
Video of friendly fire

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I would like to know on how you have confirmed facts that England, and other countries never accidently kill each other due to friendly fire, Just America?

Maybe my head is in the sand here but i'll say again. We have evidence of Americans killing Brits, its right here. Do you have evidence of Brits killing Americans? If so post it.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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It wasn't the pilots fault....period.

Now the observers on the ground that called this in should have to answer.

The FAC did not call in the strike. The A-10 pilots visually located and "identified" the British column themselves. The one A-10 then attacked it without clearance from the FAC.


Additionally, the terrorist that are being fought have knowledge of coalition tactics.

The incident occured during the initial invasion of Iraq. We weren't fighting terrorists, we were fighting the Iraqi army.


Gotta luv the armchair quarterbacking............

Gotta love people not bothering to find out anything about the incident before jumping in with opinions.


Everyone heard about...what...20 seconds of HUD tape......

The tape that was leaked is at least 15 mins long, from before the initial sighting of the Brit column, through the attack and well into their flight home. It includes all the radio comms.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The link I posted had a long section of the tape not just 20 seconds.

There is an update on on BBC today as this story seems to have taken off http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6337137.stm
and the pilots were cleared in the US investigations.

In accordance with what some people have said here an ex US Navy pilot has said that the PILOTS should have acted based on the Orange panels and NOT opened fire. Which raises an interesting question - if it is public knowledge that orange = friends then surely the bad guys are doing this as well?
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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You're right. The British never make mistakes.


A 'friendly fire' incident has claimed the lives of two UK soldiers during fierce fighting outside the southern Iraqi city of Basra.

The pair, serving with the Queen's Royal Lancers, were killed when their Challenger II tank came under fire early on Tuesday morning. Two others were seriously injured.

The BBC's Nick Witchell, at coalition military headquartes in Qatar, said their vehicle was hit by a shell from another British tank that either missed its intended target or rebounded off it.

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Whoa there. You think just because you hear a "excerpt" of a HUD tape that they " did not" receive their order from the ground? I have to disagree.

Everyone heard about...what...20 seconds of HUD tape......

Actually, the recording I heard was about 15 minutes long. It ends right after one of the pilots reports being out of tape. During the recording, you can hear one of the pilots report the targets, the two pilots try to ID them, and ground saying he doesn't know what they are but there are no friendlies there. They are ID'd right after the second strafe. It's entirely possible that there was more discussion that I didn't hear, but what I did hear didn't seem to be a partial excerpt...it formed a pretty clear picture of how it went down. CNN was only broadcasting a short, edited version, but The Sun's version seemed to be complete.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Never ever ever. It's only the Americans which are a bunch of useless fucking soldiers. British soldiers never fuck up.



The bullet that killed Jamie Hancock, within moments of the teenage soldier starting his first ever sentry duty at the Old State Building in Basra, was British.


edit for grammar.
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>the allies have more to fear from the yanks than the eye-rackies
More to fear? Really?

>Bristish troops seem to manage not to kill allied troops,

>why is it only the yanks who seem to repeatedly kill friendly soldiers?

>American troops got their arses kicked in korea,
They did?

Care to expand on those answers? Im not being an arse here, but i want to see examples, lots of em.

Don't hold your breath Andy....

I for one am calling BULLSHIT on peterfile....

I suspect he is another poster we all know and many don't care much for.

If I knew that were true, maybe he could use a friendly chat on being honest and sincere.

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Maybe my head is in the sand here but i'll say again. We have evidence of Americans killing Brits, its right here. Do you have evidence of Brits killing Americans? If so post it.

I would wager that the 10k men lost in training for D Day were from both armies, and there were flag rank officers from both sides involved.

Nice that we both killed more of our men in training than the germans killed in the initial phase of the invasion huh?

Also nice is that there is still not truth being told of exactly how many perished in said training.

Remember that the training went on for over two years.

Also remember that several other invasions were practice runs for said invasion.

The Frech were certainly helpful in killing their comrades in arms even though they knew that the american and brit forces were arriving and where, yet they opened fire upon them.

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THIS is the full transcript of the cockpit video from call sign POPOV36 during the disastrous friendly fire attack on the Household Cavalry patrol.

Lasting just over 15 minutes, it begins just before the A-10 Thunderbolt pilot spots the four British vehicles.

The local time is 4.36pm, or 1.36pm Greenwich Mean Time which is what the military use.

The killer pilot’s wingman, hunting targets with him in a second A-10, had the call sign POPOV35.

The other main call signs on the radio net are MANILA HOTEL, MANILA34, and LIGHTNING34 — three US Marine Corps Forward Air Controllers on the ground attached to British units.

Later on, other call signs come on the net to relay emergency ceasefire messages.

They are SKY CHIEF, an American AWAC jet controlling the overall air battle and COSTA58, a British pilot nearby.

The time code in hours, minutes and seconds is from the digital clock on the pilot’s display.

Transcript starts:


POPOV from MANILA HOTEL. Can you confirm you engaged that tube and those vehicles?

1336.36 POPOV35:

Affirm Sir. Looks like I’ve got multiple vehicles in reverts at about 800 metres to the north of your arty rounds. Can you switch fire, and shift fire, and get some arty rounds on those?


Roger, I understand that those are the impacts you observed earlier on my timing?

1336.51 POPOV35:



Roger, standby. Let me make sure they’re not on another mission.

1336.57 POPOV36:

Hey, I got a four ship. Looks like we got orange panels on them though. Do we have any friendlies up in this area?


I understand that was north 800 metres.


POPOV, understand that was north 800 metres?

1337.16 POPOV35:

Confirm, north 800 metres. Confirm there are no friendlies this far north on the ground.


That is an affirm. You are well clear of friendlies.

1337.25 POPOV35:

Copy. I see multiple riveted vehicles. Some look like flatbed trucks and others are green vehicles. Can’t quite make out the type. Look like may be ZIL157s (Russian made trucks used by Iraqi army).


Roger. That matches our Intel up there. And understand you also have the other fixed wing up this push? For terminal control, if you can.

1337.44 POPOV35:

I’d love to. I didn’t talk to him yet.


Roger, I believe CASPER is up this push too. Two Super Tomcats.

1337.54 POPOV35:

Hey dude.

1337.56 POPOV36:

I got a four ship of vehicles that are evenly spaced along a road going north.

1338.04 POPOV36:

Look down at your right, 2 o’clock, at 10 o’clock low, there is a, left 10 o’clock low, look down there north along that canal, right there. Coming up just south of the village.

1338.21 POPOV35:

Evenly spaced? Where we strafed?

1338.23 POPOV36:

No. No. Further east, further west, right now. And there’s four or five of them right now heading up there.

1338.29 POPOV35:

No, I don’t have you visual.

1338.30 POPOV36:

I’m back at your 6 – no factor.

1338.31 POPOV35:

OK, now where’s this canal?

1338.35 POPOV35:

Don’t hit those F18s that are out there.

1338.38 POPOV36:

OK. Right underneath you. Right now, there’s a canal that runs north/south. There’s a small village, and there are vehicles that are spaced evenly there.

1338.49 POPOV36:

They look like they have orange panels on though.

1338.51 POPOV35:

He told me, he told me there’s nobody north of here.

1338.52 POPOV36:

I know. There, right on the river.

1338.53 POPOV35:

I see vehicles though, might be our original dudes.

1339.09 POPOV36:

They’ve got something orange on top of them.

1339.10 POPOV35:

POPOV for MANILA 3, is MANILA 34 in this area?


Say again?

1339.15 POPOV35:

MANILA HOTEL, is MANILA 34 in this area?


Negative. Understand they are well clear of that now.

1339.23 POPOV35:

OK, copy. Like I said, multiple riveted vehicles. They look like flatbed trucks. Are those your targets?


That’s affirm.

1339.31 POPOV35:


1339.34 POPOV36:

Let me ask you one question.

1339.35 POPOV35:

What’s that?

1339.45 POPO36:

(to MANILA HOTEL) Hey, tell me what type of rocket launchers you got up here?

1339.50 POPOV36:

I think they’re rocket launchers.


. . . (garbled) You were stepped on, say again.

1339.54 POPOV35:

MANILA HOTEL, fire your arty (artillery) up that 800 metres north, and see how we do.


Roger, standby for shot. They are getting adjustments to the guns now.

1340.34 POPOV35:


1340.09 POPOV36:

Roll up your right wing and look right underneath you.

1340.12 POPOV35:

(angry) I know what you’re talking about.

1340.13 POPOV36:

OK, well they got orange rockets on them.

1340.17 POPOV35:

Orange rockets?

1340.17 POPOV36:

Yeah, I think so.

1340.18 POPOV35:

Let me look.

1340.26 POPOV35:

We need to think about getting home.

1340.29 POPOV36:

3.6 is what it says (a fuel measurement).

1340.31 POPOV35:

Yeah, I know. I’m talking time wise.

1340.35 POPOV36:

I think killing these damn rocket launchers, it would be great.

(The tape then becomes garbled)


Yeah, POPOV36, MANILA HOTEL. I’ve got other aircraft up this push. Not sure they’re coming to me. Someone else might be working this freak.

1341.00 POPOV35:

Yeah, MANILA34 is working them, break, break.

1340.12 POPOV36:

Yeah, I see that, you see I’m going to roll down.

1340.15 MANILA 34:

Break, be advised MANILA34 is not working the F18s unless they are trying to check in with me, over.

1341.21 POPOV35:


1341.24 POPOV36:

OK, do you see the orange things on top of them?


POPOV 36 from MANILA HOTEL. Are you able to switch to Crimson?

1341.37 POPOV36:

POPOV 36 is rolling in.


Tell you what.

1341.41 POPOV35:

I’m coming off west. You roll in. It looks like they are exactly what we’re talking about.

1341.49 POPOV36:

We got visual.

1341.50 POPOV36:

OK. I want to get that first one before he gets into town then.

1341.53 POPOV35:

Get him – get him.

1341.55 POPOV36:

All right, we got rocket launchers, it looks like. Number 2 is rolling in from the south to the north, and 2’s in.

1342.04 POPOV35:

Get it.

POPOV36, “rolls in” for an attack and turns his A-10 into a vertical dive to strafe the British column, destroying two Scimitar armoured vehicles and killing L/Cpl of Horse Matty Hull.

1342.09 - GUNFIRE -

1342.18 POPOV35:

I’m off your west.

1342.22 POPOV35:

Good hits.

1342.29 POPOV36:

Got a visual.

1342.30 POPOV35:

I got a visual. You’re at your high 10.

1342.31 POPOV36:


1342.30 POPOV36:

That’s what you think they are, right?

1342.39 POPOV35:

It looks like it to me, and I got my goggles on them now.

1342.59 POPOV35:

OK, I’m looking at getting down low at this.


POPOV 36 from MANILA HOTEL, guns . . .


To engage those targets in the revetts (slopes).

1343.24 POPOV36:

It looks like he is hauling ass. Ha ha. Is that what you think they are?

1343.34 POPOV36:


1343.35 POPOV35:

It doesn’t look friendly.

1343.38 POPOV36:

OK, I’m in again from the south.

1343.40 POPOV35:


1343.47 - GUNFIRE -

1343.54 LIGHTNING 34:


1344.09 POPOV35:


1344.12 LIGHTNING 34:

Roger, POPOV. Be advised that in the 3122 and 3222 group box you have friendly armour in the area. Yellow, small armoured tanks. Just be advised.

1344.16 POPOV35:

Ahh s***.

1344.19 P0POV35:

Got a — got a smoke.

1344.21 LIGHTNING 34:

Hey, POPOV34, abort your mission. You got a, looks we might have a blue on blue situation.

1344.25 POPOV35:

F***. God bless it.

1344.29 POPOV35:


1344.35 POPOV35:

F***, f***, f***.

1344.36 MANILA 34:

POPOV34, this is MANILA 34. Did you copy my last, over?

1344.39 POPOV35:

I did.

1344.47 POPOV35:

Confirm those are friendlies on that side of the canal.

1344.51 POPOV35:


1344.58 MANILA 34:

Standby POPOV.

1345.04 POPOV36:

God dammit.



1344.25 MANILA 34:

OK POPOV. Just west of the 3-4 easting. On the berm up there, the 3422 area is where we have our friendlies, over.

1344.39 POPOV35:

All right, POPOV 35 has smoke. Let me know how those friendlies are right now, please.

1344.45 MANILA 34:

Roger, standby.

1344.49 POPOV35:

Gotta go home dude.

1344.50 POPOV36:

Yeah, I know. We’re f***ed.

1345.54 POPOV35:


1346.01 POPOV36:

As you cross the circle, you are 3 o’clock low.

1346.03 POPOV35:


1346.12 POPOV35:

POPOV 35 is Bingo. Let us know what’s happening.

13446.15 MANILA HOTEL:

Roger. We are getting that information for you right now. Standby.

1346.20 POPOV36:


1346.47 MANILA 34:

POPOV, this is MANILA 34 over.

1346.51 POPOV35:


1346.55 MANILA 34:

POPOV 4, MANILA 34 over.

1347.01 POPOV35:


1347.02 MANILA 34:

We are getting an initial brief that there was one killed and one wounded, over.

1347.09 POPOV35:

Copy. RTB (return to base).

1347.18 POPOV35:

I’m going to be sick.

1347.24 POPOV36:

Ah f***.

1347.48 POPOV35:

Did you hear?

1347.51 POPOV36:

Yeah, this sucks.

1347.52 POPOV35:

We’re in jail dude.

1347.59 POPOV36:


1348.12 SKY CHIEF:

MANILA this is SKY CHIEF over.

1348.18 MANILA34:

This is MANILA 34, send SKY CHIEF.

1348.22 COSTA58:




1348.30 COSTA58:


1348.41 SKY CHIEF:

Relaying for TWINACT, the A-10s are running against friendlies.

1348.47 COSTA58:

POPOV 35, this is COSTA58. Relaying message for TWINACT. Abort, abort.

1348.54 SKY CHIEF:

MANILA how copy A-10s are running against friendlies. Abort. Over.

1349.07 COSTA58:

From TWINACT, abort, abort.

1349. 11 POPOV35:

POPOV 35 aborting.

1349.14 COSTA58:

We will relay that back to TWINACT.

1349.18 POPOV36:

F***. God f***ing s***.

1350.21 POPOV36:

Dammit. F***ing damn it.

1351.17 P0POV36:

God dammit. F*** me dead (weeping).

1351.25 POPOV35:

You with me?

1351.27 POPOV36:


1351.30 POPOV35:

They did say there were no friendlies.

1351.33 POPOV36:

Yeah, I know that thing with the orange panels is going to screw us. They look like orange rockets on top.

1351.48 POPOV35:

Your tape still on?

1351.49 POPOV36:


1351.54 POPOV35:

Mine is end of tape.

Transcript ends.


As you'll see it was approx 5 mins between the orange panel being first noted and the attack commencing:

1st time orange panels noted:

1336.57 POPOV36:

Hey, I got a four ship. Looks like we got orange panels on them though. Do we have any friendlies up in this area?

2nd time:

1338.49 POPOV36:

They look like they have orange panels on though.

3rd time:
1339.09 POPOV36:

They’ve got something orange on top of them.

4th time (the orange panels have changes to rockets):

1340.13 POPOV36:

OK, well they got orange rockets on them.

1340.17 POPOV35:

Orange rockets?

1340.17 POPOV36:

Yeah, I think so.

1340.18 POPOV35:

Let me look.

5th time:

1341.24 POPOV36:

OK, do you see the orange things on top of them?

The attachde commences:

1341.37 POPOV36:

POPOV 36 is rolling in.

They also compare the vehicles to ZILs, think anybody could tell the difference between the 2
***1337.25 POPOV35:

Copy. I see multiple riveted vehicles. Some look like flatbed trucks and others are green vehicles. Can’t quite make out the type. Look like may be ZIL157s (Russian made trucks used by Iraqi army).

Gravity- It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

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Whoa there. You think just because you hear a "excerpt" of a HUD tape that they " did not" receive their order from the ground? I have to disagree.

Everyone heard about...what...20 seconds of HUD tape......

Actually, the recording I heard was about 15 minutes long. It ends right after one of the pilots reports being out of tape. During the recording, you can hear one of the pilots report the targets, the two pilots try to ID them, and ground saying he doesn't know what they are but there are no friendlies there. They are ID'd right after the second strafe. It's entirely possible that there was more discussion that I didn't hear, but what I did hear didn't seem to be a partial excerpt...it formed a pretty clear picture of how it went down. CNN was only broadcasting a short, edited version, but The Sun's version seemed to be complete.


Yes I agree with you that the pilots tried to ID the targets. Matter of fact, asked for confirmation. Ground relayed no friendlies in the area. About covers it.

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And here's some more?


Sgt Steven Roberts, 33, from Shipley, West Yorkshire, was shot dead in a "friendly fire" incident as he manned a checkpoint in March 2003.

An Army Board of Inquiry into his death found that the pistol he tried to shoot the Iraqi with failed and he was shot by a comrade in a tank who was trying to protect him but did not know his high-powered machine gun was inaccurate at short range.


So can you now confirm that your head is securely stuck in sand?

So, from this site we've got Matty Hull, David Rhys Williams, and Kevin Barry Main that were killed in the jet crash, due to American forces.

There's David Jeffrey Clark and Stephen John Allbutt killed by another British tank. Stephen Mark Williams, killed by a fellow British soldier.

So, each side has killed 3 British soldiers. Given that the US has supplied 250,000 soldiers, and the UK has supplied 45,000, you're not doing too hot in comparison. source

Of course, it's the Americans' fault.

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Oh wait, I'm not done yet.


Fusilier Kelan Turrington, who was 18 when he died, was described by the Army as a victim of an Iraqi ambush during an assault on a trench in April 2003.

But Andrew Walker, deputy coroner for Oxfordshire, concluded that the soldier with the 1st Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was killed by fire from a machinegun mounted on a British tank. At the time he was the youngest British casualty of the war. Mr Walker ruled: "Fusilier Kelan Turrington was on active service in Iraq when, under orders, he entered a sector controlled by a separate British military unit.


So now we've got British: 4, US: 3.
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Why do people always have to turn shitty? Is it a personal attack? Do you feel threatened?

You're comparing the 3 soldiers each is bullshit, How many Americans have Americans killed? Its not 3.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Not a death, but another friendly fire incident.


One of those bringing a legal claim is Albert Thompson, 37, a former colour sergeant in the Royal Highland Fusiliers, who lost a leg after being accidentally shot by a colleague near Basra in 2003. He received 11 bullets in the leg and his hand' he spent 100 days in hospital and the left leg was amputated above the knee.


And just to confirm that the bullet did in fact come from a British bullet.


Sgt Albert Thomson hit by bullets fired accidentally by a British Warrior vehicle as he walked in front of it outside the town of Az Zubayr. He lost a leg.

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On your final remark,

I don't think the reveted vehicles are the same group they attacked.

My take on this was they were spotting for artillery rounds or asking for marker rounds on a group of reveted (that's stationary dug in behind earth berms) vehicles and 36 kept drawing attention to a different group while 35 was focusing on the original task. This caused some confusion about specific locations especially w.r.t. the FAC, and irritated 35.

In other places there's clear reference to the targets as moving, or coming up on a village, those can't be reveted.

Two groups and this was part of the communication problem.

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Why do people always have to turn shitty? Is it a personal attack? Do you feel threatened?

You're comparing the 3 soldiers each is bullshit, How many Americans have Americans killed? Its not 3.

Well being that everyone, including you, is getting on the anti-American bandwagon, here your proof that it's not just Americans.

It's fucking war. Mistakes happen, and people die.

We all talk about how, in skydiving, even when everything is done right, we can still die. War is much more dangerous than skydiving, yet we expect no lives to be accidentally lost.

Yeah, okay.
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Why do people always have to turn shitty? Is it a personal attack? Do you feel threatened?

You're comparing the 3 soldiers each is bullshit, How many Americans have Americans killed? Its not 3.

Well being that everyone, including you, is getting on the anti-American bandwagon, here your proof that it's not just Americans.

It's fucking war. Mistakes happen, and people die.

We all talk about how, in skydiving, even when everything is done right, we can still die. War is much more dangerous than skydiving, yet we expect no lives to be accidentally lost.

Yeah, okay.

Unfortunately there can be no tally of lives saved by American close air support. It massively outweighs the FF incidents and makes advances possible that otherwise wouldn't be.

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Where the fuck did i jump on the band wagon?! I stated facts and also stated i feel sympothy for the pilots during the fog of war if you go back and READ.

Boo hoo everybody hates us. Get over it.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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I would like to know on how you have confirmed facts that England, and other countries never accidently kill each other due to friendly fire, Just America?

Maybe my head is in the sand here but i'll say again. We have evidence of Americans killing Brits, its right here. Do you have evidence of Brits killing Americans? If so post it.

Here is the proof that the British have made the same stupid mistake. Forget about the Brits killing American troops, in this British news article we have proof that the British ROASTED their own countrymen by mistake. Certainly you cannot deny the evidence that England has made the same friendly fire mistake. Now if you want to argue that they have managed to not kill allied forces from other countries, fine. However, you cannot argue that they haven''t made a friendly fire mistake at all. They killed their own.


Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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I find this comparison of blue-on-blue really objectionable. Yes, shit happens in war, and people have doutless been accidentally shooting their friends since the very first projectile weapons. Yes, this doesn't make these casualties any less tragic, and yes, these incidents should be properly investigated and the findings made public (or, at the very least, shared with the families).

Pointing fingers and making remarks like "So, each side has killed 3 British soldiers. Given that the US has supplied 250,000 soldiers, and the UK has supplied 45,000, you're not doing too hot in comparison." is incredibly unhelpful. What is this, a competitive sport? A lets-see-who-can-kill-more-friendlies contest? A force:fuck-up ratio?

What I think our American friends (and I do count you as friends) need to know, is that the vast majority of Britons are glad to have you as allies, and realise that a certain amount of fratricide is inevitable in large-scale operations. What galls us, however, is that American authorities have at times seemed unwilling to share information about these incidents. It is disgraceful that this cockpit video should have come to light through a leak to a tabloid paper, and was not offered openly to the coroner. It is this apparent indifference to the feelings of an ally and friend that does much more damage to Anglo-American relations than the tragedy of friendly fire deaths on the battlefield, in my opinion.

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Thanks for the article.

Im not saying we dont kill our own, its war and it happens.

But it does ring alarm bells when i havnt heard of an American being killed by a Brit in this war, maybe im wrong i dont know.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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