
OMG! The economy is crashing! Bad BUSH!

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Stocks rallied back but in case you missed the important point in that screen grab . . . 1 TRILLION of our tax dollars just went to a bunch of fuckers that you don't know.

Paul. Give it up. They just don't get the BIG picture. And the FED is printing money as fast as they can right now. W/ not a fucking thing to back it.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Stocks rallied back but in case you missed the important point in that screen grab . . . 1 TRILLION of our tax dollars just went to a bunch of fuckers that you don't know.

Paul. Give it up. They just don't get the BIG picture. And the FED is printing money as fast as they can right now. W/ not a fucking thing to back it.

Not really. What backs it up is our peoductivity. Of course you have to be able to take inthe whole picture to see the outcome.

The downside risk is close to a trillion but it's like stock, you don't lose money until you sell. Remember that the assets the trust would buy are not worthless, just unknown. They may sell at 10 cents on the dollar or 110 cents on the dollar. We won't see a dime if they make money, if you want to make a noise make it for giving the process visibility so the government doesn't squeeze and squander.

One thing is for sure, if they don't get it fixed a trillion dollars will seem like beer money. Our economy is about 16 trillion a year. 90% of that goes away if there is a credit shutdown. Shut down the credit the world dominos fall.

I don't know where this will end up but I'm in the tank for the governments (cause there are more than ours involved in this) and I pray they get it right. I worry that the congress will try to make political capital and if they do next week will make this week look good.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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It's Washington...c'mon now. How could they NOT fuck it up?

At least it's A solution. For now.

Funny to see a right winger applauding government intervention in the free market.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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the only good thing is that it may pay itself back if it doesn't get fucked up

You know perfectly well that some fat cats will make out big time and the taxpayers will pay - AGAIN.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It's Washington...c'mon now. How could they NOT fuck it up?

At least it's A solution. For now.

Really? How'd that work out with Amtrak?

Ask Sen. Biden.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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It's Washington...c'mon now. How could they NOT fuck it up?

At least it's A solution. For now.

Funny to see a right winger applauding government intervention in the free market.

Funny to see the left wingers not put the blame where is belongs
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It's Washington...c'mon now. How could they NOT fuck it up?

At least it's A solution. For now.

Really? How'd that work out with Amtrak?

Ask Sen. Biden.

And Schumer and Dod and Obama
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Stocks rallied back but in case you missed the important point in that screen grab . . . 1 TRILLION of our tax dollars just went to a bunch of fuckers that you don't know.

funny to see a left winger bad mouthing nationalization. how dare our money go to fuckers we don't know.

would federal health insurance fall under 'fuckers we don't know?'

Stay positive and love your life.

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If anyone wants to be truthful around here, the bottom line is there is plenty of blame to go around.

-The greedy fuckers on Wall Street who decided to make a quick buck by granting NINJA loans.

-The greedy individuals across america who decided to live well beyond their means and take those loans.

-Washington DC, all sides of the aisle who were asleep at the wheel and/or receiving benefits to stay asleep at the wheel.

I know that in a capitalistic society, the gov't should not be imposing regulations on the private sector but what they are supposed to do is write and enforce laws to protect those they govern.

This is a HUGE fuck up and neither presidential candidate has a comprehensive plan to reverse it. At the very least, McCain warned of this back in '05.

Both McCain and Obama have seedy financial advisors. If either candidate wants to reform, that's where they should start.


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Stocks rallied back but in case you missed the important point in that screen grab . . . 1 TRILLION of our tax dollars just went to a bunch of fuckers that you don't know.

Paul. Give it up. They just don't get the BIG picture. And the FED is printing money as fast as they can right now. W/ not a fucking thing to back it.

Not really. What backs it up is our peoductivity. Of course you have to be able to take inthe whole picture to see the outcome.

The downside risk is close to a trillion but it's like stock, you don't lose money until you sell. Remember that the assets the trust would buy are not worthless, just unknown. They may sell at 10 cents on the dollar or 110 cents on the dollar. We won't see a dime if they make money, if you want to make a noise make it for giving the process visibility so the government doesn't squeeze and squander.

One thing is for sure, if they don't get it fixed a trillion dollars will seem like beer money. Our economy is about 16 trillion a year. 90% of that goes away if there is a credit shutdown. Shut down the credit the world dominos fall.

I don't know where this will end up but I'm in the tank for the governments (cause there are more than ours involved in this) and I pray they get it right. I worry that the congress will try to make political capital and if they do next week will make this week look good.
That's "productivity" and yes, BUT, if there are no jobs for the average JOE this country is FUCKED. I see a seperation of classes coming faster than anyone could imagine. The slaves and the slave masters. There is going be a class WAR soon and it not going to be pretty. ;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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It's Washington...c'mon now. How could they NOT fuck it up?

At least it's A solution. For now.

Really? How'd that work out with Amtrak?

Ask Sen. Biden.

How do you blame Biden for Amtrak? Because he rides it? Because he was a co-sponsor of a bill to re-authorize it? Don't be ridiculous. That's like blaming the Democrats for continuing to fund the stupid assed war in Iraq. Once you're in you have to pay for it somehow.

No, the blame for Amtrak goes back to 1970 and Nixon.

Edited to correct the year. I was off by 1. 1971 was the first Amtrak train service, but Congress and Nixon signed the Rail Passenger Service Act in 1970.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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That's "productivity" and yes, BUT, if there are no jobs for the average JOE this country is FUCKED. I see a seperation of classes coming faster than anyone could imagine. The slaves and the slave masters. There is going be a class WAR soon and it not going to be pretty.

Too "French Revolution". No one is going to rise against the rich; they'll get fired!

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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If anyone wants to be truthful around here, the bottom line is there is plenty of blame to go around.

-The greedy fuckers on Wall Street who decided to make a quick buck by granting NINJA loans.

-The greedy individuals across america who decided to live well beyond their means and take those loans.

-Washington DC, all sides of the aisle who were asleep at the wheel and/or receiving benefits to stay asleep at the wheel.

I know that in a capitalistic society, the gov't should not be imposing regulations on the private sector but what they are supposed to do is write and enforce laws to protect those they govern.

This is a HUGE fuck up and neither presidential candidate has a comprehensive plan to reverse it. At the very least, McCain warned of this back in '05.

Both McCain and Obama have seedy financial advisors. If either candidate wants to reform, that's where they should start.

Concur! And then some.

Greed is not the problem.
Greed is a constant.
How good greed (entrepeneurial capitalism is encouraged/fostered) versus how bad greed is minimized is the problem.

(One point I'll differ with Chris, both Sen McCain & Sen Obama have been warning of the potential consequences of bad greedy behavior. February 2006 Sen Obama introduced S.2280: STOP FRAUD Act (Introduced in Senate); To stop transactions which operate to promote fraud, risk, and under-development, and for other purposes, which directly addressed sub-prime and predatory mortgage practices. In March08 as reported by FoxNews, Sen Obama was advocating intervention and "reforming its own agencies to adjust to the realities of modern finance," at the time what Sec Paulson and Pres Bush did this week were still politically unpalatable.)


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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