
England: Weapon wielding householders

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One thing I want to know, I keep seeing these surveys, but I have never, ever completed one so I have to ask where their data was collected from.

This is a common complaint of surveys. Who has ever been a Neison family to determine the TV ratings?

But the reality of sampling is that you don't need a huge number of participants. It does have to be more intelligent than just 'everyone who answers the phone at home in a random dialing' but it's not necessary for you to have participated for it to be valid.

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what a life you lead JR, trawling the internet for useless information reguarding the UK.

Would it be possible for you to perhaps say for the month of August just post crap about Spain, just to mix it up a bit, then maybe for the month of September only post crap about Italy.
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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...While you're at it, you can prove how attacks by non-strangers are any more acceptable.

Well, at least with a non-stranger I could say, "OK, I give. You can have your GF back. But just for tonight, though."


You Brits never did answer - WTF is it that 50% of those having "weapons" aren't willing to use them? Is your society made up of 50% French frogs?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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You Brits never did answer - WTF is it that 50% of those having "weapons" aren't willing to use them? Is your society made up of 50% French frogs?

Maybe we're more honest and rather than say "yeah I'd give him a good shooing", people admit they'd probably shit their pants and freeze in terror

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Here's a tissue.

Do you have a point? or are you just trying to be the "big" man on the internet forum...
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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Here's a tissue.

Do you have a point? or are you just trying to be the "big" man on the internet forum...

Did YOU have one, besides whinging about self defense issues in your country being brought to light?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Did YOU have one, besides whinging about self defense issues in your country being brought to light?

By people that don't live here and have no idea what their on about. I certainly whinge about that

With your logic above, I'll expect you and the rest of the Europeans to NOT comment in any threads about guns or crime in the US...

But on to the point:

GMTV isn't a UK news organization? The Beeb isn't a UK news organization? The Home Office has nothing to do with the UK?

The information is coming from them, it's not springing full-grown like Prometheus from JR or my foreheads. If you want to attack something, attack the information being provided by YOUR OWN PEOPLE...not those who are discussing it.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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With your logic above, I'll expect you and the rest of the Europeans to NOT comment in any threads about guns or crime in the US...

What threads? All the threads about guns and crime around here are about the UK. Usually accompanied by a poll.

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With your logic above, I'll expect you and the rest of the Europeans to NOT comment in any threads about guns or crime in the US...

What threads? All the threads about guns and crime around here are about the UK. Usually accompanied by a poll.

The Euro's have no problem about jumping into threads and telling us colonials about how our government, healthcare, military etc should be... but by the logic above, WE shouldn't say anything about those same things in Europe because we're not there... see the disconnect in the statement?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I voted no. During the ten years I lived in London there were a handfull of times when I felt unsafe and wished I'd had a weapon on me, but not once did I actually need one.

However, in that time my bike was stolen, my motorbike was stolen, my car radio was stolen, my front door was broken in, i was given false details at the scene of an accident, i was sold fake hash and my walls were grafitti'd.

Maybe I was lucky, or maybe its a fact that because the Brits are simply not a weapon fanatical bunch, but the crime in the UK, even in the innrer cities, is mainly of the petty kind of irritating shit I've listed above.

btw - It's probably best to refrain from sourcing GMTV polls - they really can't be taken too seriously.

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I voted no. During the ten years I lived in London there were a handfull of times when I felt unsafe and wished I'd had a weapon on me, but not once did I actually need one.

Lucky you. I hope your luck holds.

I prefer to be prepared in case mine doesn't.


i was sold fake hash

What are you doing buying illegal drugs? Do you expect the police to ensure the purity of your illegal drug purchases?

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I voted no. During the ten years I lived in London there were a handfull of times when I felt unsafe and wished I'd had a weapon on me, but not once did I actually need one.

Lucky you. I hope your luck holds.

I prefer to be prepared in case mine doesn't.


i was sold fake hash

What are you doing buying illegal drugs? Do you expect the police to ensure the purity of your illegal drug purchases?

Hash is mixture of "processed" meat, rice, maybe some veggies - rather thick. Served on toast or direct from the can.

If it was drugs, then that would be dumb to expect police to protect one's illegal dealings.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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that definition of "weapon" is pretty broad. A Louisville Slugger would fit in nicely both on the diamond and across the perp's noggin.

Having been victimized before, I've decided it isn't happening again. Whatever I have at hand if it arises again will be the weapon of choice, be it a claw hammer, a screw driver or a Glock, I ain't going along quietly. Last time I cooperated with the nice man who demanded my car and wallet, he shot me. Won't happen again, ever, even if it's my hammer against his gun.

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i was sold fake hash

What are you doing buying illegal drugs? Do you expect the police to ensure the purity of your illegal drug purchases?

Hash is mixture of "processed" meat, rice, maybe some veggies - rather thick. Served on toast or direct from the can.

It seems unlikely he would talk about being sold fake [corned beef] hash.

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John, have you read The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies, by David B. Kopel? I'm reading it right now, and so far it seems to be an excellent look at gun/weapons control around the world. It's not written from the standpoint of discrediting gun control in other nations; rather, it strives to explain the significant cultural and historical differences between America and nations with differing levels of gun control. It basically makes the case that, when it comes to gun control, one size does not fit all.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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that definition of "weapon" is pretty broad. A Louisville Slugger would fit in nicely both on the diamond and across the perp's noggin.

Having been victimized before, I've decided it isn't happening again. Whatever I have at hand if it arises again will be the weapon of choice, be it a claw hammer, a screw driver or a Glock, I ain't going along quietly. Last time I cooperated with the nice man who demanded my car and wallet, he shot me. Won't happen again, ever, even if it's my hammer against his gun.

I was wondering about the poll results. Do these people in England not have a need for kitchen knives. I have any number of items that could be used as a weapon. Everything from a dog leash with a heavy snap to a machete.

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John, have you read The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies, by David B. Kopel?

No, but I've heard about it. Sounds like a good read. And I'm a big fan of David Kopel, with all he does for 2nd Amendment rights.

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You dont take a knife to a gun fight. I personally
prefer my stainless steel Smith and Weson 44 cal. with 7 inch ported barrel. I can reach out and touch someone. And if i don't actually hit them I can assure you they won't stick around for me to try again.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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