
Stop Shoving Christianity Down My Throat

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I'm not sure where you could call a church a 'business', but .... interesting idea.

when they had a TV network and tell the viewers that the head will be struck down by God if $X million is donated quick, they have become a business.

Are you 100% sure that the TV network etc wasn't split off from the church itself and paying taxes?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The only thing which is really bugging me at the moment is that there is no presidential candidate who believes in science a.k.a. is an atheist.

You dont believe science and religion can exist together?


Your limitation. sorry to hear it.

Please understand this is not meant as an attack. I beleive that church and science can live in the same place. I feel limiting one or the other limits us all.

So, I should delete the first sentence of this post but, I do not think it would help making the point I want to make. So if keeping it in this post is insulting I am sorry, it is truly not meant that way.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The only thing which is really bugging me at the moment is that there is no presidential candidate who believes in science a.k.a. is an atheist.

You dont believe science and religion can exist together?


So you're stating that all scientists must then be atheists?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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It doesn't - most churches fall under 501c3 non profit exemptions.

Yeah, which is why it's going to be really interesting to see how rush explains it!;)

Expalin it to you? No, not necessary. If I am not exactly right, well, it will not be the first time but, I was trying to make a point. If it worked, fine. If not, well, that is my failure.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It doesn't - most churches fall under 501c3 non profit exemptions.

Yeah, which is why it's going to be really interesting to see how rush explains it!;)

A VERY large number of people are entirely clueless of what the "separation clause" was actually meant to be...hence moronic lawsuits about Nativity scenes and courthouse doors.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The only thing which is really bugging me at the moment is that there is no presidential candidate who believes in science a.k.a. is an atheist.

You dont believe science and religion can exist together?


I've been in some excellent lectures from cal-tech and MIT professors (read as some of the smartest people on earth) who have explained science and faith, and believe it or not they two can exist hand in hand. I will try to dig up some of the material if anyone is interested. send me a message if you are.
I personally wont call myself a christian anymore because of people like that. I actually take it upon myself to make fun of these people to their faces when they show up on auburns campus or at football games. If you really want to get to them go after their sex lives. Several students got into a argument one day with one of these guys over scriptures in the bible, long story short they proved him wrong, everyone laughed and he left.
"If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way."
- Homer Simpson

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Expalin it to you? No, not necessary. If I am not exactly right, well, it will not be the first time but, I was trying to make a point. If it worked, fine. If not, well, that is my failure.

Why not neccesary? You've said something which I think is simply not true, and I would like to know why you think it is. If there is some law I'm not aware of it would be nice for you to let me know about it.

If you don't think that churches are really tax exempt because of seperation of church and state and were trying to make a point about the recent sex-ed thread or something... well I still think you've got this one backwards.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It doesn't - most churches fall under 501c3 non profit exemptions.

Yeah, which is why it's going to be really interesting to see how rush explains it!;)

A VERY large number of people are entirely clueless of what the "separation clause" was actually meant to be...hence moronic lawsuits about Nativity scenes and courthouse doors.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I'm not sure where you could call a church a 'business', but .... interesting idea.

when they had a TV network and tell the viewers that the head will be struck down by God if $X million is donated quick, they have become a business.

Are you 100% sure that the TV network etc wasn't split off from the church itself and paying taxes?

It's possible they have a legal distinction, but in all practicality, they're the same thing. And if people want to give money to these entertainers, so be it. But it probably shouldn't be a deductable gift.

However, it is very hard to codify what is still good religion and what is crap. A church doing a telethon to save tsunami or Katrina victims is not the same as Oral Roberts asking for his $8M.

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Expalin it to you? No, not necessary. If I am not exactly right, well, it will not be the first time but, I was trying to make a point. If it worked, fine. If not, well, that is my failure.

Why not neccesary? You've said something which I think is simply not true, and I would like to know why you think it is. If there is some law I'm not aware of it would be nice for you to let me know about it.

If you don't think that churches are really tax exempt because of seperation of church and state and were trying to make a point about the recent sex-ed thread or something... well I still think you've got this one backwards.

ya, I know you do think this.

For the record, I know that churchs ( in most contexts) are exempt. I may not know how to explain the exact reasons (leagal or not) but I DO know the result. So, forgive me if I do not know at much as you think you do but,so be it.

I am glad I am less of a socialist than you. For that I am proud
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If it's obviously separate from the church and paying taxes as it should, then the church shouldn't be penalized for it.

Now, if the church breaks the barriers of the 501c exemption guidelines? In that case, yes, nail them for the taxes and make them re-qualify for the exemption.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Religion bases on faith (accepting things as true altough there is no prove and it can not be proven), while science bases on prove only. I do not see any logic in accepting both, so I say men has to choose to go with just one of them. I chose to go with the one which I can prove.

I'd love to see the lectures from the MIT professor.

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Religion bases on faith (accepting things as true altough there is no prove and it can not be proven), while science bases on prove only. I do not see any logic in accepting both, so I say men has to choose to go with just one of them. I chose to go with the one which I can prove.

Nothing wrong with holding that view, either - but it doesn't mean that someone that doesn't hold that same view isn't fit to be President, or that they're in some way deranged for having a belief system that is different from yours.

That said, there are people that go overboard in their beliefs on both sides of the issue, IMO.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Religion bases on faith (accepting things as true altough there is no prove and it can not be proven), like global warming:)while science bases on prove only. I do not see any logic in accepting both, so I say men has to choose to go with just one of them. I chose to go with the one which I can prove.

I'd love to see the lectures from the MIT professor.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Altough I usually try not to mess with US politics because I am from Switzerland and americans should do what they think is right, I also believe that looking at how global the world is today, this is an international issue by now.

There is nothing wrong with them being religious, but that means that none of the presidents is actually my opinion so who ever becomes president believes in something that I believe is wrong so it bugs me;)

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Altough I usually try not to mess with US politics because I am from Switzerland and americans should do what they think is right, I also believe that looking at how global the world is today, this is an international issue by now.

There is nothing wrong with them being religious, but that means that none of the presidents is actually my opinion so who ever becomes president believes in something that I believe is wrong so it bugs me;)

Feel free not to vote, then, since none of the candidates suit you. :P

(yes, I saw that you are Swiss)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Altough I usually try not to mess with US politics because I am from Switzerland and americans should do what they think is right, I also believe that looking at how global the world is today, this is an international issue by now.

There is nothing wrong with them being religious, but that means that none of the presidents is actually my opinion so who ever becomes president believes in something that I believe is wrong so it bugs me;)

'Globalism' will destroy my country as well as yours. Please stick to your values and allow us to stick to ours. Both of us will fare better.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Religion bases on faith (accepting things as true altough there is no prove and it can not be proven), while science bases on prove only. I do not see any logic in accepting both, so I say men has to choose to go with just one of them. I chose to go with the one which I can prove.


The wisdom gained from a spiritual relationship with God is not the same as that learned from scientific discovery. Spiritual and scientific knowledge are not mutually exclusive. They should be mutually included in a balanced construction of reality. Religious people who impose their unfounded beliefs on science are no different than scientists who try to impose their extrapolated beliefs on the spiritual.

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The right wing in this country has been very busy shoving religion as well as a lot of other things down their throats....and trying to keep it in the closet.

They're out of the closet now and trying to out-Dem the Dems...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Can you find me ANY moral issues attributed to Your much hated DEMS in the last 7 years????

I give up... this is one area you rePUBICans are winning hands down in the level of sleaze and immorality...:S:S:S

If there are.. its dwarfed by the level that the rePUBICans have taken it to.. and that pisses you off.. that you want everyone to believe that everyone does it.... WRONG... not everyone does it.. especially after trumpeting to the heavens how holy yall are... well at least that is what you have been telling us lowly sinners.

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Altough I usually try not to mess with US politics because I am from Switzerland and americans should do what they think is right, I also believe that looking at how global the world is today, this is an international issue by now.

There is nothing wrong with them being religious, but that means that none of the presidents is actually my opinion so who ever becomes president believes in something that I believe is wrong so it bugs me;)

'Globalism' will destroy my country as well as yours. Please stick to your values and allow us to stick to ours. Both of us will fare better.

I completely disagree. Globalism will improve the live of us all unless someone really screws up badly (nuclear war etc.). The whole anti-globalism propaganda seems to be just people complaining about loosing their jobs. If you loose your job that usually means you are not doing a good job, or you just chose a job field that has no future (as always there are other reasons and I don't want to offend anybody who lost a job for other reasons).
In Michigan for example it seems foolish to go into the automotiv industrie but tons of people still do it and people who are already in it just complain about losing their job instead of getting retrained for another job. The US has no longer a comparative advantage in any way building normal cars, so they should not be doing it. It is just short sighted to say that globalism is bad. If you have ever had basic economics, you should know that if everybody produces the good they have a comparative advantage in and trades, everybody is better off.

The thing is that if you stick to some of your values, you are going to bring us all in trouble so that doesn't seem to really be an option for everybody else.

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