and obesity will shed and health will emerge.

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I'm a doctor, sweetie. I've got it covered. No DKA here. And DKA is when the person's breath smells fruity, not their feces smelling fruity.;)

You got me. I didn't actually think you had DKA. The joke was that a bionic ability to smell fruit at great distances combined with thinking your shit smells like fruit could just be caused by smelling fruit constantly regardless of the presence of either of the above.


Eat a whole food plant based diet that's balanced and contains a reasonable number of calories, and obesity will shed and health will emerge.

Whether the diet is strictly vegan or not is a personal preference. Exercising doesn't hurt either.

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Whether the diet is strictly vegan or not is a personal preference. Exercising doesn't hurt either.

There is significant scientific evidence that a whole foods, plant based diet is superior for health. Those that eat a whole foods, plant based diet live longer lives and have fewer health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Loma Linda, a vegetarian community, has the oldest population in the USA.

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Whether the diet is strictly vegan or not is a personal preference. Exercising doesn't hurt either.

There is significant scientific evidence that a whole foods, plant based diet is superior for health. Those that eat a whole foods, plant based diet live longer lives and have fewer health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Loma Linda, a vegetarian community, has the oldest population in the USA.

Simmer down - nobody's saying a vegan diet can't be healthy.
The overriding point is to eat healthy food, not junk food.

Regarding heart disease, there's scientific evidence in the other direction, as well (from a website discussing Syndrome X):

"A 14-year study of more than 80,000 women by researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that women with the highest protein intakes were 26 percent less likely to develop heart disease than those who ate the least protein (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999, vol. 70).

Vegetarian sources of protein, such as beans, aren't good protein choices for those with Syndrome X because they raise blood sugar and insulin levels significantly higher than meat (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997, vol. 66). If you prefer, you can follow a vegetarian version of the anti-X diet by emphasizing eggs, high-protein dairy foods such as cottage cheese, and tofu. Be sure to supplement with anti-X nutrients you might miss in a vegetarian diet, such as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids."

Shame about that B12, though
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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CO in last place;
[hangs head in shame]

What's the matter Robert? You are upset because you are one of the "Biggest Loser" states? LOL

Actually I am not surprised CO has the least amount of obese people. There are so many cool outdoorsy things to do there with fantastic weather most of the time. But 1 in 5 being obese is still pretty high.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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CO in last place;
[hangs head in shame]

What's the matter Robert? You are upset because you are one of the "Biggest Loser" states? LOL

Actually I am not surprised CO has the least amount of obese people. There are so many cool outdoorsy things to do there with fantastic weather most of the time. But 1 in 5 being obese is still pretty high.

There's obviously more doctors in Colorado making people eat well and exercise, since diet and exercise is obviously medical care.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Ya well, every demographic and state has its week and strong points.

A strong point and one to be proud of however, is that they didn't vote for Obama. At least they are not ashamed as the blue states are today


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Ya well, every demographic and state has its week and strong points.

A strong point and one to be proud of however, is that they didn't vote for Obama. At least they are not ashamed as the blue states are today


Well I am ashamed of my state
Hope they do better in two years

Well, better to say I hope we have better choices in two[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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