
What would it take to get you to change your vote?

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I was asked today what it would take to get me to change my vote. As I was registered and voted democrat in previous elections I took a couple of hours to think about it and then I wrote back and said: If the court case about Obama’s birth status is upheld and he is disqualified and the DNC puts in Hillary and she scraps Obama’s tax plan since it will increase my taxes I would vote for her.

So what would it take for you to change your vote?
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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So what would it take for you to change your vote?

I was thinking of this yesterday, and I think the answer might be Ross Perot...I'd give him very serious consideration.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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So what would it take for you to change your vote?

I was thinking of this yesterday, and I think the answer might be Ross Perot...I'd give him very serious consideration.

I actually was thinking about him on my run today.

We need a good independant candidate.

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If Obama's tax plan didn't give me a tax cut 8 times greater than that of Mccains. But I would pay more taxes in a second to keep right wing religous bigots like Palin out of office.
If Mccain didn't support a war that had no basis except lies, that has cost this country over 4 thousand people,over a trillion dollars and over 50% of the Iraqi population dead,wounded,or displaced.
If Republicans supported funding education as much as the Pentagon.
If the Republicans considered health care a right, and not a privilage for the wealthy.Health care is not a commodity. Making a profit from the sick,dying,and disabled is disgusting. If this country didn't spend more on defense than the rest of the world combined, we could damn well afford it.

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A different candidate! If it was Hillary vs McCain I'd go McCain. If it was Obama vs Powell it would be a tough call, but I think I'd go with Powell.

What he said, and I'll also give a nod to Ron Paul who I was supporting about as much as Obama until he gave up. It's getting a little late in the game now though, and I'd be suspicious of anyone swooping in and trying to mix things up with only a couple weeks to go (and not having done the legwork).

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I was asked today what it would take to get me to change my vote. As I was registered and voted democrat in previous elections I took a couple of hours to think about it and then I wrote back and said: If the court case about Obama’s birth status is upheld and he is disqualified and the DNC puts in Hillary and she scraps Obama’s tax plan since it will increase my taxes I would vote for her.

So what would it take for you to change your vote?

If a candidate was able to give a comprehensive, detailed plan to help get the economy turned around. I don't mean just the usual statements, but instead a plan that starts with "I take office on xxx, on date yyy I plan to meet with Congressional leaders and lay out my economic plan. The plan will consist of Congress and the Executive working together by doing zzz. The reason I wish to do this is that in implementing my plan will cause the effect of aaaaa that will help halt the slide because my plan will cause aaaa to happen by way of [cause and effect]. My plan was formulated by consulting with experts (from both sides of the aisle, without respect to politics). By a certain date, I expect things to be this much better. I won't lie to you and say that things will get completely better but I expect that by the end of my 4 years we will be at this level with this expectation. If you re-elect me, we will continue on this course and by the end oft he 8 years i expect things to be at yyy level.

If I don't follow this course, and things get worse, you can hold me personally responsible - and the consequences will be such that I personally will lose a vast majority of my fortune, and any money i make after i am out of office to help fix what I failed to make better.

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So what would it take for you to change your vote?

1. Someone that has a workable tax plan that is aimed at cutting expenses and balancing the budget. Neither canidate has such a plan. One wants to increase spending, the other wants to chop everything.

2. A canidate that is strong on supporting the 2nd. One that is against bans, and wants to get rid of the Huges Amendment.

3. End the war in Iraq since we can't afford it and the real objective has been completed.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hi Mike,

I have read many of your posts and have tried to consider and understand what you written.

For me, possibly, it would take the John McCain of 2000 and not the John McCain of today.

A case in point: Back in 1980 Geo. Bush was running for the Repub nomination. When he campaigned here in Oregon he was for Roe v Wade and denouncing Voodoo Economics. The very moment that Reagan picked him for V-P he became opposed to Roe v Wade and loved Reagonomics.

Pick your issues/guns/whatevers and stick to them.

Yes, I know that Obama has changed his mind on a few issues ( off-shore drilling comes to mind ).

At this moment in time I just do not think that John McCain even knows who in the hell he really is.


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Obama changing his stance on abortion and having more experience.

I don't get it, he is the executive, or will be in January, so he has limited legislative powers and indirect judicial power. The SCOTUS legalized abortion, it will take them to illegalize it. Obamas stance means little.


- Head of his class Ivy League Univ law school

- Taught law school for 12 years: Constitutional law

- State Senator for 8 years

- US Senator for 4 years

- A myriad of of other duties and public services

Not sure how that is not presidential[:/]

Versus rotting in the Senate for what, 3 decades or whatever it is? That's a real diverse resume :S

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Obama changing his stance on abortion and having more experience.

This just hit me as ironic. You and I are voting for different candidates for similar reasons.
You= fewer abortions.
Me= fewer wars.

Precisely, the RW wants fewer abortions so there are more peole to die on the cross in the name of Jesus..... go figure.

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***If the Republicans considered health care a right, and not a privilage for the wealthy.Health care is not a commodity. Making a profit from the sick,dying,and disabled is disgusting.***

Yeah, those damn evil doctors. Can you believe that they would actually take out a half a million in student loans to learn how to take care of our bodies and actually expect to be able to pay them off and have some money to retire too. I know what you're saying, it just disgusts me too.:S

Maybe you would like to volunteer your services and lifelong investments?

And, oh man those damn insurance companies. Can you believe that they don't just give their money away. Maybe life would be better without them and we just use the little charity money given to only help those that really need it. Or, we can do like you say and assume like everything else in this country the government can run it better than private entities. Just like our wonderful public school system, and our God blessed social security money.:S It sure would be great if everyone else's tax money paid for our broken femurs from our own stupidity.

Sorry Mike, I didn't mean to get off topic. That statement just rubbed me a little the wrong way.

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