
Traffic Laws according to me

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>But those who simply don't use them . . .

I used to barely use them when driving in NY, specifically Manhattan. In Manhattan, a turn signal means "that guy wants to move over, so floor it before he tries to get in front of you." The trick I adopted was to look for an opening, turn the wheel hard, hit the directional with my hand as I was turning the wheel (to be legal) and get into the lane before the other guy could react.

I've heard this excuse before for not using turn signals when changing lanes, and while I've never experienced it myself, I guess it's understandable in some situations.

But I can't think of any reason not to use a turn signal when intending to make an actual turn.

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But I can't think of any reason not to use a turn signal when intending to make an actual turn.

I can think of one. :) I call it the NUTS technique or going NUTS (Non Use of the Turn Signal) :D Zipp0's post (#18) in this thread hints to me that I may not be the first one to think of calling it this. :o

It's any general situation where you want to gain the advantage on someone by making them think you're not turning.

A specific example: You're driving down the road and want to make a right turn. There's someone coming from the opposite direction. Since they’re a little closer to that turn, you see they've already started to slow down and signal to turn. You think to yourself, "I don't want to get behind that jerk. He's gonna drive too slow." At this point, if you start also start to slow down and signal, the other person will think, "I don't want to get behind that jerk. He's gonna drive too slow." Because you’re slowing down and will take longer to get there, the other person will have time to turn and get in front of you. So instead, purposefully *don’t* use your turn signal (and perhaps brake a little later) to make it look like you’re going to drive straight through. This will make the other person think, "He’s not turning. I better wait for him to go by." So now you get to make the turn first and get in front. ;)

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But I can't think of any reason not to use a turn signal when intending to make an actual turn.

I can think of one. :) I call it the NUTS technique or going NUTS (Non Use of the Turn Signal) :D Zipp0's post (#18) in this thread hints to me that I may not be the first one to think of calling it this. :o

It's any general situation where you want to gain the advantage on someone by making them think you're not turning.

A specific example: You're driving down the road and want to make a right turn. There's someone coming from the opposite direction. Since they’re a little closer to that turn, you see they've already started to slow down and signal to turn. You think to yourself, "I don't want to get behind that jerk. He's gonna drive too slow." At this point, if you start also start to slow down and signal, the other person will think, "I don't want to get behind that jerk. He's gonna drive too slow." Because you’re slowing down and will take longer to get there, the other person will have time to turn and get in front of you. So instead, purposefully *don’t* use your turn signal (and perhaps brake a little later) to make it look like you’re going to drive straight through. This will make the other person think, "He’s not turning. I better wait for him to go by." So now you get to make the turn first and get in front. ;)


Ok, let me rephrase that... I can't think of any reason (other than being a self-absorbed, rude prick) not to use a turn signal when intending to make an actual turn. ;)

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This will make the other person think, "He’s not turning. I better wait for him to go by." So now you get to make the turn first and get in front. ;)

Oh shit!:D:D I've so done that!

As to the person driving with their turn signal on, I have a hilarious solution.

I get in front of them and tun on the same signal. That way they are like "Hey, look at this asshole with the blinker going. What an idiot." Then they eventually figure out that THEY are the asshole. When their signal goes off, you can be sure they got it, and you can be satisfied knowing you have been a prick on the road once again!

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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"Reckless" and "Wreckless"

are two completely different words and both have meanings in terms of traffic and driving

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Ok, let me rephrase that... I can't think of any reason (other than being a self-absorbed, rude prick) not to use a turn signal when intending to make an actual turn. ;)


I actually started doing this because of getting burned too many times trying to be a good driver. Particularly at one specific intersection where "the other guy" is coming out of a neighborhood known to have a lot of senior citizens (i.e., slow drivers). I do it with absolutely no remorse whatsoever. :P

Oh, and "the other guy" can combat you by "going NUTS" themselves. :P:D

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As to the person driving with their turn signal on, I have a hilarious solution.

I get in front of them and tun on the same signal. That way they are like "Hey, look at this asshole with the blinker going. What an idiot." Then they eventually figure out that THEY are the asshole. When their signal goes off, you can be sure they got it, and you can be satisfied knowing you have been a prick on the road once again!

Brilliant! :D

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Agreed that some more thought might need to be put into that. I cant think of any area that I have ever driven where the limit should be decreased tho.

any low visibility driving situation (uncontrolled intersections for example) don't support an increase in speed. As Bill notes, people's reaction times aren't improving, and in fact are probably going the opposite way with radios and phones and GPS maps.


But if you do get in an accident, those things will do a lot to help you walk away from it.

if the point of your new world order is to limit fatalies rather than actual accididents, its DOA. You limit fatalities by limiting accidents.


So you have a right to go 5 mph in a 45 zone and hold a huge line of traffic behind you?:S

How many cyclists do you see going 5mph? That's barely over fast walking speed (4mph). Figure on 12-14 for casual, 18-20 for more sporty riding. And on a curvy downhill the rider can exceed the speed limit and be held up by cars. Meanwhile, when some cager speeds and loses control, the road gets closed and everyone gets to go 0 mph!

The anti bike drivel in this thread is hiliarious, not to mention oversaid.

Virtually no cyclists don't pay road taxes. They all drive. But today they're saving you a parking space, so quit your bitching.

The cyclist that rides erratically and pretends to be a pedestrian to avoid traffic laws is the same asshole that runs red lights in his SUV. It's the same sort of selfishness that accounts for most of this thread's contents as well.

Because of the number of asshole drivers who can't figure out how to pass a slower moving vehicle safely, few cyclists will ride any further out from the edge of the road than safely necessary. If the cagers weren't constantly throwing out bottles and other trash that doesn't get swept up, there would be few reasons to need the lane. But that's not reality.

Putting cyclists on the sidewalk will result in dead cyclists (from inattentive motorists backing in and out of driveways and dead pedestrians because getting hit by a 20mph 200lb object is not good for your health.

Jason - cager, cyclist, biker

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Mobile phones...... dont even start me on dick-heads using mobile phones whilst driving... especially when taking their little dears the few hundred meters to skool....... bastards>:(

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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My first time driving in Manhattan I was told to put the nose of your card in between the 6 inches between the cars and turn. Its universally accepted there that is is a signal that you will be turning and the people needs to yield to you if only giving you 2 inches to spare. Sad to say its pretty true. Same technique in Indy about got me ran off the road a few times.
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Anyone caught rubbernecking, especially if it's just a car sitting on the shoulder, will be fined $500.00!

$200.00 fine for anyone lolligagging in the left lane.

Anyone trying to do a right lane power pass because the left lane is full (and everybody is cruising at 10mph over) should be sent to a federal prison for a night or two.

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My first time driving in Manhattan I was told to put the nose of your card in between the 6 inches between the cars and turn. Its universally accepted there that is is a signal that you will be turning and the people needs to yield to you if only giving you 2 inches to spare. Sad to say its pretty true. Same technique in Indy about got me ran off the road a few times.

Sounds like a good reason to use public transportation in New York. :P I've never been there, but from what you guys are saying, I think that I would hate driving there.

I guess I've never driven anywhere where using turn signals (and following other traffic rules) was not the best way to get where I wanted to go. And I've driven in a lot of big cities (just not in New York).

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Anyone caught rubbernecking, especially if it's just a car sitting on the shoulder, will be fined $500.00![/reply}

Fuck that - $5000!!!


Anyone trying to do a right lane power pass because the left lane is full (and everybody is cruising at 10mph over) should be sent to a federal prison for a night or two.

Shit, they would throw away the key on me!

I used to drive the speed limit too. I just got sick of being passed like I was standing still. So, now I pass those who used to pass me. I think of it as defensive driving, in that I keep my offense on the field, negating the need for a defense.;)

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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mandatory road test and vision test for everyone, every year.

Sounds good but can you imagine the nightmare of administering this?


involvement in an accident where you are 50% or more at fault results in a suspended license for one year, and mandatory advanced driver training.

Why not reconcile these. Involvement in ANY accident results in a road test at your next renewal.

But also - how would "fault" be determined? By the police officer? By the DMV?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I used to barely use them when driving in NY, specifically Manhattan. In Manhattan, a turn signal means "that guy wants to move over, so floor it before he tries to get in front of you."

It's the same in Moscow. And there are laws, and fines against this. It just doesn't work.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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The plan:

Repeal ALL traffic laws.

Insure your own vehicle for as much as YOU want to protect YOUR OWN investment. No liability insurance (for vehicles or personal injury) will be offered.

Hang old tires all around your vehicle. Get a good helmet.

Hit the streets!

Elvisio "my plan rocks" Rodriguez

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$200.00 fine for anyone lolligagging in the left lane.

Anyone trying to do a right lane power pass because the left lane is full (and everybody is cruising at 10mph over) should be sent to a federal prison for a night or two.

You contradict yourself. If you are doing 10 over and everybody has to go around you on the the right YOU are lollygagging. Get the fuck over rover.:P:P:P. I hate drivers like you.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
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$200.00 fine for anyone lolligagging in the left lane.

Anyone trying to do a right lane power pass because the left lane is full (and everybody is cruising at 10mph over) should be sent to a federal prison for a night or two.

Passing on the inside is legal in California, and if it isn't in your state GET THE HELL OVER. None of this has anything to do with the Feds who've already grabbed too much power.

I like CA's pass on the inside rule, It stops everyone tailgating & getting pissed off in the fast lane and probably saves lives.

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I have to agree about bicycles on the road, They are a pain in the ass, They are in the way and don't follow rules. They should be on the sidewalk not the road. If a bike hit a pedestrian someone will probably get hurt but if a car hits a bicycle someone will probably get killed. It's a no brainer in my opinion. They should have to get a license plate so we can turn them in for infractions. They should also have to pay taxes on them and build their own roads. Not to long ago I pulled up to a intersection with a stoplight. I came to a complete stop at the red light and prceeded to start a right on red turn. At the same time a fuckin bicycle cop came up on my right and ran the red light and proceeded across the intersection. WTF. If I had hit him it would have been my fault cause he was a pedestrian. So if he's a pedestrian, he should be on the fuckin sidewalk. I hate bicycles on the road. OK, there is my rant for the day.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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$200.00 fine for anyone lolligagging in the left lane.

Anyone trying to do a right lane power pass because the left lane is full (and everybody is cruising at 10mph over) should be sent to a federal prison for a night or two.

You contradict yourself. If you are doing 10 over and everybody has to go around you on the the right YOU are lollygagging. Get the fuck over rover.:P:P:P. I hate drivers like you.

And I hate people who are too fucking stupid to get the obvious point.

I said the left lane is full and eveyone is doing 10 mph over the speed limit.... as in everyone in the left lane is going as fast as conditions (like heavy traffic) allow. Not one person is keeping everyone from going faster. I'm talking about the dickheads who think it's okay to get in the right lane, speed up and then try to squeeze in a few cars up, typically causing several cars to brake. If everyone is keeping up, there's no need to be an ass. ;)

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