
Obama's Christian Faith

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And yes, if you are truely devout, organized worship services are mandated unles providentially hindered.

That sure does work out well for a whole lot of clergy who need new Cadillacs

PSSSST.. think they made those rules for some other reason???

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And yes, if you are truely devout, organized worship services are mandated unles providentially hindered.

I disagree. And, more specifically, would add that a person who really thinks that strict attendance of "organized worship services" is a critical component to their faith, perhaps really doesn't understand faith at all. ;)


This is exactly what I have been saying!

Church is not school. They do not take attendance every week and then hand it in to God to prove you are a devout Christian. Remember, that devout means a few things in this context: Sincere about your beliefs or displaying reverence also fit. You can maintain the religious demands without attending a weekly service and there are plenty of examples in history. If you are so strict in your beliefs it only takes a member of the clergy to issue you dispensation from some of these rulesets. This alone shows how arbitrary some of them are.

Let me repeat this again: THE BUILDING IS NOT THE FAITH. And lack of standing inside that building doesn't mean you are any less devout.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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But-Damn!! Did you go to the Kallend school of question avoidance? Does Obama's post election disregard for worship clash with this statement.
"I am a Christian. I am a devout Christian. I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe that that faith gives me a path to be cleansed of sin and have eternal life." He declared: "I have been a member of the same church for almost twenty years, ."
And yes, if you are truely devout, organized worship services are mandated unles providentially hindered.

Where has he stated a belief regarding gym/church attendance on Sunday mornings?

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Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Back to the point of the post-Barry says he's a devout Christian-either he is, or he isn't. If he is devout, then the Bible mandate on group worship is applicable and should be important to him. If not, he shouldn't have made the claim. The thread isn't, as some are trying to turn it in to, about how you can define religion in some way that doesn't make you uncomfortable. It's about if our next president made a spurious claim in order to make himself more palatable to mainstream voters. If you can't adress that, you have nothing to add.
I'm the last person that will stand here and argue religion. I make no claims on being a devout anything other than cynic.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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>who gives a fuck, anyway?

Republicans. They are practicing for eight years of shrill whining.

"Obama SAID he'd balance the budget. But last month he had a $597.00 balance on his credit card that he couldn't be bothered to pay off! Sure, the liberals will love his lies, but us smart conservatives can see through his blatant hypocrisy when it comes to his own personal finances. That's not change we can believe in!"

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Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I think that is in the Jewish part of the Bible...

First people think he is a Muslim..

Now yall want him to do the whole Jewish Temple thing???

DUDE.. he's a christian;)

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Yea,but does it matter if he is a Jew, Muslim or Christian?

Not to me it does not.

What matters to me is his views "appear" to me to be extreemly left wing socialist.

If he cuts the over spending and does not increase taxes i will not care what I think today or what he is called.

What I do believe will happen is he will not pull out of Iraq nor will he close gitmo. He is already saying the "warrentless" listening may be needed to keep the US secure.

IF he does those things, they will be ok and it will be Bush's fault.

Gonna be fun either way!:)
But in reagards to some kind of belief positions? I dont care if he thinks fish shit is god......... It is what he does I care about.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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When you get there, answer this question: Are you opposed to the death penalty in cases where guilt is absolutely positively known for sure?

Yes I am opposed to even killing the worst of the worst... bury them in solitary confinement cells for life... and I do mean life... let them out of their cell when they are at room temerature and stinking up the place.

Build the cell so that they never have to interact with people again...so they can never harm anyone .. even the guards.

I can agree with that - but I think the ACLU would pitch a fit about 'cruel and unusual punishment'.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I can agree with that - but I think the ACLU would pitch a fit about 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

Fuck the ACLU

People like that have shown themselves as being incapable of living as a human being... so remove them from the society of human beings.

Hey I just had a great idea....make a zoo for the worst of the worst put them in cells for viewing with large lexan windows... with placards of all their crimes and crime scene photos... Manson.... all the most infamous... then they can act out all they want and little kids can see them perhaps that might be a deterrent finally to not do these sorts of crimes.

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Then why did he make such a big deal during the campaign about going to church regularly for 20 years?

Again, where are you getting this information from? What articles can you produce that have him loudly proclaiming how he is such a devout christian becuase he sat in church every sunday? Somehow in your head you've convinced yourself that he shouted from the roof tops in every rally, news interview, TV ad, or anything else surrounding his campaign that all he ever did was talk about being a good christian and going to church every sunday. He didn't; the only time it was mentioned was mostly in response to people accusing him of being a muslim or maybe around the Rev. Wright stuff. Until you produce something to back up another one of your shit stirring arguments with no proof, then I say we just drop it.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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I'm nearly 36 and live in one of the largest cities in the world. Haven't had the need to do so yet, don't ever see how I would need to. It's nice not living in a state of fear. BTW, did you like my JohnRich style of not answering your question? I think this is how I may start responding to all of your questions from now on. It could be fun for me.


Oh.... wait a second..... BWWAAHAHAHAHAHA.


But thats what people do when they don't have a solid leg to stand on to factually and intelligently back up their argument, but still believe that their OPINION is right.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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I have a true Christian belief background: Thall shall not kill. It's how I was raised and it's what I still hold true. Innocent or guilty, doesn't matter.

So you won't raise a weapon or a hand to defend yourself and fight back if someone is trying to kill you?

That's "slaying," not "killing," so that is okay.

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I have a true Christian belief background: Thall shall not kill. It's how I was raised and it's what I still hold true. Innocent or guilty, doesn't matter.

So you won't raise a weapon or a hand to defend yourself and fight back if someone is trying to kill you?

That's "slaying," not "killing," so that is okay.

I prefer "smiting" myself.:P
Speed Racer

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Hey I just had a great idea....make a zoo for the worst of the worst put them in cells for viewing with large lexan windows... with placards of all their crimes and crime scene photos... Manson.... all the most infamous... then they can act out all they want and little kids can see them perhaps that might be a deterrent finally to not do these sorts of crimes.

Maybe a theme park, with nine circles of hell. If done on a widespread basis, it wouldn't be "cruel and unusual," just "cruel."

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