
England Safe from Ninjas!

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Ban on samurai swords becomes law

Legislation against selling, making, hiring or importing samurai swords in England and Wales has come into force.

Those breaking the law face six months in jail and a £5,000 fine. Anyone found guilty of importing samurai swords will face up to seven years in prison and an unlimited fine.
Source: BBC

I am relieved to hear that England is now safe from attack by bands of ninja assassins roaming the streets. Phew! That was a close one!

Will they come for your kitchen knives next?

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Swords dont kill people...

People kill people.....

jesus, what a stupid fuckin law...
guess the US doesnt have the lock on dumb fuck politicians...

or am I wrong.... and attacks with swords is perhaps rampant there?

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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For the record, England is not safe from ninjas it's safe from samuri attacks, god you people are dumb, don't you know your swords:P


or am I wrong.... and attacks with swords is perhaps rampant there?

I'm stationed with a couple guys who were previously stationed over there and they said that since there are no guns there attacks and murders are committed in all kinds of crazy ways. They talk about hearing stories of people being hacked apart with chainsaws and being stabbed to death on a regular basis. If people don't have guns they will find something else to use, its just up to how far the government will go to save us from each other.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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For the record, England is not safe from ninjas it's safe from samuri attacks, god you people are dumb, don't you know your swords:P


or am I wrong.... and attacks with swords is perhaps rampant there?

I'm stationed with a couple guys who were previously stationed over there and they said that since there are no guns there attacks and murders are committed in all kinds of crazy ways. They talk about hearing stories of people being hacked apart with chainsaws and being stabbed to death on a regular basis. If people don't have guns they will find something else to use, its just up to how far the government will go to save us from each other.

There are plenty of guns here, pistols are pretty much illegal but since the government destroyed our border controls they arrive here unabated and are easy to get hold of by criminals. There are lots of shootings in England, if you don't believe me ask John Rich;)
As for the swords issue yes there is a problem with certain elements in society (not usually the Ninjas or Samuri who prefere playing Majong to settle disputes over a cup od Saki these days) using these swords to attack one another and others with. The law does seem pointless (forgive the pun) as it would obviously be illegal to walk down the road with one anyway. As for stabbings they are ten a penny over here, we've had dozens of stabbings of teenagers this year alone and there is a massive knife culture amoung the young.


Robberies at knifepoint have more than doubled in the last two years to an alarming 175 a day, a study revealed.
The revelation follows a weekend of knife violence, including the death of 16-year- old GCSE student Andrew Holland and two fatal stabbings in London.

A study compiled from Government figures showed the number of street robberies involving blades rose from 25,500 in 2005 to 64,000 in the year to April 2007.




When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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They talk about hearing stories of people being hacked apart with chainsaws and being stabbed to death on a regular basis.

Funny, I can't remember ever hearing about someone being hacked to death with a chainsaw, let alone it being a regular occurence.


If people don't have guns they will find something else to use,

True, though since our murder rate (and most of Europe's) is so much lower than the USA's, just what is it you guys are doing wrong?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Robberies at knifepoint have more than doubled in the last two years to an alarming 175 a day, a study revealed.
The revelation follows a weekend of knife violence, including the death of 16-year- old GCSE student Andrew Holland and two fatal stabbings in London.

A study compiled from Government figures showed the number of street robberies involving blades rose from 25,500 in 2005 to 64,000 in the year to April 2007.


When the government bans knives.. only the criminals will have knives:ph34r:

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I'm stationed with a couple guys who were previously stationed over there and they said that since there are no guns there attacks and murders are committed in all kinds of crazy ways. They talk about hearing stories of people being hacked apart with chainsaws and being stabbed to death on a regular basis.

How does one go about being stabbed to death on a regular basis? Do you make an appointment?;)

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I think this law has more than just the obvious benefits. Now when I travel to the UK I won't have to take all that heavy armor. The excess weight charges from the airline companies were ridiculous! Now if they'll only ban stun guns I can stop wearing a thick rubber suit. :ph34r:

108 way head down world record!!!
Hit me up on Facebook

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And what a great business! PM me and I'll send you my coaching rates. You should have a rubber suit to bring to the sessions. Otherwise there will be a rental fee. ;)


You're a sick, twisted individual..... good man!!! :D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Well, at least indecisive chicks with a hesitant trigger finger aren't being killed by their own pistols over there. Better to be hacked to death than shot by your own gun, I'd suppose????

I think I'd rather just crash and die. Maybe it IS time to finally solo after all...lol.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Owning swords has been forbidden in Japan for hundreds of years, and has among other things led to the development of martial arts such as Karate.

Only Samurai have been permitted to have swords, so banning samurai swords in England is completely culturally correct and respectful to the samurai swords.

I hope this applies both to the Katana and the shorter swords.


BTW samurai swords aren't the ninja weapon of choice. Is there a ban on nunchaku and shuriken?

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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Nunchaku: two sticks joined with a chain or similar. the "joint" gives the stick extra momentum and destructive power.

Shuriken: usually star shaped throwing knife.

Don't you know your ninjas?


Oh, I forgot, that's the thing about ninjas, they operate in secrecy.

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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