
"How cool would it be to say, 'I've kissed but one man in my life'?"

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Anyone taking advice from a religious leader is already fucked.

Reminds me of sex education in my Catholic high school:

"Don't do it before marriage because your dead relatives are watching you." :|

Sorry, Grandmom & Grandpop!!! ;)

Did they actually (tried to) teach you that???? :S:o

[edit to add]
On the other hand that would mean that as soon you get married then your dead relatives doesn't give a shit about you any more :D
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Anyone taking advice from a religious leader is already fucked.

Reminds me of sex education in my Catholic high school:

"Don't do it before marriage because your dead relatives are watching you." :|

Sorry, Grandmom & Grandpop!!! ;)

:D:D Some people like doing it in public.

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Pastor Randy Wilson, host of the event and cofounder of the ball, strides to the front of the room, takes the microphone and asks the men, “Are you ready to war for your daughters’ purity?”

Go to war for purity? What?

What a load of unrealistic, puritanical, hypocritical BULLSHIT!!!!!

Are we also holding these "purity" events for the boys, as well? Somewhere along the line, there's going to be a crossed wire.

The best way to ensure that your sons and daughters have the kind of happy, fulfilling lives you want them to have: Teach them self respect, teach them to respect other people, and teach them how to make well-informed decisions.

How do you do that? By fucking example!!! By allowing that child to see a LOVING MOTHER AND FATHER WHO RESPECT EACH OTHER.

People have been trying to figure out how to keep their kids from fucking for well over five thousand years - the purity ain't gonna happen, because we aren't pure. Life is wonderful, beautiful, and colorful - it's also full of disappointment, pain, and suffering.

To teach a child (female OR male) that his or her body is a "precious gift to be given" is incorrect. This is why you can't leave it up to the rest of the world to teach your child about sex - the idea that something is being "given" implies that something is also being "taken." Would anyone like to take a crack at that dynamic?

Edited to add:

It also seems like a perfect way to ensure that one's daughter ALWAYS has a disproportionately unhealthy attachment to her father.

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Reminds me of sex education in my Catholic high school:

"Don't do it before marriage because your dead relatives are watching you." :|

Sorry, Grandmom & Grandpop!!! ;)

Did they actually (tried to) teach you that???? :S:o

[edit to add]
On the other hand that would mean that as soon you get married then your dead relatives doesn't give a shit about you any more :D

Yes, they certainly did. :|

I guess once you're married it's just fine and dandy to have wild monkey sex in front of your dead relatives.

I was 32 or 33 when I got married and the 1st time I saw my Dad after my wedding night/honeymoon I couldn't look him in the eye! Catholic guilt, thanks so much!! :D:D:D
Always be kinder than you feel.

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The basic tennents are similar to many countries that demand that a young girl be virginal. When its found out she is not or she is suspected of not being so virginal.. the repercussions are usually severe. The same is not true for the boys in those countries.

I dont think it is realistic or even desirable.

Its 2008 AD people........ not 708 AD.

Hell we are even fighting a war to keep this kind of crap from becoming the norm.

For those of you who like to read... Try Robert Heinleins "If This Goes On"

and the character of Nehamiah Scudder.


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But how smart and/or practical is this really?

Opinions, anyone?

When you deny basic, human emotions and physical needs, that's insane.

There's a reason why suicide rates are kind of high among the super-religious. What comes to mind is an article I read that explored this trent among Mormon teenagers. The extreme depression some would have after simple non-harmful things like kissing or even non-sex "heavy petting." [:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Pastor Randy Wilson, host of the event and cofounder of the ball, strides to the front of the room, takes the microphone and asks the men, “Are you ready to war for your daughters’ purity?”

Go to war for purity? What?

What a load of unrealistic, puritanical, hypocritical BULLSHIT!!!!!

Are we also holding these "purity" events for the boys, as well? Somewhere along the line, there's going to be a crossed wire.

The best way to ensure that your sons and daughters have the kind of happy, fulfilling lives you want them to have: Teach them self respect, teach them to respect other people, and teach them how to make well-informed decisions.

How do you do that? By fucking example!!! By allowing that child to see a LOVING MOTHER AND FATHER WHO RESPECT EACH OTHER.

People have been trying to figure out how to keep their kids from fucking for well over five thousand years - the purity ain't gonna happen, because we aren't pure. Life is wonderful, beautiful, and colorful - it's also full of disappointment, pain, and suffering.

To teach a child (female OR male) that his or her body is a "precious gift to be given" is incorrect. This is why you can't leave it up to the rest of the world to teach your child about sex - the idea that something is being "given" implies that something is also being "taken." Would anyone like to take a crack at that dynamic?

Edited to add:

It also seems like a perfect way to ensure that one's daughter ALWAYS has a disproportionately unhealthy attachment to her father.


Don't tell Sartre how to be an example to her daughter. It's just not a good idea, trust me.:ph34r:

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I think not kissing someone until your wedding day is a bit unrealistic and more conservative than I am. However, I do understand the desire to curb the kind of sexual behaviors that some children start to exhibit at very young ages. As important as good parental role models are, kids are introduced to all sorts of values through media, their peers, and the rest of the world that they observe every day. One of the concepts that some people teach kids is that you have to know how you're going to respond to a sexually-oriented situation before you're in it and have to make a decision--whether that's kissing or something more. If a Purity Ball makes kids think about how they are going to behave and know what their boundaries are before it "just happens," I think that's a good thing.
TPM Sister #102

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"Some balls are held for charity Purity,
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best
My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night"
Speed Racer

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How much ya wanna bet that the left out part of that excerpt was, "and if there is a lapse in judgement, a $1000 vow of faith will put your daughter right back on the rails of righteousness."

Dead relatives? I used to see mine on the centerline of I-20 in the middle of the night when driving across Texas. They were waving;)

It's called the Hillbilly Hop N Pop dude.
If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough.
That's fucked up. Watermelons do not grow on trees! ~Skymama

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no, i dont think its wise to classify all those who take part in the Purity Pledge thing as relligious fanatics or freaks.
That's just so biased and narrow minded of you.
I can see both sides of the issue.
I was raised religious and conservative, and over time and years... am now rather "balanced" in my 'world view' and realistic about individual choices and guiding one to make informed choices based on many different issues and the situation.
This isn't the Puritan or Victorian era, and western culture is so sexualized and sensual, that teens are widely exposed and thinking and feeling sensual and sexual, that it is unrealistic to think you can shelter them from it.
RAther than hide from this environment, it's better to discuss it and to be open with one another and with our children rather than hide or unrealistically shelter them for as long as possible.
From the linked articles, and from others that I have known of into the Purity Pledge thing, they are very sheltered and guarded in many ways of others involvement with their families. I think perhaps unrealistically so. And Controlling. Which I thin is not good in the long run, unhealthy.

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More brainwashing from the church. Sweet.:)
How about some cirumcision too?:|

LOL yeah no shit...same shitbricks that forgive, defend and harbor fucking petter ass child molesters.

fucking church bullshit is so rediculous.....after all didnt a virgin have a kid or some shit. guess she was purity ballin too..


if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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Reminds me of sex education in my Catholic high school:

"Don't do it before marriage because your dead relatives are watching you."

They're watching me? Why??:o

Don't they have any late-night cable channels up in heaven?
Speed Racer

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>Fathers attend with their daughters, and in some cases, vow to not even kiss a
>man until the wedding day.

>Opinions, anyone?

1) I very much doubt that the man in question only kissed one woman in his life.

2) It has been my experience that the women brought up in the more restrictive households are the most likely to cut loose once they are out of their parent's control, and the least likely to understand birth control or the danger posed by STD's.

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Reminds me of sex education in my Catholic high school:

"Don't do it before marriage because your dead relatives are watching you."

They're watching me? Why??:o

Don't they have any late-night cable channels up in heaven?

i know the least they can do is hold up a leg or something instead of just watching what the fuck..
if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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Ha one of my first posts here mentions that a religion was formed by a chick who lied to save her life from the crazy religious community. They were so dumb, they believed her. Now they just kill everyone else because of her.:S

And people wonder why we're tired. So tired of this shit.

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bullshiting aside though..

i would have to open up a whole entire fresh can of "get your shit straight" on some stupid ass religious motherfucker that told one of my kids that their dead relatives are a bunch of meat gazers
if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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(Not dircted at you sartre)

I think a lot of assumptions about people who have never had sex before marriage is wrong. In cultures where it is practiced more frequently they have a much better success rate in marriage then we do.

Also if both parties have not been having sex with every cock/pussy that has come in to their life they might not require as much stimuli to have an amazing orgasm.

Basically if you never been laid you might not need your balls messaged and a finger in you ass at the same time to think the sex was good. (;)Some times I am so eloquent)

I know quite a few people who either had very limited or no experience at all when they got married to people with the same amount of experience. They seem to have happy lives. They are also extremely loyal as every thing means more to them people don’t just jump on or in to something new just because they have been unhappy for a day or two when they have waited years.

Is this healthy for the individual? I have no idea. It’s not for me and it wouldn’t be what I teach my kids but if someone wants to do it great. I think I would teach my kids the basics and safety and then let them decide on how they deal with their sex life. I think it is kind of creepy for moms/dads to be so involved in their children sex life.

To Amazon: You are right about a double standard and it is in every culture I have experienced.

I remember having arguments with family in Iran/ the same guys talking about their girlfriends would be pissed if his sister dated someone. I always used to ask them (it pissed them off) are the girls you date imported?

The best explanation for this double standard goes back to the Stone Age. A woman always knows that the baby she is caring is hers, a man could not be sure. Considering raising a family and providing was very difficult no man wanted to be stuck raising someone else child. That is why we have had this culture studs and sluts all over the world.

Just my .02 on the subject.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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"Some balls are held for charity Purity,
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best
My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night"

Haha! I love me some AC/DC!! :P
Always be kinder than you feel.

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