
Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC)

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Wow, very nervous fellow!

He's lucky that he didn't get put down. I suppose that it is better that he be put down through the legal system for the assault and lose his job at the next election.

Of course the party with no standards will not have a problem with his conduct.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I watched it a little earlier this am and the only thing I thought was the kids should have given thier names right away. And what is with the blurring of the face?

May be more coming but as of right now the Senator it looks as though the Senator should take trip down town

But I will wait a couple more days as I bet something is yet to come out
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I watched it a little earlier this am and the only thing I thought was the kids should have given thier names right away. And what is with the blurring of the face?

May be more coming but as of right now the Senator it looks as though the Senator should take trip down town

But I will wait a couple more days as I bet something is yet to come out

I was thinking the same thing. Why not just say, "I'm John Doe, and we're working on a college project." Instead of the the, "Do you always support the Obama agenda?"...verbal yank...

Would've been a non-issue I bet then.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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The act certainly seems to meet the criteria for "assault", but aren't senators immune from criminal prosecution?


It's the 3rd subject heading on the page.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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The act certainly seems to meet the criteria for "assault", but aren't senators immune from criminal prosecution?

Not a chance, regardless of whether one is a member of the House (which he is) or the Senate (which he is not) - at least not in the US.



It's the 3rd subject heading on the page.

Uh, that's from Poland.

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Of course the party with no standards will not have a problem with his conduct.

You mean we have a party in the US that DOES have decent standards (applied consistently to all, that is, as opposed to selective application)?? I'm 55 now, and I haven't seen one yet during my lifetime!
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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The act certainly seems to meet the criteria for "assault", but aren't senators immune from criminal prosecution?

Not a chance, regardless of whether one is a member of the House (which he is) or the Senate (which he is not) - at least not in the US.



It's the 3rd subject heading on the page.

Uh, that's from Poland.


This is what I was looking for, and no, the senators don't have immunity.

So, Nevermind
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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First of all i NEVER heard the man's name before in my life...

i observed the kid intruding into that mans' moment while the Congressman was walking on a public sidewalk, which may allow for such things, ( a sudden "interview" ) but which also put the Congressman into "instant defensive mode"...

A camera is pointed at the older gentleman
and a pestering begins.......not much of a hello,,, or intital contact,, just right into some question for " a School project">:(

I FULLY advocate the students of the world have the freedom to ask questions,,, BUt in the right time and context....:|

It then turned into a case of the Bigger Guy,,,
physically and verbally hassling the littler guy...

Neither one acted decently... it was something of an ambush by the kids... who could have diffused the situation Immediately by identifying themselves:| instead of becoming Beevis and Butthead ;).
The right to assemble carries with it the courtesy to identify yourself,,,, especially when one party Knows the OTHER... ahead of time...

any word on charges????
i'd say it a tempest in a teapot....
both used bad judgement...

However we should remember the tone of Washington DC nowadays...
some folks,, including Lots of Govt. Officials, are 'on edge' as it is.
we're coming up on ten years now,, of fear, and worry... warnings from high level places "that people are out to get us".. that any package can be a bomb!!! 'always be on your guard" sheesh..... well i don't buy into that crap.. but that Congressman might..The days of Steve Allens' "man on the street " interviewing" are long gone.. The only ones who still might acommodate it, are entertainment industry big shots.....who think all press is good press...

... damn people ,,,
all running around with video cameras, nothin' better to do......hahahahahaha

jimmytavino o[:-)

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The biggest problem with this is something nobody seems to care about so far: what happened in the first cut?

Before even having an opinion about this, I'd want to see the raw and unedited video tape.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Errr.... I'd say it falls more under a Criminal Battery charge. No matter what the student/interviewer said, the Congressman stepped on his own crank when he touched the cameraman.

Smartest thing to do would have been to smile and keep walking.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I don't have a real problem with his initial slapping-away of the camera that had just been shoved into his face. That's the understandable reaction of a person defending his personal space. After that, though, he could have, and should have, just turned and walked away. It reminds me of road rage: offended by rude conduct, he let his temper get the better of him.

ETA: it is fair to look at the full, uncut version of both films to fully evaluate the situation.

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Of course the party with no standards will not have a problem with his conduct.

Carbon footprint is a Democratic issue, so wastefulness in a mansion by a Dem is fair game. Family values and sexual conservativeness is a Republican issue, so extra-marital homo-eroticism in a rest room stall by a Repub is fair game.

Your remark, however, is just a stupid cheap shot.

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Before even having an opinion about this, I'd want to see the raw and unedited video tape.

How are you going to justify the physical contact?

It's pretty difficult to say it wasn't justified if you can't see all of what happened.

I'm reviewing the footage right now. The kid that gets his arm held and slapped is holding what looks like a cell phone camera. That appears to be the camera we see in the first two cuts and is the one with the close up of the congressman. That camera is dropped when the kid gets slapped, but it sure doesn't look like the congressman knocked it out of his hands. It just looks like the kid dropped it.

The second camera is what I think I'd really be interested in seeing from start to finish.

I will say that if anybody ever approached me on the street, shoved a camera that close to my face and started acting as rudely as these kids did, I'd be tempted to knock the camera out of the way.

As a congressman, I think you have to be thinking all the time about nut cases out there too. I'm not saying what the guy did was necessarily right, but just put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself if you'd tolerate that kind of thing from a couple of strangers on the street.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The act certainly seems to meet the criteria for "assault", but aren't senators immune from criminal prosecution?

Not a chance, regardless of whether one is a member of the House (which he is) or the Senate (which he is not) - at least not in the US.

That pre Civil War incident, where one Rep beat the hell out of another in session, is what comes to mind here.

However, in reviewing that, he was arrested, fined $300, and expelled from the House. Didn't remember that part being covered in school.

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I can see that the Congressman perpetrated a Battery, not in defense of himself even after he was under no threat of attack and had been asked by the cameraman to cease physical contact.

The cameraman may have been annoying, but the Congressman really should have smiled and kept walking.

You would crucify Britney, Paris, Lindsey, or any other star fro reacting to paparazzi in the same way. Stop making an exception just because it matches your political point.

Edit:You wanna re-read what you just wrote? You think it wasn't the Congresman's fault that the kid dropped his cell phone when the Congressman slapped him?

And in answer to your last question, yeah I would ignore it. Physical contact like that is never appropriate. I've been toe to toe with people having them throw every insult in the book at me, and it's still not justification to cross the line into Assault or Battery.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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You would crucify Britney, Paris, Lindsey, or any other star fro reacting to paparazzi in the same way.

I wouldn't be so sure about that, JP. I see what celebrities have to put up with from real paparazzi pretty regularly and real paps are pretty identifiable as to what their intentions are. Even still, I've come down on the side of the celeb quite a few times when the pap has crossed the line, which they frequently do.

These kids could be anything from fans to "pranksters" to assassins. All Mark David Chapman wanted was an autograph; right? From the point of view of a celeb or in this case congressman walking down the street, ya never know.

The kids could have saved themselves a lot of grief if they'd identified themselves a few footsteps sooner as simply wanting an interview. They didn't have professional cameras, they didn't identify themselves. They simply shoved a camera in the guy's face.

Again, I'm not saying what the congressman did is right, but rather that it is a bit understandable.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You would crucify Britney, Paris, Lindsey, or any other star fro reacting to paparazzi in the same way.

I wouldn't. I'd love to see one of those fuckers get smacked about a bit next time they're endlessly harrassing someone who's just trying to walk along the sidewalk. Or better yet, get a stilleto heel in the face when they're lying in the gutter trying to photograph up a woman's skirt.

Scum of the earth, those bastards.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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From a Fox story


"I have seen the video posted on several blogs," Etheridge said in a statement Monday. "I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved.

"Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse," he said.

Well said and in line with what MOST people said in this thread. Boils down to unless under threat, you cant do what he did no matter how big an ass some one may be.

More may yet come out however.......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It's pretty difficult to say it wasn't justified if you can't see all of what happened.

No it isn't. Based on the information we have available, yes, it is very easy to say it wasn't justified.

Based on the information available, it does not appear that either of these kids presented any objectively reasonable threat to the safety of the Congressman. The kids did not appear to touch the Cngressman in any offensive way.

The Congressman has just issued an apology, as a matter of fact.


will say that if anybody ever approached me on the street, shoved a camera that close to my face and started acting as rudely as these kids did, I'd be tempted to knock the camera out of the way.

What? Asked you a question? Paul - I don't think you would be that person who would attack some kid who asked you whether you support all of the president's policies.


I'm not saying what the guy did was necessarily right, but just put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself if you'd tolerate that kind of thing from a couple of strangers on the street.

Sure. But if he was legitimately worried about being attacked by a nutcase then you would think that he would retreat. I can pretty much guarantee you that "These kids may have knives. If I hit one of them and grab his arms and then his whole body all the while asking who they are then I can save my life."

Paul - you are making excuses. It's not acceptable.

From Politico: http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0610/Dems_defed_Etheridge_attack_Breitbart.html?showall


A national Democratic Party official e-mailed around a set of talking points about an hour ago, under the subject heading, "Etheridge Gotcha Video Background."
1. There is always the part of the story that you can’t see in these gotcha style videos — what were these folks doing, how did they approach him, how were the cameraman and/or others off camera acting? (Sure. Then there's the indefensible part that you DO see. This is "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." It's this sort of political spin/hackey bullshit that drives me crazy. If the guy was so stupid as to attack on camera, his judgment sucks ass)

2. Why would any legitimate student doing a project or a journalist shagging a story not identify themselves. (Because students are unaware of press protocols. Why did the author of these talking points not identify himself/herself?) Motives matter — what was the motivation here? To incite this very type of reaction? (Yep. Maybe. MArion Barry smoking crack with a hooker on video. "That bitch set me up." Perhaps one should avoid biting the lure in a world full of fishermen.)

3. This is clearly the work of the Republican Party and the “interviewer” is clearly a low level staffer or intern. (The GOP is smarter than credited with for picking the right guy, right place, right time to interview. No. These are excuses for a guy who snapped for no apparent reason.) That’s what explains blurring the face of the “interviewer” and refusing to identify the entity this was done for.(Unless, of course, it's some kid who just dealt with a Congressman asking him who he is and is worried about exactly what the hell is going to happen to him. What if the kid is under 18? Yeah, if the kid IS innocent, he's now being called out by a political party to identify himself. Great sensitivity there, party leadership. Make allegations and accusations to REALLY scare this kid.) The Republicans know if they were caught engaging in this type of gotcha tactic it would undermine their own credibility — yet if it was an individual acting on his own there is no reason that person would have blurred themselves out of the video — and if it was the work of a right wing blog they would have their logo on the video and be shouting their involvement from the roof top.(Yeah? Great job making it known that this kid better not identify himself if he knows what's good for him.)

4. This was a purposefully partisan hit job designed to incite a reaction for political reasons — but it is a tactic so low — the parties involved are remaining anonymous.(Yep. A hit job. Who did the "hitting?" Incidentally, nothing is being said about what the kids did to provoke the attack. Notice that? All allegations designed to sidestep what the Congressman did. The Chewbacca defense.)

5. The fact that no one wants to take credit for this should raise real questions in the minds of voters and the press. (Right. My question - whomever that kid was was CLEARLY scared in that video. Nobody thinks the kid might still be frightened - and even MORE frightened now than he was?)

6. Push hard w/ blogs the lack of credibility inherent to anything Breitbart does/posts, given its role in the debunked ACORN videos So the Dems are defending ACORN. Nice job, Dems, of preaching to the choir.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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