
Won't sign a traffic ticket? That's a tasering!

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A-Stay in car, because it's safer for driver.

In many cases, wrong.


Are you suggesting the driver is less safe remaining in his vehicle, given the extremely close proximity to high speed traffic that we have in the USA?

In many cases, yes I am. Standard advice for motorists who break down on motorways is (if it is possible) to get out of the car and move as far away from the road way as possible. Cars sitting on the hard shoulder get hit all the time. People standing well off the side of the road, not so much. Duh.

Yes there are places where you physically cannot get away from the road, but check the video again - this wasn't one of them! (BTW, what's all this about superhighspeed roadways in the US? Do you think we don't have paved roads over here or something? I can assure that our traffic goes just as fast as yours does:S)


I don't think anyone supports the officer's actions, but I also dont' think anyone would accept the claimed superiority of police in the UK over police in the USA.

Hmm, OK. What you did just there, it's called a strawman. That's when you twist my words and make out that I was arguing a point I am not arguing.

Look back over my posts and you will see, clear as day, that I am saying it is American culture that has some serious problems when its police officers are in fear of being shot every time they make a traffic stop and prefer to stand in heavy traffic than let a motorist leave his vehicle.

And yes, I know you asserted that this is not the case, but the links I found by following your fellow countryman's search (and your own words) seem to contradict you.

So lets boil this down to its very simplest ingredients - UK, police officers not afraid of getting shot while making traffic stops. US, police officers so afraid of getting shot that a pregnant woman was 'lucky' not to get gunned down for leaving her vehicle. Is there a problem with US culture here?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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How many times are you planning on making your point.
The US is a more violent place than the UK.
Move along.

I you're bored then stop reading. Me, I'm quite happy to continue until DSE finally engages my main point.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Didn't a lot of your grandparents die during WW11 for the freedoms you have today? why let the fucking filth pigs think they are god and be able to order you around for no reason but the fact they are pigs?

Generally haven't run into that kind of cop (except in quebec but that is a unique place). Most cops I have come across were ok, and as a matter of fact most were pretty ok to me even as a young guy when I got caught doing things that I shouldn't have. What the hell kind of cops are you running into? Is it possible that maybe your own attitude towards them may have had some influence on your experiences with them?


if the filth pig shoots you for having your hand in your pocket they think it's the victims fault, when the fuck did it mean you can be killed by a nervous pig for not obeying his every whim and command?

Big difference between reaching into your pocket suddenly and merely not following his commands. If I was a cop and someone was being beligerent and made a sudden movement and reached into his pocket/jacket I could panick. Are you that overwhelmingly perfect that you couldn't?


people should take off their rose coloured glasses when thinking about the pigs.

Maybe you need to take off the shit coloured glasses


running from the pigs does not mean it's ok for them to kill you

Depends on what you did before you ran


mouthing off to a pig does not mean he can shoot you

When has a court of law ever said that it was?


having your hand in your pocket and not taking it out if a pig tells you DOES NOT mean he can kill you

He should show some restraint, but if you are deliberately intimidating him like that don't expect me to cry my heart out when you panick him and get a darwin.

You know, maybe you need to step back and examine your all consuming hatred for cops, and your tendency to accuse everyone who does not subscribe to your cop hating as being cop worshipers. If a cop is being a goof, I will do what he says and put in a complaint after the fact. Too many bar-room lawyers and cop haters create their own problems. I do not worship them but at the end of the day their job is to keep me safe. I cannot fathom why somene would wish to be in their face for trying to do thier job but again, maybe you and I have consistently ran into different kinds of cops. Alternately your attitude may be the real problem when you interact with a cop.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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A-Stay in car, because it's safer for driver.

In many cases, wrong.


Are you suggesting the driver is less safe remaining in his vehicle, given the extremely close proximity to high speed traffic that we have in the USA?

In many cases, yes I am. Standard advice for motorists who break down on motorways is (if it is possible) to get out of the car and move as far away from the road way as possible. Cars sitting on the hard shoulder get hit all the time. People standing well off the side of the road, not so much. Duh.


So in the UK, when a car breaks down on the side of the road, there is always a car with flashing lights parked behind it? And people STILL hit the drivers car "all the time?"
BTW, on that road (which I've driven at least 100 times in the past 5 years) there is no place to go. The sides of the road are very high dirt embankments. I realize you may not be familiar with that sort of highway in the UK, you guys don't have big mountains like we do in this area.

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I hope that cop dies of dick cancer or something worse. What a piece of shit. Just hand him the fucking ticket and go about your business. The dude wasn't raping a nun, he was speeding, which we all do.

Out of control cops are garbage.

Wow. That's not a very nice thing to wish upon someone you never met and don't know.
Just so you know, I have had an uncle die of lung cancer and an aunt die of pancreatic cancer. Neither was anything I would wish on anyone.

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It's real simple out there kids. If a cop stops you and orders you to do something, just do it.

Bullshit! Would you allow the police to search your car during a routine traffic stop? I've forced a cop to call in drug dogs and a good number of officers after a refusal to allow him to search my car. 3 to 4 hours later and most likely a lot of the taxpayers money being wasted, they fucktard gave me my ticket and i was out of there laughing my ass off at what a bunch of Barney Fifes they were. They cop told me that I could had saved them a lot of time had I only let him search my car. I told him to fuck himself, took my ticket and left. My lawyer got it reduced to a parking ticket. Sure, I could had let that bozo search my car but why?

And while you were laughing at them they were, and probably still are, laughing at you for wasting 4 hours of your own time. But that's your right, isn't it?

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I couldn't agree more. The stupid wife in this video is lucky she didn't get shot while the officer was trying to keep the situation under control. She got out of the vehicle what...2 times?

It really, really, really says something about the culture that you live in that a hysterical, visibly pregnant woman is lucky not to get shot by an officer of the law for having the temerity to get out of her car!

That is not an acceptable state of affairs, m'kay.

I beg to differ, but maybe most of us feel it is an acceptable state of affairs when a cop considers a screaming hysterical pregnant woman to be a threat.
In any case, it beats living in a country that bows to a queen or king just because of their family lineage. ;)

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Hi kelp,


You can't get killed in a training exercise.

We had it happen here in Oregon a few years ago. Seems as though someone mistakenly put live rounds into a weapon that was supposed to have blanks.

It was during a retraining 'thingy' at the state Police Academy for experienced officers.


PS) And it WAS heavily investigated.

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Well here is a new spin on the story. According to this, in UT a person is NOT required to sign the ticket:


Signing the citation is the officer's evidence that the citation was delivered. Hence the reason that you aren't admitting nor denying guilt.
Kinda like being required to sign for a FedEx package or UPS package. You're not acknowledging the package was delivered without breakage, you're not warranting that what's in the package is what was shipped or that you are aware of the contents. All you're doing is saying you've received it.
I believe a court of law will uphold this opinion. Whether they'll uphold the officers response...that's another story.

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I hope that cop dies of dick cancer or something worse. What a piece of shit. Just hand him the fucking ticket and go about your business. The dude wasn't raping a nun, he was speeding, which we all do.

Out of control cops are garbage.

Wow. That's not a very nice thing to wish upon someone you never met and don't know.
Just so you know, I have had an uncle die of lung cancer and an aunt die of pancreatic cancer. Neither was anything I would wish on anyone.

He said DICK cancer, get your cancers right please

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I couldn't agree more. The stupid wife in this video is lucky she didn't get shot while the officer was trying to keep the situation under control. She got out of the vehicle what...2 times?

It really, really, really says something about the culture that you live in that a hysterical, visibly pregnant woman is lucky not to get shot by an officer of the law for having the temerity to get out of her car!

That is not an acceptable state of affairs, m'kay.

I beg to differ, but maybe most of us feel it is an acceptable state of affairs when a cop considers a screaming hysterical pregnant woman to be a threat.
In any case, it beats living in a country that bows to a queen or king just because of their family lineage. ;)

true, you just elect retards as your president, nice one B|

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If they DO get training, how is it that we see so many of these types of situations happening all over the country?

There is a great deal of training, our states academy for city and county officers is 18 weeks, it may be expanded to 22. Additionally most field training programs after the academy are 12-16 additional weeks.
These situations are NOT happening all over the country, the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, You Tube, and other types of media make it appear that way. There are thousands of police and public contacts daily in this country many under very tense and dangerous circumstances, a very very small amount end up like this. Law enforcement works very hard to reduce that small amount.


Most of you guys make a mockery out of the motto, "To Serve and to Protect."

Could'nt disagree with you more the vast, vast majority of LEO's are honest, hardworking people doing a thankless sometimes very dangerous job.

Not so, blue crusader. MOST cops commit felonies on a regular basis.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Hi kelp,


You can't get killed in a training exercise.

We had it happen here in Oregon a few years ago. Seems as though someone mistakenly put live rounds into a weapon that was supposed to have blanks.

It was during a retraining 'thingy' at the state Police Academy for experienced officers.


PS) And it WAS heavily investigated.

What was the outcome? Anyone charged with something like criminal negligence?

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I guess that the lads training for D-Day at Slapton Sands had never heard of that rule either:(


On April 28th 1944 a large-scale training exercise for D-Day went terribly wrong, resulting in the death of over 700 allied servicemen

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I couldn't agree more. The stupid wife in this video is lucky she didn't get shot while the officer was trying to keep the situation under control. She got out of the vehicle what...2 times?

It really, really, really says something about the culture that you live in that a hysterical, visibly pregnant woman is lucky not to get shot by an officer of the law for having the temerity to get out of her car!

That is not an acceptable state of affairs, m'kay.

I beg to differ, but maybe most of us feel it is an acceptable state of affairs when a cop considers a screaming hysterical pregnant woman to be a threat.
In any case, it beats living in a country that bows to a queen or king just because of their family lineage. ;)

true, you just elect retards as your president, nice one B|

Yes! We do elect retards as President.:)

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Not so, blue crusader. MOST cops commit felonies on a regular basis.

What can I say, I'm sure you consider yourself "open minded" or "progressive". For someone of that ilk, that is a very closed minded, uninformed, factually baseless statement. Just what I expected:S. One question, do you like Michael Moore movies?

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Not so, blue crusader. MOST cops commit felonies on a regular basis.

What can I say, I'm sure you consider yourself "open minded" or "progressive". For someone of that ilk, that is a very closed minded, uninformed, factually baseless statement. Just what I expected:S. One question, do you like Michael Moore movies?

I got more cops in my family than most dogs have fleas. For years, I've sat around dinner tables filled with my father's, brother's, uncle's brothers in blue and listened as they swapped stories.

I know you would be foolish to make the admission on a public forum, but it is a rare cop, indeed, who has not 'colored' his testimony in either criminal or traffic court with a defendant they fully know to be guilty (perhaps of just pissing them off). You know, just shade the facts a bit. Happens most frequently in issues of probable cause where they actually find stuff and evidence 'in plain view' (wink, wink)

If you have testified in a least 100 cases, then you have done it also and you know it ...that's perjury and that's a felony my friend ...and cops commit perjury all the time. They not only see no problem with it, they frequently believe they have done a better job because of it.

Now you can call it right or wrong (I take a somewhat middle position) but it happens and it happens all the time. If you haven't personally done it then you are aware of others doing it. Deny that and you will be a lia ...er, factually baseless.

If cops witness another cop who makes a serious mistake in the heat of the moment resulting in charges, the odds are overwhelming that they will perjure themselves in their testimony. Call it what you like, in all 50 states it's a felony.

I personally know a couple dozen cops who carry a 'clean' knife or gun 'just in case' they screw up and shoot an unarmed person. Why would 'honest' cops do that?
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Whether in the UK, USA, or Timbuktoo, a hysterical, screaming person jumping out of a car in an already escalated situation equals threat.

But it was the actions of the cop that caused her to become hysterical.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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No one was charged as the investigation revealed that it was simply a mistake. The weapon had been loaded with live rounds for something later in the course and somehow ended up being used in the portion where blanks were supposed to be used.

Life happens (in this case, death happens),


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