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Maybe you have been living in there too long.

It is not acceptable, at least in the US. If it was for self defense reasons is ok, if not, it would be considered as assault and batterym but I doubt many women in here get beaten by their husband's egal.

I seen father beating their daughters, for very stupid reasons, and it was clear to me that that was very acceptable behaviour for those muslims I saw. No one said a peep. But it was an area where sharia law was in effect.

What you fail to see, as many others here is the issue of extreme islamic faith followers are the ones mainly incurring in these terror attacks, anything said about these particular individuals gets to be "an attack" on all muslim. Just like JJ and Sharpton playing the race card over here, regardless of merit

As to your reference,
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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So if the majority of a culture agrees upon something then it is acceptable to impose their belief on the minority. So when the majority of a culture agrees to commit genocide against the minority ... you believe it is acceptable?

Genocide no but setting your own modesty laws sure. Just like i can't go out on main street with my penis hanging out.

If you need me to explain why Genocide should not be compared to mo0desty laws I will but you’re a smart guy and I am sure you get it.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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>that here in America you can wear pretty much any kind of bathing suit you want . . .

Again, John, take your girlfriend to the beach and walk around topless (the both of you.) See how much freedom she has from arrest - and see if the cops treat you both the same based on your gender.

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I live and work in an islamic dominated country and I can promise you that the Muslim women LIKE how they are. I understand that Iran enforces the covering of women more than where I am (UAE) but the fact is the locals CHOOSE to wear what they wear and LIKE being what they are.

Of course, sometimes men oppress the women, but name a country that this doesnt happen in. Just because the Muslim culture is not something you understand doesnt mean its wrong. In america or the UK, women are opressed daily and in extreme ways. Just because they dont cover themselves doesnt make it any different.

The unfortunate fact is that many women around the world suffer to men, not just in Islamic countries. I havent been a member long but ive not yet seen a thread on this site about the white trash americans beating the living shit out of their wives when they are drunk. Or is that acceptable as US culture?

No, it is not, it is against the law, you actucally get arrested if you beat anyone, even the act of threateaning a woman, can get you a restraining order. What you "forget" to mention in your reply, that the difference is being a matter of choice, and the view that some wife-daughter-female beatings at Islamic law based countries are lawful under and for certain conditions, including death for adultery, while the male population gets better and lighter punishment for the same offences.

Not to beat this to death, but all to often in many muslim countries, women are treat very poorly, almost as slaves. In some cases, women cook for the men and can not eat until the men are finished and then only what is left over.

I'm sure we could go round and round, but the images and stories of abuse to these women have left many here in the West think not so highly of muslim men.

Just a question, "A Indonesian Ferry capsizes in the Java Sea, dumping more than 400 people into shark invested waters." Do muslim men see to it that their wives that they LOVE so much and their Daughters are assisted into life boats first or are they beaten back by being told, "No women, No women".

Think carefully, before you answer.


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Well, according to one particular poster, this is just women actually standing up for their rights to be modest, and subserviant. Isn't that something?:|

"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Well, according to one particular poster,

Are you speaking about the poster who has actually lived in an Islamic country? The same one who has Female members who he can speak openly to about the way they feel about subjects, the same one who actually has some first hand knowledge on the culture that you and the likes of you criticize with ZERO or very limited knowledge?

Should this “particular poster” be taking more seriously then you who according to your own words like to refer to Muslims as towel heads?

You know what I’ll let the people decide that one.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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So if the majority of a culture agrees upon something then it is acceptable to impose their belief on the minority. So when the majority of a culture agrees to commit genocide against the minority ... you believe it is acceptable?

Genocide no but setting your own modesty laws sure. Just like i can't go out on main street with my penis hanging out.

If you need me to explain why Genocide should not be compared to mo0desty laws I will but you’re a smart guy and I am sure you get it.

I get it. I just wanted you to state that there are things that you believe are unacceptable regardless of whether the majority of a culture agrees upon them. Why? Because what you consider unacceptable regardless of whether the majority of a culture agrees may be different than what someone else considers unacceptable regardless of whether the majority of a culture agrees ... Sure, there is a big difference between genocide and modesty laws ... but where (and why) do we draw the line?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Likewise, all Americans are free to adopt just about whatever culture they want. You can be a yuppie or a hippie, a puritan or a bed-hopper, a Christian or an athiest, or any of thousands of other things. It's all entirely up to your personal choice.

However, in Iran, you don't have that kind of freedom. You can only be what the muslim clerics want you to be. It's not a culture of freedom - it's a culture of oppression and tyranny.

So, if I wanted two wives in the US could I?
If a woman wanted two husbands, could she?
If two lesbians wanted to get married, could they?
If two gay guys, in a loving long term relationship wanted to adopt a child, could they?
If a 14 year old roman catholic wanted to do the communion properly and have some wine, could he/she?

Your post is a load of crock. People in America (or canada for that matter) aren't free to be who they want to be. Aren't free to adopt any culture they want. They are free to follow the rules and laws of the US, not their culture.

"Entirely up to your personal choice" is not even close to being true. You just are comfortable with the restrictions of the society you live in.

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Well genocide is not a law but an extermination it requires you to die that would be the main difference.

If you decide to kill all brown people that’s not a law just as when Hitler decided to kill al the Jews it was not a law but mass murder.

Laws might cause an inconvenience but it would not kill you.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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"Entirely up to your personal choice" is not even close to being true. You just are comfortable with the restrictions of the society you live in.

So true ... [:/] and the restrictions are growing with the Neo-Conservatives (taking away freedoms to protect us from others) and Liberals (taking away freedoms to protect us from ourselves).
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Well genocide is not a law but an extermination it requires you to die that would be the main difference.

If you decide to kill all brown people that’s not a law just as when Hitler decided to kill al the Jews it was not a law but mass murder.

Laws might cause an inconvenience but it would not kill you.

Ok. So make a law that an individual can not be a Jew and make the punishment for breaking the law death ... problem solved. The point I am making is that we need to draw a line and we need to draw the line using arguments based on valid logic and reasoning, not whether the majority agrees.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Well, is this the same particular poster that actually does not realise that I have lived in a few Islamic countries to date.?

I think you have an infatuation on people identifying certain terrorists as muslim, and see it as attack on all muslim. You keep talking the "we", while siding more and more in a condescending, and tragical ignorance on terrorism acts, perpetuated against innocents. You actually condone the methods used, only arbitrarily crying foul when terrorist killed are muslim, and their killers, are all but muslim.

A few of us know where you stand on women's systemic abuse, and prohibition of rights, trying to poorly conceal it as difference in cultures, yet you don't want to say nothing about freedom of choice.

You also conveniently don't agree with my explicit name calling on those islamo facist alqaida types, because you view these people probably as doing the right thing for muslims. It's all understandable where you side.

Have a great day darius.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Once again, the difference is that in this country people have the choice to be modest or not.

You're kidding right? :S
If you're serious then I suggest you try walking around buck naked in public anywhere in the US. At the very least it'll get you arrested and possibly forced to take psychiatric treatment for your "mental illness".
Being modest in public is not anymore of a choice in the US than it is in Iran, it's just the definition of "modesty" that's somewhat different.
Please explain why your own definition should prevail over other culture's? [:/]



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please don't become a john and don;t twist my words. I am used to others doing it but not you.

I dont know.. but it certainly seemed that way when PSU... where I went to college.. was known as Persian State University.

MANY of the men coming from those cultures surely acted that way towards American women.. so its NOT just THEIR culture over there...it exported where ever THEY go.

Just as yours is where ever you go, infact you culture is exprted via media all around the world, inundating the airwaves.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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please don't become a john and don;t twist my words. I am used to others doing it but not you.

I dont know.. but it certainly seemed that way when PSU... where I went to college.. was known as Persian State University.

MANY of the men coming from those cultures surely acted that way towards American women.. so its NOT just THEIR culture over there...it exported where ever THEY go.

Just as yours is where ever you go, infact you culture is exprted via media all around the world, inundating the airwaves.

But OURS is RIGHT! Why can't everybody understand that!
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You're kidding right? :S
If you're serious then I suggest you try walking around buck naked in public anywhere in the US. At the very least it'll get you arrested and possibly forced to take psychiatric treatment for your "mental illness".
Being modest in public is not anymore of a choice in the US than it is in Iran, it's just the definition of "modesty" that's somewhat different.
Please explain why your own definition should prevail over other culture's? [:/]



In this country people have a greater amount of choice in the level of modesty they display. (What is the punishment for choosing an unacceptable level of modest in both cultures ...)

Edit: Do you believe honor killings are also acceptable?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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You just are comfortable with the restrictions of the society you live in.

That's the key. It's what sets people who live in our society, but set their own restrictions, apart.

Here, a woman who dresses only in skirts, and keeps her hair covered (whether as a Muslima, an orthodox Jew, some form of Amish, or several other varieties of belief) stands out. But it's a comfortable world view for them. Yes, some of them might think the dresses are hot. And some women in very religious households are abused (nearly all very fundamentalist religious types say that the man is the head of the family).

So much of this is built around men's supposed inability to control themselves. But go look at any boobies thread in Bonfire; maybe it's at least worth thinking about.

We're not free to go to the beach topless here. We're not free to take multiple wives or husbands. We're not free to marry members of the same gender. We're ostracized if we live in communal settings where the boundaries of parents are stretched. Heck -- we're made fun of if we dress in extremely conservative clothing.

And even in America, women (people, really) who are raised in this tradition risk being distanced from the family and society they were brought up in. People are different -- that's an EXTREMELY powerful restrining force for some folks, and not one at all for others.

So please -- just let people be different. And if they want different bounds on their behavior, what difference does it make to us?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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So please -- just let people be different.

What a joke, seriously. You do realize that the restrictions in Iran on modesty are greater than the restrictions in America and that these restrictions keep people from being different. This doesn't mean that America is the most right when it comes to modesty, it does mean that America is more right than Iran when it comes to modesty.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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it does mean that America is more right than Iran when it comes to modesty.

We were raised to think that individual freedom is the be-all and end-all. It's in our nature, because it's what's been held up as the best thing from when we were very young.

In socieities where cooperation is the be-all and end-all, individualism is subsumed to cooperation. Look at Japan for many years.

However, the US culture is so pervasive now that nearly all countries have individual freedom being held up in front of them. And since it's beautiful people doing the holding up (they don't ask normal-looking people to star in movies and advertise stuff), that makes it more desirable.

I'm not saying we're wrong. I'm saying it's all about context, and the US is setting the context these days because we're a superpower. But in homogeneus societies that value cooperation, there is far less violence, and less crime in general. Is that a good thing? Depends on what you think is more important.

That's why people seek out those "protected enclave" types of neighborhoods. So they can hang out with people just like them, and exert pressure on folks who don't want to live the same. Think of homeowner associations.

People are people. They like to think that they way they were brought up is "right." But sometimes there really isn't a "right" and a "wrong." There's just "is."

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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We were raised to think that individual freedom is the be-all and end-all.

In socieities where cooperation is the be-all and end-all, individualism is subsumed to cooperation.

Wouldn't you agree that a society with fewer restrictions on individual freedom allows for the same amount of cooperation and conformity as a society with more restrictions on individual freedom that mandates cooperation and conformity. My point is that people should not be mandated (by rules and regulations) but should be allowed (by choice) to cooperate and conform.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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> We're not free to go to the beach topless here.

I'm thinking of several places in the US, that does allow the above lawfully.

1) Hippy Hollow, the only sactioned Texas State Park that allows Total Nudity, however it is patrolled by the State Police.

2) High Island, has a nude beach, I damn near got into the scrap metal business with a PHI helicopter flying over it several years back. This beach is also patrolled by the police who will ticket or even take you to jail for being nude.

3) A town in Vermont up until recently allowed people to roam the streets totally nude.

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> 1) Hippy Hollow, the only sactioned Texas State Park that allows Total Nudity, however it is patrolled by the State Police.

The cops are patrolling it on their off time, are a bit creepy, and have cameras, but they are patrolling.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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In this country people have a greater amount of choice in the level of modesty they display. (What is the punishment for choosing an unacceptable level of modest in both cultures ...)

Edit: Do you believe honor killings are also acceptable?

Nice about-face. What you actually said is:

"Once again, the difference is that in this country people have the choice to be modest or not."

Your statement is unambiguous and is clearly and utterly false.
As for finding honor killings acceptable, well as a matter of fact I think ANY form of capital punishment is absolutely unacceptable, no matter what the circumstances.
But capital punishment is allowed in most states in the US! I hereby declare my stance on this issue to be right and that of the US wrong and urge the EU to invade the United States in order to set things right. How about that? :S


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