
Global warming

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If every one is so concerned about global warming I say they should ban all drive through windows. Just think about all the pollutants being produced and all the gas being wasted by these idiots sitting in the drive through line that can be 15-20 cars long. Across all of north America I bet it would be staggering. I admit I do use drive through windows, but only when there is less than 2 cars ahead of me. It wouldn't bother me at all if there was no drive through. Get out of your car and walk into the burger joint. Save the planet and get some exercise.
What do al of you think?

Blue Skies,

growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

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You must be referring to your local Tim Horton's establishment. It's amazing all those lemmings who line up for blocks just to get some coffee. By the way, what's Tim Horton's putting in their coffee to have created so many dependents?

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Better yet, get a bike and you won't have to worry about parking.

Don't get me wrong, I think widespread bicycle use in the US would go a long way to help solve more than one problem we have. However, I've noticed locally a lack of available bicycle parking, including signs prohibiting chaining bikes to signs and such.
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Is that going to stop 20 idiots that just want their Timmy's ( that's coffee for all that don't have Tim Horton's on every other corner) in the morning
and are willing to sit there for 15 min.
No, Ban all Drive throughs!!!!>:(
growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

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No, Ban all Drive throughs!!!

You might be on to something here. That's not a bad idea. It may not be the total solution, but it is something that can help much more than it would hurt.

This actually is the rule in many places. I can mention San Luis Obispo, CA, for one.

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UK has been hit by three tornados in the last two weeks. The latest one hit London today and wrecked several streets. The climate is changing, is 12 degrees in London today in DECEMBER?! A few days ago we had floods in Yorkshire. Three tornados! And this ain't Kansas Toto!:o
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
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The climate is changing

It always has changed and it always will.
Floods in Yorkshire! Whats new? They will still have water shortages next year.
12 degrees in December! and probaly 12 degrees next july as well. Typical British weather. :D

Fallschirmsport Marl

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The climate is changing

It always has changed and it always will.
Floods in Yorkshire! Whats new? They will still have water shortages next year.
12 degrees in December! and probaly 12 degrees next july as well. Typical British weather. :D

Ok, fair point:D
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Temperatures in the Lower 48 states on Wednesday ranged from a low of minus-9 degrees at West Yellowstone, Mont., to a high of 84 degrees at Riverside, Calif.

-9 F. = -22 C.

Does anyone think people in West Yellowstone are ponder global warming, today?

I'm still reeling from that brutal 2006 hurricane season.

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I'm still reeling from that brutal 2006 hurricane season.



Another great weather prediction from the NOAA. They knew is was going to be brutal because of Global warming you see.

There weren't any hurricanes because there was an El Nino which cooled the surface of the ocean, which was caused by global warming.;):P

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No, Ban all Drive throughs!!!

You might be on to something here. That's not a bad idea. It may not be the total solution, but it is something that can help much more than it would hurt.

I guess it is the same everywhere. I often see 10 cars lined up in the drive through instead of parking and walking their fat asses into Tim Hortons to get a coffee....there must be a better way.


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I often see 10 cars lined up in the drive through instead of parking and walking their fat asses into Tim Hortons to get a coffee....there must be a better way.

It's coffee. COFFEE. How slow do they have to be to slop the crap into a cup and exchange it out a window for the money? I'd think the cars shouldn't even have to slow down, let alone backup 10 deep.

Or is it the girly metrosexual types of "coffee"?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>How slow do they have to be to slop the crap into a cup and exchange it out a window for the money?

If the exchange involved something like a SpeedPass, a net in the back window and a sealed container, then you wouldn't even have to slow down.

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