
We decended from apes and monkeys...FACT?

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Think of all the wars and all the death that comes with religion. That's not what God wants.

Wait, I thought God was everything (which would include war, death, etc...). Now you're telling us that God isn't everything and that God wants things ... I'm confused, what is God and what does God want?

God is NOT your actions. You have freewill. You can choose to be an asshole or you can choose to be a decent person.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I believe copying and pasting people's resumes is classified as the "argument by authority." Also, it doesn't have to be a "scientist" to claim the million. If you think that the rice experiment works, you could go and claim the million if you can prove it in a controlled setting.
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Do you think millionaires become millionaires without having the intention (or the belief) that that's what they will become?

Yeah, and Ken Lay was convicted of fraud and died while awaiting sentancing 'cos that's what he wanted to happen to him!:S


Professional athletes get good by believing that they can be, Same concept

It's not. It's really, really bloody not.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I choose to live in the world that I find to be magical, mystical and beautiful and as a result of that I feel peace in my heart and love for everyone around me. I in no way am forcing my views unto others. My experiience has shown me that we are the creators of our own reality, both physical and spiritual.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Do you think millionaires become millionaires without having the intention (or the belief) that that's what they will become?

Yeah, and Ken Lay was convicted of fraud and died while awaiting sentancing 'cos that's what he wanted to happen to him!:S


Professional athletes get good by believing that they can be, Same concept

It's not. It's really, really bloody not.

How do you know what Ken Lay wanted?
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I choose to live in the world that I find to be magical, mystical and beautiful and as a result of that I feel peace in my heart and love for everyone around me. I in no way am forcing my views unto others. My experiience has shown me that we are the creators of our own reality, both physical and spiritual.

But what happens to reality when what you want to create is the opposite of what I want to create?
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Spirituality to me is the idea that we are One. We are granted 5 senses: touch, smell, hear, smell and vision. We also have a 6th sense, a 3rd eye i you will. Spirituality helps you develop this sense. It's the idea that all situations in your life have a meaning, and that there is a reality all around us that is purely consciousness and energy, but not physical. In his world everything is bliss, and through the development of you this 6th sense you attin the entrnace to this non physical world, and thus attain happiness. You will most likely agree that we see true joy throuh non-tangible things in life, such as success. Through physical things we get instant gratification, but never joy that last over life time,

Whatever floats your boat. Some people might appreciate your feel good version of spirituality, but the more rational are fine just dealing with the hard realities of life. Everytime some speaks something like "reality all around us that is purely consciousness and energy, but not physical" I roll my eyes. You are experianceing chemicals touching a certain part of your brain that produces the given response. Chemicals are generated in response to physical stimuli. The physical world is all there is! Then when we die, we become worm food. Thats all there is.:|


At the root of every good religion is spirituality. Here is where religion goes wrong. Every religion dresses itself up to gainits own identity. Think of the way a cathlic priest is dresses, or think of Hassidic jews wearing blask suit with a black hat. Think of Muslims and the way they dress. Think of the cup of wine representing Jesus blood. Think of the incense. All these physical thing are simply done to gain identity. Every religion thinkgs its right and all other religion are wrong. That's BS. This is how pople segregate. I dont think God wants us segregated. On the contrary we need to come to gather as a human race. Religions are business. The bible mentions that you pay the church 10% of your money. Gos is a businessman? HA!. And lets get to the kicker. Think of all the wars and all the death that comes with religion. That's not what God wants.

Mostly aggree with your assessment of religion. And we could come together without religion or spirituality.

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I choose to live in the world that I find to be magical, mystical and beautiful and as a result of that I feel peace in my heart and love for everyone around me. I in no way am forcing my views unto others. My experiience has shown me that we are the creators of our own reality, both physical and spiritual.

But what happens to reality when what you want to create is the opposite of what I want to create?

Reality is perception and it's different for everyone. Think about where reality happens. For example think of how vision works. We take in data though the eyes, data is transmitted down the optical nerve to the part of the brain that decodes it via three stages. Of the 4 billion data pieces observed by your eyes your brain chooses to view only 2000 of them. That data is first structured into vertical and horizontal lines. Second stage is where color and definition is added. In the third stage we assign memory and emotion to what we see. All of this happens inside your brain. All reality is created inside of you, not outside.

Each atom is 99.99% empty space. It's pretty amazing that we see solid things when in the quantum world they are mostly empty. Did you know that you can't actually touch anything. The molecules of wo physical things canont touch each other due to the nuclear force, kind of like two magnets. Yet we have this perception of touch.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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How do you know what Ken Lay wanted?

Because according to your theory, if he's wanted to keep on being a billionaire then he would have, because his belief would have created his reality.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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How do you know what Ken Lay wanted?

Because according to your theory, if he's wanted to keep on being a billionaire then he would have, because his belief would have created his reality.

Maybe he was so ashmed of fucking over so many people he had thoughts of suicide. You dont know what his intentions were, and neither do I so lets not specultate.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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How do you know what Ken Lay wanted?

Because according to your theory, if he's wanted to keep on being a billionaire then he would have, because his belief would have created his reality.

Maybe he was so ashmed of fucking over so many people he had thoughts of suicide. You dont know what his intentions were, and neither do I so lets not specultate.

Speculate? It's the logical extension of what you believe to be true. Surely he would have had to want to be caught and want to die, otherwise things would have continued to be fabulous.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Do you think millionaires become millionaires without having the
>intention (or the belief) that that's what they will become?

Yes, and I have seen it happen.

>Professional athletes get good by believing that they can be,
>Same concept.

Attitude helps. But an athlete who doubts himself and trains every day will always be better than an athlete who fervently, strongly believes he will get good, but who never trains.

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pop, i'd say give it up. they will not read your coherent discussions and will immediately assume that all "christians" or even "spiritual people" are to be lumped together in the same group as chuteless.

Which is hilarious, since if they'd even READ my posts, they'd see that i have more in common with their beliefs on evolution than with chuteless's.

BTW, i also became a christian through science, but no one wants to hear that it's possible. For some reason BOTH 'sides" of this argument think it is to their advantage to keep the two at war, when really they can easily coexist.


Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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BTW, i also became a christian through science, but no one wants to hear that it's possible. For some reason BOTH 'sides" of this argument think it is to their advantage to keep the two at war, when really they can easily coexist.


i agree with you. i dont think there are a lot of people who find their way to god through science but i now think that science, especially quantum physics is our window into the metaphysical world where our consciousness and mind originate
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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>Something cannot come out of nothing.

It quite literally can. Google Casimir effect.

Bill, by nothing I mean NOTHING. There are no photons, no dark, no space, no energy, no virtual photons, no force....NOTHING, out of which we believe the big bang came from.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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The molecules of wo physical things canont touch each other due to the nuclear force, kind of like two magnets. Yet we have this perception of touch.

It's been a while since you took a chemistry class, hasn't it. :D

Your statement is not true. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to do the research to understand why.

Even if it were, why should physical contact be necessary in order to exert force (e.g. stimulate our sense of touch)? I fall towards the earth before contacting the earth. Electricity can arc over gaps. Magnets can repel one another.

We see things as solid despite atoms being mostly empty space for the same reason a hollow chocolate easter rabbit appears solid (at least until one starts eating it). The empty space is surrounded by a shell, and that shell reflects light. With the rabbit, that shell is chocolate. With an atom, that shell is the electron shell.
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pop, i'd say give it up. they will not read your coherent discussions and will immediately assume that all "christians" or even "spiritual people" are to be lumped together in the same group as chuteless.

Bullshit. Just because I disagree with pop doesn't mean I haven't read what he says. The problem is that he's basing what he says on a) a 'physics' movie which has been universally rubbished in academic circles amd b) an apparent disregard for the difference between belief driving behaviour and belief recreating reality.

I also wouldn't lump either of you in with chuteless. There's a difference between being wrong and being insane.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Bill, by nothing I mean NOTHING.

So do I. What we consider the hardest vacuum there is - no photons, no matter, no energy - is actually a seething volume of energies, potentials and even virtual particles that "borrow" energy from empty space, create themselves spontaneously, recombine and give that energy back.

The odds of anything big in that empty space (say, an electron-positron pair) spontaneously creating itself and existing for more than femtoseconds is small but not zero. There is an extremely small but finite chance that matter could come pouring in through a volume of space that we consider to be absolutely nothing.

Given that, I can see how a chance event of that sort could create a singularity that would then give rise to a new set of dimensions.

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i agree with you. i dont think there are a lot of people who find their way to god through science but i now think that science, especially quantum physics is our window into the metaphysical world where our consciousness and mind originate

After studying quantum physics professionally for many many years, I think the perceived overlap between QM and metaphysics is utter crap. It's usually based on an incorrect and superficial understanding of quantum physics. Unfortunately, trying to put QM in a popular science framework usually does little to further understanding and actually does more harm than good. In fact the only pop science book I've ever read that does a good job of explaining QM is "QED, the strange theory of light and matter" by Richard Feynman. I strongly suggest that anyone who thinks there is something in the metaphysics/quantum physics overlap should read that book.

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The molecules of wo physical things canont touch each other due to the nuclear force, kind of like two magnets. Yet we have this perception of touch.

It's been a while since you took a chemistry class, hasn't it. :D


You are right, It's been a while since my last chemistry class...but the quantum physics class I am taking right now isnt distant at all. Quantum mechanics does not allow for molecules of individual physical object to ever touch. Try again..
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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>Bill, by nothing I mean NOTHING.

So do I. What we consider the hardest vacuum there is - no photons, no matter, no energy - is actually a seething volume of energies, potentials and even virtual particles that "borrow" energy from empty space, create themselves spontaneously, recombine and give that energy back.

The odds of anything big in that empty space (say, an electron-positron pair) spontaneously creating itself and existing for more than femtoseconds is small but not zero. There is an extremely small but finite chance that matter could come pouring in through a volume of space that we consider to be absolutely nothing.

Given that, I can see how a chance event of that sort could create a singularity that would then give rise to a new set of dimensions.

Bill by nothing I mean there is no empty space. :) That kind of nothing. :)
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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i agree with you. i dont think there are a lot of people who find their way to god through science but i now think that science, especially quantum physics is our window into the metaphysical world where our consciousness and mind originate

After studying quantum physics professionally for many many years, I think the perceived overlap between QM and metaphysics is utter crap. It's usually based on an incorrect and superficial understanding of quantum physics. Unfortunately, trying to put QM in a popular science framework usually does little to further understanding and actually does more harm than good. In fact the only pop science book I've ever read that does a good job of explaining QM is "QED, the strange theory of light and matter" by Richard Feynman. I strongly suggest that anyone who thinks there is something in the metaphysics/quantum physics overlap should read that book.

Funny you mention that. I just ordered his lectures and loo forwrad to studying them,

Most sciences have always ignored studying the non-tangible aspects of our world, such as consciousness, the phenomenon of deja vu, intentions, etc. It's hard to put these things into numbers so science takes the easy route and simply ignores them. (I am paraphrasing Fred Allen Wolf here)
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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