
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees on Cinco de Mayo

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OMG -- you mean they're letting them be assistant principals now?????

I doubt his personal ethnicity had anything to do with it. If it did, bad on him.

The quote you have seems to refer only to the bandanna kids; the T-shirt kids refused to turn their T-shirts inside out, and that's why they were asked to go to the principal's office.

Wendy P.

So, if a white assistant principal told the hispanic kids they couldn't wear a Mexican flag, it would be racist. But if the hispanic assistant principal tells the white kids they can't wear the American flag, he couldn't be racist? Really? Really?

I love how everyone thinks only white males are prejudiced and everyone else is virtuous. That assertion alone is prejudiced.

Maybe you missed that day in histroy class where they talked about:

- African slaves

- American Indians

- Women

- Chinese

- Hawaiians

- Japanese-American internment

- On and on and on and on........

Now I hate that I am held accountable for my predecessor white males, but this isn't a tit-for-tat issue. IOW's a balck calling me cracker doesn't have the same sting as me calling him, "boy." Don't be mad at your local black guy, be pissed at your predecessors 5 and 10 generations back.

Stop. You lose the debate. You make a huge leap of inferrence; use a non-sequitur and show prejudicial thinking all at once.

Your argument ASSUMES that I am just like some white males that came before me because I have those two things in common with them. Therefore, I am to be held accountable. You've made an unwarranted leap that does not logically follow and you've managed to stereotype at the same time.

And you think this is perfectly acceptable because I am a white male.

Way to go. You are clearly a liberal. And you proved my point.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Now I hate that I am held accountable for my predecessor white males, but this isn't a tit-for-tat issue. IOW's a balck calling me cracker doesn't have the same sting as me calling him, "boy." Don't be mad at your local black guy, be pissed at your predecessors 5 and 10 generations back.

DAMN those colonists! They should have stayed in England!

Then we wouldn't have all these issues to banter over in SC!

I didn't neccessarily say they shouldn't have come, they should have been less exploitive about it. And perhaps they shouldn't have stolen this country from teh Ameican Indians. Of course there was no specific organized Indian tribe this land belonged to, so I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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They were prohibited from wearing the garb at all, just on that day to avoid conflict that could have resulted in violence.

This was not made known in advance, it was decided on the spot by this one idiot VP.

You talked about avoiding potential violence. You're forgetting another possible scenario:

"WTF? We can't wear our US flag shirts yet they can wear their shirts?"
"That's bullshit man."
"Fuck this. Let's go kick their asses."

And then you still have a race war.

These kids by their actions of peacefully leaving showed they had no hostile intentions in their clothing choice.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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These kids by their actions of peacefully leaving showed they had no hostile intentions in their clothing choice.

Hence - the threat was not even an issue. no protest was made - other than a silent one - but hell - we aren't allowed to protest for the majority are we?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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The fact that urapeein's stole an entire continent is not the discussion. The fact that mexicans are actively trying to steal it back is.
Sorry ignored the tough shit bit. As an aside I didn't figure you as an eye for a eye type of guy. I know you understand the concept of ones misdeeds not being a excuse for the misdeeds of others. So when calling tough shit I reckon that's the lawyer talking not the objective thinker.
PPS. I am all for allowing mexicans in giving them SS#'s and collecting the taxes. if they want to vote they will have to become citizens. At which point they can vote themselves out of the union.
And to that end I say have at it.

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As an aside, it would be poetic justice if the native languages of North America reverted back to whence it came before the genocides wrought by the Europeans. Boo hoo, poor picked-upon Anglos.

Seems pretty unlikely to occur. Very few speak those native North American languages anymore. If you include Central America, good number of Mayans, though still not even a million.

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An American citizen isn't allowed to display the American flag in America because it's a Mexican holiday?
Some people take this PC-BS way too seriously.

And here's me thinking we Dutch are crazy :D

actually, you ARE!!! :D
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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You consistently believe that speech should be squashed because minorities will riot if they hear it.

I think that low opinion of minorities is shocking. Go check back on Jim Crow - laws where the justification was that mud colors were brutes who had to be controlled. And you insist that mud colors are brutes - just waiting for reasons to be set off - and therefore whitew folks (and weathy, and corporations, and republicans, etc) better sut the fuck up or else they'll kill.

I find your thinking abhorrent. And not just that but the fact that a true tyrant threatens death if incorrect speech is aired. It's right up your alley "you say it and people will die. Therefore, we must stop you."

I'm highly disturbed by so many of your thoughts. In my mind, this is the worst.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You consistently believe that speech should be squashed because minorities will riot if they hear it.

I think that low opinion of minorities is shocking. Go check back on Jim Crow - laws where the justification was that mud colors were brutes who had to be controlled. And you insist that mud colors are brutes - just waiting for reasons to be set off - and therefore whitew folks (and weathy, and corporations, and republicans, etc) better sut the fuck up or else they'll kill.

I find your thinking abhorrent. And not just that but the fact that a true tyrant threatens death if incorrect speech is aired. It's right up your alley "you say it and people will die. Therefore, we must stop you."

I'm highly disturbed by so many of your thoughts. In my mind, this is the worst.

And this thought process got it roots through political correctness. An insidious tactic to stifle free speech and act as the foundation for the thought police. Lucky acts as an enforcer.[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I don't fully agree with you. Rather, I think political correctness was based upon the idea that there are certain groups of people who are so lousy and pathetic that they cannot be expected to have a thick skin like a white man.

It's why the self-anointed so emphatically insist that blacks cannot make it without their help. Latinos cannot do it without their help. Asians are assholes because their skin is just as dark and they speak a foreign language but they manage to do it.

Tell people they cannot do it. Get them to believe it. Get paid to help them.

Tell the world that blacks and mexicans will riot if you wear an American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Lucky's point is inescapeable: "they're Mexicans? What else would you expect them to do?"

I find it despicable - especially when couched in terms of "tolerance." Yeah - it's all about one side tolerating and the other side demonstrating the opposite.

Whites better tolerate Mexicans - or they'll kill you. Just think about what that says...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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As an aside, it would be poetic justice if the native languages of North America reverted back to whence it came before the genocides wrought by the Europeans. Boo hoo, poor picked-upon Anglos.

Seems pretty unlikely to occur.

I was speaking philosophically. I do that sometimes.

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OMG -- you mean they're letting them be assistant principals now?????

I doubt his personal ethnicity had anything to do with it. If it did, bad on him.

The quote you have seems to refer only to the bandanna kids; the T-shirt kids refused to turn their T-shirts inside out, and that's why they were asked to go to the principal's office.

Wendy P.

So, if a white assistant principal told the hispanic kids they couldn't wear a Mexican flag, it would be racist. But if the hispanic assistant principal tells the white kids they can't wear the American flag, he couldn't be racist? Really? Really?

I love how everyone thinks only white males are prejudiced and everyone else is virtuous. That assertion alone is prejudiced.

Maybe you missed that day in histroy class where they talked about:

- African slaves

- American Indians

- Women

- Chinese

- Hawaiians

- Japanese-American internment

- On and on and on and on........

Now I hate that I am held accountable for my predecessor white males, but this isn't a tit-for-tat issue. IOW's a balck calling me cracker doesn't have the same sting as me calling him, "boy." Don't be mad at your local black guy, be pissed at your predecessors 5 and 10 generations back.


Stop. You lose the debate. You make a huge leap of inferrence; use a non-sequitur and show prejudicial thinking all at once.

Oh gosh golly, I lose :o. :S


Your argument ASSUMES that I am just like some white males that came before me because I have those two things in common with them. Therefore, I am to be held accountable. You've made an unwarranted leap that does not logically follow and you've managed to stereotype at the same time.

I've made a vast generalization, that's how racism works. Obama is milado yet he is deemed a black man. Tiger woods is deemed a black man, yet he is approximately half black, half Asian. Many/most American anglos have a degree of American Indian and other races within them. This is not an exact science and your predecessors may have immigrated in the late 1800's for all I know and were not part of the slavery game. They may have denounced black / white desegregation and been real great people. But ya see, racial issues generalize, the peple involved don't stop to check lineage, blood quantum or personal political/social positions. It's us vs them; let's fight. So no, I'm not wrong, I'm interpreting racial issues as the rest of the world does; by appearance. You want to play some semantic game, even tho it may be true that your specific predecessors didn't subscribe to racial issues.


And you think this is perfectly acceptable because I am a white male.

No, I think it's acceptable to interpret racial issues as society does. Here's an example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Like_Me It's about a white male who becomes black by appearance and engages life like this. He's a white male thru and thru, but is perceived as a black male by all who see him. So you are trying to take an issue that is vastly generalized by pretty much all of society, yet you want to draw a specific line; it just doesn't work that way.

Another example of generalization is a Proff I had at University, he immigrated from Italy over a decade ago and earned his JD, PhD. He looks totally like a Mexican-American, has a sharp accent and is confused for a Mexican all the time. Another kicker is that he is perceived as a white since he's from W.E. so he cannot enjoy any affirmative Action programs, yet is racially profiled as a Mexican.

So you're looking for some exacting interpretation while society just genralizes as they see someone, they identify that person as a white, black, mexican, Asian, etc.


Way to go. You are clearly a liberal. And you proved my point.

You accuse me of a non-sequitur and showing prejudicial thinking, then you perform an ad hominem, so you are at best hypocritical. You, being a conservative, does all he can to avoid the issues and turn this against theposter in strawman fashion. If you care to actually address what I wrote, here it is:

Maybe you missed that day in histroy class where they talked about:

- African slaves

- American Indians

- Women

- Chinese

- Hawaiians

- Japanese-American internment

- On and on and on and on........

Now I hate that I am held accountable for my predecessor white males, but this isn't a tit-for-tat issue. IOW's a balck calling me cracker doesn't have the same sting as me calling him, "boy." Don't be mad at your local black guy, be pissed at your predecessors 5 and 10 generations back.

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I don't fully agree with you. Rather, I think political correctness was based upon the idea that there are certain groups of people who are so lousy and pathetic that they cannot be expected to have a thick skin like a white man.

It's why the self-anointed so emphatically insist that blacks cannot make it without their help. Latinos cannot do it without their help. Asians are assholes because their skin is just as dark and they speak a foreign language but they manage to do it.

Tell people they cannot do it. Get them to believe it. Get paid to help them.

Tell the world that blacks and mexicans will riot if you wear an American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Lucky's point is inescapeable: "they're Mexicans? What else would you expect them to do?"

I find it despicable - especially when couched in terms of "tolerance." Yeah - it's all about one side tolerating and the other side demonstrating the opposite.

Whites better tolerate Mexicans - or they'll kill you. Just think about what that says...

I see your point but, it is all related IMO. Link it all together and it has more power. All in all the whole idea is to attempt to shut those up with whom you do not agree. Label them, make them feel guilty, pass hate crimes laws ECT. use words and ideas against them. And the side that uses this the most are those who feel, not think
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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They were prohibited from wearing the garb at all, just on that day to avoid conflict that could have resulted in violence.


This was not made known in advance, it was decided on the spot by this one idiot VP.

And if he didn't send the kid home, a fight ensued, he would also be an idiot - sounds like he can't win.


You talked about avoiding potential violence. You're forgetting another possible scenario:

"WTF? We can't wear our US flag shirts yet they can wear their shirts?"
"That's bullshit man."
"Fuck this. Let's go kick their asses."

That's an aggression between the white punks and the school versus an aggression between the white kids and teh Mexicans; quite different. The Mexican kids aren't issuing the mandate, the school is, so let the white kids fight with school admin.


And then you still have a race war.

No, a war between the white kids and school admin.


These kids by their actions of peacefully leaving showed they had no hostile intentions in their clothing choice.

Riiiiight, they were sending an anti-Meican message. Again, 92% of all communication is non-verbal.

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As an aside I didn't figure you as an eye for a eye type of guy

Ad hominem


I know you understand the concept of ones misdeeds not being a excuse for the misdeeds of others.

Ad hominem


So when calling tough shit I reckon that's the lawyer talking not the objective thinker.

Ad hominem.....WTF, outta things to address per the issue so you turn it as a referendum about him???? Trypical.


PPS. I am all for allowing mexicans in giving them SS#'s and collecting the taxes.

So are they, the process isn't that easy and the fear is that once they apply, they get turned down, now they've identified themselves for deportation.


if they want to vote they will have to become citizens.

Most aren't politically active, they just want assylum from their mess of a country.


At which point they can vote themselves out of the union.

Which is ridiculous.

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You consistently believe that speech should be squashed because minorities will riot if they hear it.

Consistently? When else? I think peace should be held and if sending a couple wise ass punks home for a day averts a riot, so be it. You, OTOH, says let em wear it, let the fighting ensue, bury the dead and prosecute the living.


I think that low opinion of minorities is shocking.

Nice try to flip it. I'm saying to keep the peace, even you go a little further than neccessary.


I find your thinking abhorrent. And not just that but the fact that a true tyrant threatens death if incorrect speech is aired. It's right up your alley "you say it and people will die. Therefore, we must stop you."

It's a trade off; send some stupid kid home or risk a fight/riot. These dicks were quite obviously inciting and you say kill em all and let the courts/coroner sort em out and you think I'm abhorrent :S. Tell that to the parents.

If it were minorities wearing shirts, gang colors, even sports team garb that could incite I say the same measure is neccessary. See, it's called early intervention to turn the fight from between the students to between teh shitheads and the staff. This often quells any violence when you change parties.


I'm highly disturbed by so many of your thoughts. In my mind, this is the worst.

Not only are you errant, but your grandstanding is grossly obvious I'm considering you for an Emmy.

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I don't fully agree with you. Rather, I think political correctness was based upon the idea that there are certain groups of people who are so lousy and pathetic that they cannot be expected to have a thick skin like a white man.

It's why the self-anointed so emphatically insist that blacks cannot make it without their help. Latinos cannot do it without their help. Asians are assholes because their skin is just as dark and they speak a foreign language but they manage to do it.

Tell people they cannot do it. Get them to believe it. Get paid to help them.

Tell the world that blacks and mexicans will riot if you wear an American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Lucky's point is inescapeable: "they're Mexicans? What else would you expect them to do?"

I find it despicable - especially when couched in terms of "tolerance." Yeah - it's all about one side tolerating and the other side demonstrating the opposite.

Whites better tolerate Mexicans - or they'll kill you. Just think about what that says...

Or it could be that the white man has been teh devil in so many cases - the list you ignored:

- African slaves

- American Indians

- Women

- Chinese

- Hawaiians

- Japanese-American internment

- On and on and on and on........

That is the byproduct of centuries of racial oppression, miscegenation, anhillation, gender oppression, etc. Deal with it, as white males our predecessors have really set the stage for us.

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I don't fully agree with you. Rather, I think political correctness was based upon the idea that there are certain groups of people who are so lousy and pathetic that they cannot be expected to have a thick skin like a white man.

It's why the self-anointed so emphatically insist that blacks cannot make it without their help. Latinos cannot do it without their help. Asians are assholes because their skin is just as dark and they speak a foreign language but they manage to do it.

Tell people they cannot do it. Get them to believe it. Get paid to help them.

Tell the world that blacks and mexicans will riot if you wear an American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Lucky's point is inescapeable: "they're Mexicans? What else would you expect them to do?"

I find it despicable - especially when couched in terms of "tolerance." Yeah - it's all about one side tolerating and the other side demonstrating the opposite.

Whites better tolerate Mexicans - or they'll kill you. Just think about what that says...

I see your point but, it is all related IMO. Link it all together and it has more power. All in all the whole idea is to attempt to shut those up with whom you do not agree. Label them, make them feel guilty, pass hate crimes laws ECT. use words and ideas against them. And the side that uses this the most are those who feel, not think

>>>>>>>>> All in all the whole idea is to attempt to shut those up with whom you do not agree.

Or just to stop violence for today.

From teh party of, "who cares about that minor 4th deprivation, it's minimal in the light of greater issues" we have the t-shirt squad willing to shed blood over a flag shirt :S. Talk about hypocritical.

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I don't fully agree with you. Rather, I think political correctness was based upon the idea that there are certain groups of people who are so lousy and pathetic that they cannot be expected to have a thick skin like a white man.

It's why the self-anointed so emphatically insist that blacks cannot make it without their help. Latinos cannot do it without their help. Asians are assholes because their skin is just as dark and they speak a foreign language but they manage to do it.

Tell people they cannot do it. Get them to believe it. Get paid to help them.

Tell the world that blacks and mexicans will riot if you wear an American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Lucky's point is inescapeable: "they're Mexicans? What else would you expect them to do?"

I find it despicable - especially when couched in terms of "tolerance." Yeah - it's all about one side tolerating and the other side demonstrating the opposite.

Whites better tolerate Mexicans - or they'll kill you. Just think about what that says...

I see your point but, it is all related IMO. Link it all together and it has more power. All in all the whole idea is to attempt to shut those up with whom you do not agree. Label them, make them feel guilty, pass hate crimes laws ECT. use words and ideas against them. And the side that uses this the most are those who feel, not think

>>>>>>>>> All in all the whole idea is to attempt to shut those up with whom you do not agree.

Or just to stop violence for today.

From teh party of, "who cares about that minor 4th deprivation, it's minimal in the light of greater issues" we have the t-shirt squad willing to shed blood over a flag shirt :S. Talk about hypocritical.

Then send those home who threaten violence dude!!

But to you I guess it is better to shut those up with whom you do not agree with

Lets make the Mexicans happy and screw over those living in the US


They ARE living in the US going to US schools sucking US dollars


A clue

See if one can be found here

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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More ignorance, Student suspended for not allowing Mexican flag to fly over American flag!


Yesterday, a listener’s son was offended that his school, Klein Collins High School, displayed the Mexican flag prominently. His mother called to complain, and the school wouldn’t return her call. The student took the sign down.

The school pitched a fit, reviewed the surveillance tapes, found the student, and suspended him for 3 days. AND he has to pay for the flag. In light of the SF story of students sent home for wearing the AMERICAN flag because it offended the Hispanic students, I thought you’d like to know about a story closer to home.

So what do we have here:

- Mexican flag was hung on upper deck of school
- Kid was offended
- Told Mommy
- Mommy called school
- School didn't get back instantly
- Kid took law into his own hands and destroyed flag
- School found out who and suspended him and made him pay restitution

And this is the rendition from your side, there may be other facts not known.

OK, so we have a kid destroying property. This is not, as you say, "allowing Mexican flag to fly over American flag!" They didn't post this flag over an American flag; you're convoluting the issues when they are seperate.

Anyway, a kid destroys someone's property and is caught, suspended and pays for it. He and / or his mommy should have gone to the school to complain and see what happens then. The school and it's staff are responsible for the goings on inside the school, if ya don't like it, go sue. You are advocating vigilantism and pretending it's just Americanness.

Take this issue to court, if they rubber stamp it, what then? More vigilantism? They would likely establish rules for hanging what flags when and then if you lose, now more vigilantism.

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