
Racial Tension

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Dude that’s a stupid questions when the thread title is racial tension and the kid is described as the black kid.
That’s why I said deal with it as if a white kid had done it.

That's my point, you go on about how racism is not the issue here and then you say "deal with it as if a WHITE kid had done it".

Way to perpetuate the crap with another racist statement.

Or, way to call lindsey a racist in a tongue and cheek manner.

Either way, you need to walk your talk.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Kids do stupid things, Darius

I doubt that Darius and his friends were shooting at each other when they were "high school" age, like this other kid. They were likely 10 or 12 year olds.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>How is it completely wrong?

"If it was a white kid, everyone would know who the Daddy was."

Now read Lindsey's reply to you.

>Such statements say an awful lot about your values.

Some people can watch a riot start in an inner city and think of ways we could avoid riots in the future. Others can see the exact same riot and think that all blacks/whites/italians/arabs/poor people/police are ignorant, violent bastards. (Pick your prejudice.)

Or, to use a more recent example, a reporter could report on a drunk skydiver who died at Crosskeys, then later on a barefoot tandem master who died (along with his student) in someone's front yard. They could conclude that skydiving is occasionally dangerous but overall reasonably safe, or that all skydivers are limit-pushing, careless drunks who don't care who they endanger.

Experience is being part of something; your values determine what you take away from it.

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BOTH boys have been charged with assault....

Huh??? What both boys?

Apparently there was another boy who was there too. I saw one boy shoot at my son and his friend. Both boys have been charged. For one, it's just an addition of another charge to a list that he's already accumulated. I think this child is in 8th grade...go figure.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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>How is it completely wrong?

"If it was a white kid, everyone would know who the Daddy was."

Now read Lindsey's reply to you.

>Such statements say an awful lot about your values.

Some people can watch a riot start in an inner city and think of ways we could avoid riots in the future. Others can see the exact same riot and think that all blacks/whites/italians/arabs/poor people/police are ignorant, violent bastards. (Pick your prejudice.)

Or, to use a more recent example, a reporter could report on a drunk skydiver who died at Crosskeys, then later on a barefoot tandem master who died (along with his student) in someone's front yard. They could conclude that skydiving is occasionally dangerous but overall reasonably safe, or that all skydivers are limit-pushing, careless drunks who don't care who they endanger.

Experience is being part of something; your values determine what you take away from it.

I just reread the entire thread. Lindsey hasn't said any such reply. Are you putting words in her mouth?


Some people can watch a riot start in an inner city and think of ways we could avoid riots in the future. Others can see the exact same riot and think that all blacks/whites/italians/arabs/poor people/police are ignorant, violent bastards. (Pick your prejudice.)

Or, to use a more recent example, a reporter could report on a drunk skydiver who died at Crosskeys, then later on a barefoot tandem master who died (along with his student) in someone's front yard. They could conclude that skydiving is occasionally dangerous but overall reasonably safe, or that all skydivers are limit-pushing, careless drunks who don't care who they endanger.

Assuming these are your words, what's your point? You really lost me on this one.


Experience is being part of something; your values determine what you take away from it.

We are all engines of karma

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Kids do stupid things, Darius

I doubt that Darius and his friends were shooting at each other when they were "high school" age, like this other kid. They were likely 10 or 12 year olds.

I did stupid shit in high school and college that looking back I was very lucky I didn't get pinched. Things having to do with water balloon launchers, dry ice explosives, pranks that bordered on outright vandalism, etc.

No, nothign like shootign pellet guns at kids, but similarly thoughtless.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Sometimes I joke I grew up on Sesame Street. You know--where the yellow Big Bird and green Cookie Monster and red Elmo were all friends?

We did not have racial divide (at least that I noticed and I'm pretty observant) in my school. Granted there were more whites than any other race, but the races were integrated, nonetheless.

It was a little shocking to me in college. Freshman year at UF and I get out of class in Turlington Square and it's racial divide central and all the stereotypes I'd only heard about but never actually seen; the blacks calling out "Ruf. Ruf. Ruf." like dogs (or dawgs), the "praise-Jesus"-types preaching on top of the wall, the Asians, the preps, and so on.

It was really strange to me. I didn't like it.

I've learned a lot since then; not so much things I wasn't informed of before, just became more aware.

I do see prejudice in myself at times and it saddens me. But overall I think I see people color-blindly and always have.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Were's his momma?


Probably same place my mom was at when we were doing the same thing.:| At work:o

My Buddies dad was a cop and his momma worked. They lived in a 5th floor apart in the Bx. A couple of times we used his BB gun to snipe at people walking by across the street from the 5th floor apt.:|

Not to worry we just aimed for the legs:) But some of those people were pissed. When they would look up we'd duck down below the window and let out a nervous giggle.[:/]

Young and dumbB|


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Just handle it as if a white kid would have done it.

Here's the flaw in your logic...

If it was a white kid, everyone would know who the Daddy was. And, the Daddy would deal with it. Probably very effectively.

I wouldn't be surprised if the kid with the pellet gun doesn't even know who his Daddy is.

Yes, of course. Because if you're white everyone knows who their father is. And if you look like me you have absolutely no idea who you father is. In addition, we all know mothers are incapable of n their children.

"Here's what they think of you."

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A couple of times we used his BB gun to snipe at people walking by across the street from the 5th floor apt.:|

Not to worry we just aimed for the legs:).

Apologies to JohnRich, listening to you guys makes me think the gun control freaks are partially right. City Folks should never be issued guns. Apparently suburban people have no sense.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Or, way to call lindsey a racist in a tongue and cheek manner.

You know me better then that. If I think anyone is a racist I will tell to him or her in a simple manner like hey you’re a racist. I think you know by now that I am not here to win any popularity contests.

I believe the way she is looking at it is what’s making it a race issue.

If I get bunched in the face by an African American there is two ways I can look at it.

1. I got punched in the face

2. I got punched in the face by a black guy.

If the blackness of the person who punched me makes me feel differently about the issue then if it was a white dude then I think I should ask my self why that is the case.

Your right on the other point we were like 11-14 years old and not high school age. That’s why I asked how old the kid was.

I still don’t think it is sign that this kid is going to be a criminal when he gets older.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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A friend of mine did the same thing and got in some serious trouble for pegging a little kid in the back of the head. Not very funny then and not funny now.


I agree :o Kids do stupid things regardless of who their parents are[:/]


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If I get bunched in the face by an African American there is two ways I can look at it.

1. I got punched in the face

2. I got punched in the face by a black guy.

If the blackness of the person who punched me makes me feel differently about the issue then if it was a white dude then I think I should ask my self why that is the case.

That depends on the motive for the black guy hitting you. Did he hit you because he waas just in a foul mood and was looking for trouble with anyone, or did he hit you because you were white? Furthermore you would want to factor in whether it was a one time incident by a guy who hates white people or if it is part of a pattern of racially motivated attacks on white people.


My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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>If it was a white kid, everyone would know who the Daddy was. And,
> the Daddy would deal with it. Probably very effectively.

Such statements say an awful lot about your values. (Even when the statement is completely wrong.)

Why be so coy about it, if you want to call him a racist, why not do it explicitly? Oh, that's right, it is not allowed.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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That is a really lousy analogy. Skydivers don't have their "communities" leadership make speeches about how society owes them reparations based on the color of their skin, or how the violent acts of their community is due to prior injustice. I don't understand why analogies are so important to your arguments, can't you explain your position about the current subject adequately? Perhaps because some don't agree, you think they can't understand, so an analogy is needed.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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That is a really lousy analogy. Skydivers don't have their "communities" leadership make speeches about how society owes them reparations based on the color of their skin, .

I have this funny idea that being black made you more likely to be enslaved in the southern states. I also seem to have heard that voting rights were more likely to be denied if you had black skin, and that your kids had to go to inferior schools if you had black skin, and that you weren't allowed in the nicer restaurants or country clubs (well, except as a caddy) if you had black skin.

Yes, I'm sure I heard something like that somewhere.

So if reparations for injustice are due (a common feature of our litigious society) then the color of skin might be relevant.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So someone who came here last year from Nigeria can expect reparations? WOW:o

I wonder who they will have to borrow the money from for paying for the civil war that freed them, and the susequent wars that others fought to defend their freedom?:|

I wrote "might be relevant". I did not write "Automatically entitles". Understand now?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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