
Separation of Church and State. NONSENSE!

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[Reply]Can't you peacefully coexist with those having a religious belief and expressing it? Is a bit of tolerance too much to ask all of us?

This isn't about allowing individuals to express their religious beliefs. It's about the government being prohibited from imposing religion on the people. You can pray all you want to whatever you want, but the government is not permitted to force you to pray.


Perhaps you can explain how having a historical nativity scene in the town square forces you pray? I got news for you. The KKK putting up a display every year in downtown Cincinnati doesn't force me to be a racist. And a menorah there doesn't make me want to wear a yarmulke. So long as no public money is spent on it, what is the big concern?

The nativity scene doesn't force me to pray, but if it is sanctioned/paid for by the government it violates the First Amendment. If no public money is spent on it (which means the government shouldn't provide the space) then I have no problem with it.


Or perhaps you can help me understand the pressure placed on stores a few years ago to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. The holiday IS Christmas. That is why people are doing all the damn spending. Exactly how do any of these force you to do anything, except laugh at our stupidity.

Has nothing to do with the the First Amendment. The government didn't do that.


I am a elected school board member. There is no way in hell I would permit our staff to force students to pray, or even lead prayer. But even at the most extreme example, I have never seen a government force anyone to pray, only expecting that those present observe a bit of respectful silence as people do pray, and THAT is illegal already.

People can and should be allowed to pray anytime they want to. But (the government) asking children of agnostic/atheist parents to "observe" (whatever you want to call it) is equalt to the government "respecting an establishment of religion." That is prohibited by the First Amendment, as it should be.

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The holiday IS Christmas.

Hmmm, interesting. Hey, can you tell me why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th?

Convention..... because the actual date for the winter Solstice will vary from year to year ... and that would fuck with peoples heads too much.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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The holiday IS Christmas.

Hmmm, interesting. Hey, can you tell me why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th?

Convention..... because the actual date for the winter Solstice will vary from year to year ... and that would fuck with peoples heads too much.

And yet, the movable date for celebration of Easter makes sense? Oh wait, that's another pagan holiday isn't it? Silly me, connecting a pagan holiday with Christianity.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Will it really hurt you to drive quietly past that nativity scene on your way to a seasonal shopping extravaganza? So long as the 92% of us who believe in God don't attempt to force you to do so, will it hurt to just ignore a politician's stated belief in God, or his seeking advice from a church body? Exactly how does their doing so detract from your existence, so long as they don't ram it down your throat?

That's a pretty poor attempt to trivialise any genuine problems and vilations that actually do occur.

Really? If it is just trivia, then why do they file lawsuits about nativity scenes that piss off the great majority of the population? And why would they try to block Boy Scouts from meeting in schools on religious grounds. And why did they push my school district to not accept Sunday rentals of our building on constitutional grounds.

Apparently trivia is the sole reason for many of them to exist.
Tom B

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It seems that Easter is based around the Lunar calendar ...Easter sunday is the 1st sunday after the full moon ... the start of spring (apparently).

Not exactly. Easter is based on the Jewish Passover, and Passover is based on the lunar calander as you describe. I am guessing that when they started observing Passover, the moon was the best calendar most of them had. It makes as much

In a similar fashion, some doctors proposed that women in India base their bith control pills cycle on on the phase of the moon. Full moon crazy could take on a whole new meaning if they had actually done that. ;)
Tom B

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"The holiday IS Christmas"

You're funny, the holiday IS Hanukkah. Fucking goyum.

Really? People go to stores to spend incredible amounts of money and put gifts under a Hanukkah tree? I didn't know that. My Jewish best friend doesn't know that either I suspect.

Do you think the presents originated with Christianity? Do you think the tree originated with Christianity?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Go read the constitution. The fact that god is omitted at every level and the ordination of the articles comes from the free will of man, speaks volumes. As hard is it is for you to accept the founding fathers were "progressive".

Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were liberal. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were conservative. Patrick Henry was very conservative and he meant exactly what he said about "give me liberty or give me death". He wasn't a progressive at all. He felt that government control over individuals lives was uncalled for. (cough, cough... national healthcare) He flat out had no patience for instrusive government. John Hancock was very conservative and used his wealth to push the conservative values. George Washington was conservative and believed in a central government that worked for the people. Benjamin Franklin was more of a centrist and a philosopher. So what I see are founding fathers that cover the entire spectrum of view points. Not just all "Progressive" or "Liberal"

"Liberal" means freedom, ie, lack of coercion. So Jefferson was actually a pretty radical liberal, and a progressive.

"Conservative" means someone who wants to preserve tradition and the status quo, whatever that may be in that time or place. (ie, in late 80s/early 90s when the Soviet system was collapsing, a Russian conservative would have wanted the old Communist system to stay & would reject the new system coming in)

In Jefferson's time, the Conservatives were the loyalists. They wanted to maintain the old line tradition of loyalty to one's king.

Jefferson was a Liberal, not a Conservative.

He of course was not a modern "welfare-state Liberal" but that is just one type of liberal in a different time period. There are different types of Liberals just as there are different types of Conservatives.

The word "Conservative" does not mean someone who wants a small, un-intrusive government. A Conservative individual in a Western country may ALSO be in favor of small government, but that is not what the word "Conservative" means.
Speed Racer

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It's ok. They don't need to know history. They just need to think they know it from what they hear from what the right wing talking heads say.

They sure as hell aren't going to understand that the concept of Liberal and Conservative actually comes from France!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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They just need to think they know it from what they hear from what the right wing talking heads say.

Kind of like your (false) opinion of Beck! You heard it from one of them IGNORANT liberal fuck stick's so it must be true!:)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Kind of like your (false) opinion of Beck! You heard it from one of them IGNORANT liberal fuck stick's so it must be true!:)

Dear John . . . got any sort of proof I've never watched Glenn Beck?

I actually do watch him about once a week just to see what the hell he's yammering about. Now, maybe you have some stat or something that says I only watch him on his special "bat shit crazy" day or something, but I tune in fairly randomly and I really think it goes against all odds that I only see him on "bat shit crazy" day and not the days when he's taken his medication.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Will it really hurt you to drive quietly past that nativity scene on your way to a seasonal shopping extravaganza?

If they put it up on government property, or use my tax money to erect it and support it, it not only pains me greatly every time I have to look at it, IT VIOLATES THE FIRST AMENDMENT!

No it doesn't.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Kind of like your (false) opinion of Beck! You heard it from one of them IGNORANT liberal fuck stick's so it must be true!:)

Dear John . . . got any sort of proof I've never watched Glenn Beck?

I actually do watch him about once a week just to see what the hell he's yammering about. Now, maybe you have some stat or something that says I only watch him on his special "bat shit crazy" day or something, but I tune in fairly randomly and I really think it goes against all odds that I only see him on "bat shit crazy" day and not the days when he's taken his medication.

Your accusations of Beck makes it very clear that you either dont watch him or dont pay attention while he is on your TV, so you tell me which one it is.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Your accusations of Beck makes it very clear that you either dont watch him or dont pay attention while he is on your TV, so you tell me which one it is.

Gee, I don't know.

"Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" -- old joke.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Your accusations of Beck makes it very clear that you either dont watch him or dont pay attention while he is on your TV, so you tell me which one it is.

Gee, I don't know.

"Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" -- old joke.

I tend to believe that those who listen to him and are completely in sync with him... might just be bat shit crazy too.:S:S:S

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"The holiday IS Christmas"

You're funny, the holiday IS Hanukkah. Fucking goyum.

Really? People go to stores to spend incredible amounts of money and put gifts under a Hanukkah tree? I didn't know that. My Jewish best friend doesn't know that either I suspect.

Do you think the presents originated with Christianity? Do you think the tree originated with Christianity?

Nice baiting question. The tree is a relatively modern addition to it. I have never thought about presents other than the practice started by the Santa Claus guy in... Holland? I forget where he was from. Most people probably relate it to the three wise men I guess.

But frankly, the shopping crusades we go on are just about as far removed from the ideals of Christanity as a non-criminal can get. But that was my point.

We have this annual spending event we call Christmas, and stores spend a fortune in advertising to get customers in the stores to Christmas shop, and people want them to not say Merry Christmas? That is nuts on a practical level, having absolutely nothing to do with Christanity. Hell I have several Jewish friends, and most of them have a Christmas tree and give presents. What Americans in large numbers call Christmas is pretty far removed from Christanity.
Tom B

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The tree is a relatively modern addition to it.

Yeah. What's 500 hundred or so years? A mere trifling! And again, you just can't confuse those "Christmas" trees with any Germanic pagan holidays celebrating the winter solstice. I mean, you'd have to be nuts to connect those two.


What Americans in large numbers call Christmas is pretty far removed from Christanity.

On that point, I'll absolutely agree.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Really, the holiday is about putting shit under a tree. One helluva christian you are.

Well for starters, I never claimed to be a "helluva Christian". In fact I don't think I ever said I was Christian at all.

I find it very sad that Christmas has become a commercial extravaganza of gifts and a tree. But lets not pretend that it hasn't become exactly that in very large numbers.

Do you live in America? If so, unless you have the senses of Helen Keller, then you could not have missed the events of today, Black Friday. If this is not about putting shit under a tree, then what is it? I ask because I don't know of any biblical justification for it, and am pretty sure that anyone could come up with several biblical points against it.
Tom B

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The tree is a relatively modern addition to it.

Yeah. What's 500 hundred or so years? A mere trifling! And again, you just can't confuse those "Christmas" trees with any Germanic pagan holidays celebrating the winter solstice. I mean, you'd have to be nuts to connect those two.

What would you call 500 years, when compared to Christ being born some 2,000 years or so ago. I used "relatively" to soften the word modern, so as to not confuse it with more recent events.

I fully admit to not knowing the exact period the trees came from. But then I don't have any reason to care one way or the other.

I am an engineer, not a linguist. ;)

And I absolutly am not expert in Christanity.
Tom B

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I fully admit to not knowing the exact period the trees came from. But then I don't have any reason to care one way or the other.

Ah, well, that's my problem then. I question nearly everything; Christmas trees to Easter eggs. Most of it doesn't make much sense from a Christian stand point and only begins to make sense when you realize how those traditions became incorporated; mostly as a way to win converts and try to fit in with already existing pagan holidays.

So, then my questions lead me to a bunch of other things like how much of the Christ story was identical to some other mythology that predates Christ. It's all pretty interesting stuff, but unfortunately, if a person really believes every word of the Bible is true, it's a little unsettling.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So, then my questions lead me to a bunch of other things like how much of the Christ story was identical to some other mythology that predates Christ. It's all pretty interesting stuff, but unfortunately, if a person really believes every word of the Bible is true, it's a little unsettling.

I was one of those kids raised by the village. The largest force in my life was an uncle who was a Methodist minister and civil rights worker. I still live to his view of the bible. He taught me to focus on the stories, the intent of the stories, and not get worked up over the language of individual verses. That worked pretty well, and generally lets you avoid a LOT misdirection and confusion.

I don't know how one can reconcile a belief that every word and verse is fact, since the apostles wrote slightly different versions of the same events.
Tom B

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