
Furthering Medical Trauma Reserch one soldier at a time!

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Recently it has been brought to my attention that medical trauma research is greatly enhanced during war times.
Basically we have a lot more trauma victims providing research data.

So, my question is this ; considering the high cost of every medical procedure here in the US and the limited funds,
should a soldier wounded in Afghanistan fighting for our country get more US payed medical funds than an innocent walking the streets of our country who is a victim of violent crime?
Should the military come first?
Or should all citizens be treated equally?
Should citizens be allowed access to and free care at military hospitals?


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Should citizens be allowed access to and free care at military hospitals?

SURE! Go sign up and you can go see all those military doc's.

No seriously!
Listen, Military personelle are well compensated for their time in service.
They also enjoy many benefits that the average civilian doesn't qualify for.

When it comes to doctors care , isn't any civilian just as entitled as any military personelle?


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When it comes to doctors care , isn't any civilian just as entitled as any military personelle?

Nope-part of the package of the job-without even entering in to the whole on the job injury side of things,


”What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.” ~ Adrian Rogers

You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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Should citizens be allowed access to and free care at military hospitals?

SURE! Go sign up and you can go see all those military doc's.

No seriously!
Listen, Military personelle are well compensated for there time in service.

That is not my opinion


They also enjoy many benefits that the average civilian doesn't qualify for.

When it comes to doctors care , isn't any civilian just as entitled as any military personelle?


If members of the armed forces are wounded in the course of their duties, it is unethical for the country to deny them the best care available. I'd say the same about police or firefighters too. If OTOH a soldier injures himself DUI or skydiving or bowling, then he should be treated no differently than any other person.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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[If members of the armed forces are wounded in the course of their duties, it is unethical for the country to deny them the best care available. I'd say the same about police or firefighters too.

Wait a second Professor,
Do you really believe that those members of the armed forces should be entitled to the same health care as Dick Cheney is entitled?????
They are lowly peons(pawns) and he was the Commander in Charge of the Commander in Chief !!!


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What did the military ever do to you to deserve your arrogant treatment. ?

They used and are still using my name and my countries name to slaughter innoncents.

It isn't good enough, fossg, to say you were just following orders.

Maybe at the beginning that would have bought a ticket to innocense.
Thing is in this volunteer era no one is obligated for more than 6 years.

I understand that they fooled almost everyone on 9-11-01.
But those folks have now had time to to research and opt out.
No.., If you are still in the military today you are either just way damn dumb, or a straight out mercenary willing to kill for cash.
and mercenaries,fossig, deserve no respect, no ticker tape parades.They are shameful and shouldn't even try to look civilized men in the eye.

They are murderers for hire.



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When it comes to doctors care , isn't any civilian just as entitled as any military personelle?

Nope-part of the package of the job-without even entering in to the whole on the job injury side of things,

So let me get this straight, futuredivot, you believe that some guy who joined the army, knowing full well he was going to be deployed to Iraq and be shot at should recieve government health care for his bullet wounds but the civilian walking down the street, the taxpayer who was paying a large percentage of his earnings toward the upkeep of the military, should not recieve the same government healthcare for his bullet wounds as the soldier?

Are soldiers some how a higher class of citizen now?



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Lets see here.. in the course of my most recent deployment I have arranged cleft pallate surgery for 3 kids and (thanks to help from people who know who they are) arranged heart surgery for a 6 month infant. All of these kids were Moslem by the way. I have served my nation proudly for 30 years. I will no longer respond to your posts. You sir are a sick twisted jack ass. I suggest that you locate yourself to one of the more repressive shitholes in this world and see how far you get. Instead of an old soldier calling you a jack ass you might find your self locked up or worse. To the mods if you want to ban me go ahead. It was worth it

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Lets see here.. in the course of my most recent deployment I have arranged cleft pallate surgery for 3 kids and (thanks to help from people who know who they are) arranged heart surgery for a 6 month infant. All of these kids were Moslem by the way.


Yeah and that was the misiion wasn't it fossg?

What the fuck are you there for?
You think my tax dollars are supposed to support your humanitarian fuckin' vacation??? If you want to be a philanthropist do it on your own damn dime!.
I'm paying you to clear Iraq of wepons of mass destruction.
That job was complete before you ever got there.
Return to base soldier.



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cliffwhite has got to be the worst troll around here-lets starve him out!!!!

What the fuck?
Do you believe that the mission to Iraq was supposed to be humanitarian in nature, big bearfng?

I kinda remember we were going in search of Weapons of Mass Destruction which were an immediate threat to our own safety here in the USA!

If any American soldier is still over there they
are either such a big pussy that they are scared to speak Truth to Power, or they have decided that money is a pretty good compensation for killin'.
Either way I see no reason to respect them and honor is way out of line!
I here -by decree that Memorial Day and Veterans Day will no longer be celebrated exept by propagandized ,life size, blow -up, vibrating Michael Jackson love dolls .


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Lets see here.. in the course of my most recent deployment I have arranged cleft pallate surgery for 3 kids and (thanks to help from people who know who they are) arranged heart surgery for a 6 month infant. All of these kids were Moslem by the way.


Yeah and that was the misiion wasn't it fossg?

What the fuck are you there for?
You think my tax dollars are supposed to support your humanitarian fuckin' vacation??? If you want to be a philanthropist do it on your own damn dime!.
I'm paying you to clear Iraq of wepons of mass destruction.
That job was complete before you ever got there.
Return to base soldier.


As much as it pains me to sy it i havet agree with you cliff. We did not come here on a humanitarian mission we came here to destroy a threat to the US and its allies. That job has been completed long ago. Unfortunatly there is grooves of bleeding hearts that care about everyone but there own here in the US, and ifwe would have just taken the country and its resources and left it to the wolves that would have caused a different set of problems and pissed off people.

In 2003 when hit Baghdad with no support from our taxpayer money soldiers payed interpriters out of there own pocket so we could communicate with the locals. The general opinion of the people were that they lost the war and the US ownes everything, but then we fixed this shithole and gave it back to peole that steal electric cables and sell it back to the power company then bitch cause theres no power.

So yes we should leave or just take what we want from this place these people dont want our help so i say screw them. If you feel that im just a mindless grunt then because of saying we should just take what would serve our nation then obviously you have no idea why wars have ALWAYS bee fought.

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Either way I see no reason to respect them and honor is way out of line!

I here -by decree that Memorial Day and Veterans Day will no longer be celebrated exept by propagandized ,life size, blow -up, vibrating Michael Jackson love dolls

somehow I doubt that very many people give a fuck what you think - your pathetic complaints lead me to believe that your not happy here so why not move, go somewhere else and be a happy fulfilled individual with your MJ doll?

dont let the door hit you on your way out.
They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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The members of our military are an asset. A highly trained asset. Servicing that asset with advanced medical care when it's damaged, is in the best interest of the military machine. Training costs money. Replacing these assets costs money. That money is better spent on medical care maintaining those assets that it would be on retraining new assets.

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what did the rest of the country do to NOT deserve the same treatment as the military? (insofar as health care goes)

Thats one of the benefits of signing up. It sure as hell isn't for the paycheck! You want that health care? Sign up! Have you ever been to a military Doc? Some are not the brightests in the ranks. If you dont like hime try filing a complaint. If they screw up, you cannot sue them.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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What did the military ever do to you to deserve your arrogant treatment. ?

what did the rest of the country do to NOT deserve the same treatment as the military? (insofar as health care goes)

Besides put their asses on the line and waive such fundamental freedoms as search and seizure, the right to quit their jobs at will, etc?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Actually, we DO get a lot of the same treatment as civilians. There's no "magical super badass army medicine" that we get just for being in the military. Most of the stuff that gets taken care of in house is very basic, i.e. physicals, dental cleanings, immunizations, and some pharmaceuticals. You'd be surprised how many referrals there are to civilian doctors for the bigger ticket items.
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What did the military ever do to you to deserve your arrogant treatment. ?

what did the rest of the country do to NOT deserve the same treatment as the military? (insofar as health care goes)

Besides put their asses on the line and waive such fundamental freedoms as search and seizure, the right to quit their jobs at will, etc?

You could almost say that we're giving up some of our most important basic rights for free heath care. Wait...that sounds familiar, where have I seen that before...;)
The best things in life are dangerous.

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