
Star Wars Truther website: Was the destruction of the Death Star an Inside Job?

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We have new intelligence which suggest that the Empire was building several "Icing Enrichment Facilities." We believe that their goal in enriching this icing on the cake is to ultimately construct another Death Star near the planet Endor to ethnically cleanse the planet of Ewoks.
The best things in life are dangerous.

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This shows you know nothing about engineering..... It was in SPACE, and to have freefall you have to have GRAVITY....sheesh ;)

It's WIDELY known that there's no gravity in space. Even sixth graders know that.

And there's a guy who commented in a thread on digg.com who's getting a PhD in combustion who will back that up.

...a PhD!


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do i need to go on, the USA has alot to answer for, and if your arrogant and ignorant attitude continues, i would not be surprised it you are subject to such destruction yourseleves.

Nope. We're FAR better than that.


You (the USA) act like you are bulletproof but you are just plain old arrogant.

Yep. Not MY problem if YOU can't cope with that.


About time you guys felt some pain and suffering, maybe then you might take such subjects more seriously.

Nope. Why should innocent people die?


there are at least 100,000 people dead due to lies and corruption.

Prove it. Then after you have done that I want the percentage of terrorist/insurgents trying to kill me included.


how 'has you war on terror' helped at all?

Dude, have you actually ever BEEN to Iraq? The majority of the people here actually LIKE us and what we are doing for them. There are a few bad apples though.


think about it you fucking selfish, idiotic, heartless, violent, greedy cunts!

>>Sarcasm<< Yep. And get this, we have 2 for Tuesday's here where if we can neutralize 2 insurgents in one day we get extra ice cream at the DFAC.

Mostly though, what the FUCK does any of this have to do with the destruction of the death star?
Muff #5048

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The photographic evidence is obviously flawed.

Sound is a mechanical wave and requires a medium.
The TIE fighters would not make a sound when moving
through space. The film must have been altered to
add sound to the film.

Well, in fairness the mechanical vibrations could have been detected by laser interferometry and subsequently converted to that which we perceive as sound.

Hah! That has been used for measurements of gravity and the like,
but we need to base this discussion on facts - the General Theory of Relativity is just that - a theory.

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We have new intelligence which suggest that the Empire was building several "Icing Enrichment Facilities." We believe that their goal in enriching this icing on the cake is to ultimately construct another Death Star near the planet Endor to ethnically cleanse the planet of Ewoks.

The waste from this process was fed to the Bantha. The area that they were held in was not well ventilated. The methane these animals generated reached the LEL and "boom" the end of the Death Star. That is my theory and I am sticking to it;)

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Bantha Slippers!!B|
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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And some fabulous comments. (Who said SC isn't funny? ... humorous that is not weird.:P)

And I concur w/r/t the Bantha slips. :D


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And some fabulous comments. (Who said SC isn't funny? ... humorous that is not weird.:P)

And I concur w/r/t the Bantha slips. :D


We DO know how to have fun

I think that an SC convention would be an absolute blast... ..... ...... ...... until the alcohol took over and the political discussions:P ensued
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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you are laughing at the reason your country is currently in two wars!

you are laughing at freedom

you are laughing at the loss of you rights.

you are not laughing at me, you are laughing at millions of concerned citizens of this planet.

and you are spting and trampling on the graves of thousands of people.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!


And would someone PLEASE give Emperor Palpatine a blowjob so we can impeach him???

Like maybe her:
Speed Racer

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Hah! That has been used for measurements of gravity and the like,
but we need to base this discussion on facts - the General Theory of Relativity is just that - a theory.

So you say. Bayes showed us that subjective feelings are real and measurable. Like believing in the Force, how we found the lost bomb off Spain, and knowing some Austrailian posters are not what they wish to appear.;)
Tom B

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