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To those who answered "yes": if the shoes had been thrown at Obama in the same location for the same reason, would your answer remain the same?

Yes. Anytime your a guest in a third world country you are subject to the laws and cusoms of that country. If you go to a third world country and get assinated, or get your ass busted with a size 10 shoe who's to blame? ;)
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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The dumb asses we are, we have this history of getting into controversial wars (Korea, Vietnam??)based on mis-information and propaganda. When are we going to learn?

The upside of this situation is, we have the right to protest and ask these questions. We have the right to question the decisions of our leaders. We have the right to elect a new president who will not follow the same path as the old. We even have the right to applaud feebel attempts of radicals who throw like a sissy girl...
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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I don't care if you like the guy or not, you should still be respectful.

I agree totally. WTF?!! What happened to respecting the commander in chief? He might have been responsible for fu*king up that reporters city and country but its not like he menat to do it on purpose. And Congress approved it right? Why not thow shoes at them?

Its like the time I thought my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me and trashed he place. I thoght she was fuc*king my friend Dave and so I took a dump in her fish tank, got a mutt to fu*k her poodle, painted her bedroom purple, supergllued her dvds into one giant stack, tossed fish into her ac duct and left an ounce of herb in her car.

She was seriously pissed at me though I tried to tell her it was because of my love for her. Women and Iraqis! Cnat appreciate a good thing when they have it.

Nipple Boy

You're a native American? I rarely happen so see so many typos in such a crackbrained post. Seriously :S

You were joking, right?

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Its like the time I thought my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me and trashed he place. I thoght she was fuc*king my friend Dave and so I took a dump in her fish tank, got a mutt to fu*k her poodle, painted her bedroom purple, supergllued her dvds into one giant stack, tossed fish into her ac duct and left an ounce of herb in her car.

She was seriously pissed at me though I tried to tell her it was because of my love for her.

If you've never seen the movie "Boxing Helena" I suggest that you DON'T.:o:D

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To those who answered "yes": if the shoes had been thrown at Obama in the same location for the same reason, would your answer remain the same?

Yep. Of course, I voted for Obama with hopes that he wouldn't be stupid enough to justify such a statement, but if he is, a bag of flaming dog-poo on the front porch of the White House would be hilarious.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I'm hoping it's the start of a new fad. I wouldn't want to see anyone get hit in the face with a shoe, not even Bush. But waving or throwing shoes is funny. We haven't had a good shoe laugh since Kruschev banged his shoe on the desktop at the UN.

Can't wait to see what SNL does with this !

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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GWB is no Jefferson.

You mean as in fighting radical Islam?

woohoo... this is gonna be fun... :D

Think you may have missed the point.

See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Jackson#Attack_and_assassination_attempt


Nope... Quade said, "Jefferson;" not, Jackson.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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If Obama starts and illegal, unjustifiable war and kills hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process, as well a thousands of our own troops, then I think he will deserve to have shoes thrown at him, and I will be happy if they find their target.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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GWB is no Jefferson.

You mean as in fighting radical Islam?

woohoo... this is gonna be fun... :D

Think you may have missed the point.

See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Jackson#Attack_and_assassination_attempt


Nope... Quade said, "Jefferson;" not, Jackson.

My bad. :P

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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