
Israeli Tanks lined up and ready to roll

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If both sides truly wanted peace they would find a way. I'm so freaking sick of this, one side of me just wants to arm the Palestinians with the same weapons the Israelis have and let them go at it. Maybe then both sides will realize that they might be able to live in peace.

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>one side of me just wants to arm the Palestinians with the same
>weapons the Israelis have and let them go at it. Maybe then both
>sides will realize that they might be able to live in peace.

Good point. If both sides had more to lose, would they reconsider their approach to one another? Perhaps. It worked during the Cold War.

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>one side of me just wants to arm the Palestinians with the same
>weapons the Israelis have and let them go at it. Maybe then both
>sides will realize that they might be able to live in peace.

Good point. If both sides had more to lose, would they reconsider their approach to one another? Perhaps. It worked during the Cold War.

On the other hand it didn't work that well at all in 1914. Two roughly equally armed societies chewed each other to smithereens for five years. At the end of it all (we know now) no-one had learned a damn thing; they did it again ten years later.

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>On the other hand it didn't work that well at all in 1914. Two roughly
>equally armed societies chewed each other to smithereens for five years.

True, but it did end after five years. How long has the Israeli-Palestinian non-war been going on?

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True. Of course the Europeans used to change sides once in a while to make it seam that the last thousand years were different wars (still doesn't hold a candle to Moses taking the promised land by force, and who drove them into slavery under the Egyptians anyway?).

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>Because they think they had a good reason. They kill dozens of civilians at a time - we killed 350,000 civilians with two nuclear bombs a while back. Ours is the more moral of the two because we won the war.


It is likely that millions of Japanese were saved by the use of nuclear weapons. Had Japan been invaded it would have cost both sides absolutely huge numbers of dead.

The Japanese were hardly innocent little babes in the woods undeserving of such harsh treatment....the Rape of Nanking, germ and chemical warfare experiments in Manchuria, the appalling treatment of western POWs, etc, etc.

Truman made the correct decision.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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>Because they think they had a good reason. They kill dozens of civilians at a time - we killed 350,000 civilians with two nuclear bombs a while back. Ours is the more moral of the two because we won the war.


It is likely that millions of Japanese were saved by the use of nuclear weapons. Had Japan been invaded it would have cost both sides absolutely huge numbers of dead.

The Japanese were hardly innocent little babes in the woods undeserving of such harsh treatment....the Rape of Nanking, germ and chemical warfare experiments in Manchuria, the appalling treatment of western POWs, etc, etc.

Truman made the correct decision.

It was the correct decision to completely annihilate two cities that were full of innocent people?

I'm sure you meant to say that the Japanese MILITARY were harly innocent little babes and not the thousands of innocent women and children who members of our country killed by using nuclear weapons.

And, btw, we continue to be the ONLY nation to have ever use nuclear weapons in war.

Bill's right... ours is "more moral" b/c we won the war. :S[:/]. How sad this all is.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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>It is likely that millions of Japanese were saved . . .

Ah yes, that one. Well, heck - perhaps thousands of Iraqis were saved when Saddam used WMD's against them. After all, if that example prevented other nearby towns from revolting . . .

(** Requisite warning - that was sarcasm. I don't think using WMD's against civilians is a good thing no matter who does it. **)

The fact remains that we decided we had a good reason to kill 350,000 people with a weapon that killed most people in a most gruesome manner - most people died in the resulting fires, from flash burns and from radiation poisoning. If we can do that, I have no doubt that someone can justify the killing of a dozen civilians for their own "good reason" using exactly the same logic we did.

>Truman made the correct decision.

It was correct because we won, not because it was moral. Everything the winning side does is defensible in the long run.

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>The fact remains that we decided we had a good reason to kill 350,000 people with a weapon that killed most people in a most gruesome manner - most people died in the resulting fires, from flash burns and from radiation poisoning. If we can do that, I have no doubt that someone can justify the killing of a dozen civilians for their own "good reason" using exactly the same logic we did.

>Truman made the correct decision.

It was correct because we won, not because it was moral. Everything the winning side does is defensible in the long run.

From a book description:

The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs tells the story in words and more than 400 photographs of the Japanese invasion of China and the sacking of its capital city, Nanking, in 1937-38.

Between December 1937 and March 1938 at least 369,366 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war were slaughtered by the invading troops. An estimated 80,000 women and girls were raped; many of them were then mutilated or murdered.


Thousands of victims were beheaded, burned, bayoneted, buried alive, or disemboweled.


So, Truman should have what....???

Japan was a nation of fanatics ready to fight to the last person to defend their Islands until the shock of the atomic bombs led them to surrender.

It's terrible that it had to come to that but war is horrible and decisions are made that no one should have to make. Faced with sacrificing an enormous number of American soldiers and killing way more Japanese than were killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki Truman made the correct decision.

A few photos of Nanking are attached... lovely people those vacationing Japanese. Karma?

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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like the UNIFIL forces that have been there for over 28 years have done something to stop hezbollah from abducting and killing israelis soldiers that were into their own country's borders!!!! not even to mention preventing a armed milicia to build up fortifications and aiming at israel? no international forces are a joke. the lebanese army is supposed to be there period. they are supposed to be responsible for their boundaries.
and just to further remind you of international forces: 3 soldiers abducted and asassinated a couple of years ago under the nose and cooperation of UNIFIL soldiers!!!

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From a book description:

The Rape of Nanking: ..... lovely people those vacationing Japanese. Karma?

Do you REALLY want us to contrast American behaviour of the same era? How Japanses interns were treated during WWII WHILE the Nisei were fighting for America in Italy?

AMerican executions of Japanese POWs? (Why did you think they wouldn't surrender - they knew they'd be killed anyway)?

American treatment of German POWs at the end of WWII? I can pull out Hein Fehler & Wilhelm Hirschfeld's biographies; Starvation, torture & murder? The Luneburg Heath camp deaths from starvation rations?

The 101st's out of combat record in France? Rape & murder of French civilians which got to the point where it was seriously proposed to execute an entire company to "send a message"?

OR... Since these crimes were perpetrated by the victors, they were just statistical anomalies and isolated incidents, weren't they. Weren't they?

So... As you say: Lovely people, these vacationing Japanese Americans.

The point is that today we hold our troops and warfare to a stricter & more huminitarian standard. A standard which Israel is failing to achieve.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Side note - here's one thing I would NOT do:

Agreed, wholeheartedly.

Well I think it's sweet... Little Israeli girls writing to their Palestinian & Lebanese Pen-Pals!:S


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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You said...


Japan was a nation of fanatics ready to fight to the last person to defend their Islands until the shock of the atomic bombs led them to surrender.

The error here is this... The women and children of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not raping Nanking. They were not part of the Japanese Army. An argument may be made that some of them MAY have been willing to take up arms to defend their homeland, but that is entirely understandable.

Truman took the easy way out. And it is a blight on our nation that we annihilated two cities full of innocent people with nuclear weapons.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Truman took the easy way out. And it is a blight on our nation that we annihilated two cities full of innocent people with nuclear weapons.

While that statement may be true it is also true that a great many of us may have never existed if we were forced to invade Japan.

The estimate of 1 million men to take the home island may have been low.

Think of it this way how many lives would it cost any country to try and invade us with a large force?

Even our own military would fear having to disarm the American Citizen.

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And the award for Generalisation of the day goes to.....[fanfare]...Japan was a nation of fanatics .

Lets tar everyone in a country with the same brush (again).... All Arabs are terrorists, all Israelis are peace loving liberals and All Americans are Mai Lai murders.... hey why not?


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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And the award for Generalisation of the day goes to.....[fanfare]...Japan was a nation of fanatics .

Lets tar everyone in a country with the same brush (again).... All Arabs are terrorists, all Israelis are peace loving liberals and All Americans are Mai Lai murders.... hey why not?

OOOOH OOOH can I be a homicidal maniac? can I? can I?.... please?:D


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I love history.:)

So, Truman should have what....???

Japan was a nation of fanatics ready to fight to the last person to defend their Islands until the shock of the atomic bombs led them to surrender.

Japan was a nation of insular, unworldly, largely uneducated people, few of whom had even seen a "Gaijin".

They were expecting a horde of massive genocidal savages to come and rape, pillage and kill (mostly in that order). Hence the mass suicide on Saipan as American forces were completing that invasion. They quite probably weren't that far from the truth at the time.

The only part of Japan with any significant exposure to outsiders at the time was, strangely, Nagasaki.[:/]

Truman had little knowledge of the Atomic Bomb other than the fact it existed as a feasible weapon. His response was traditional, and logical for the time and his knowledge, viz: "If we have it then we should use it." That'd been the response for every new weapon developed through history.

I believe that the motivation of Truman's administration (who were far more aware of the bomb's nature than Truman himself) to use the bomb had far more to do with Russia's impending invasion of Japan and the probability of joint occupation & partition than any desire to save American lives. Bear in mind that Korea north of the 38th parallel was occupied by Russia in a matter of days after she entered the war on Japan.

In short, the real horror of not using the bomb wasn't Allied casualties. It was Japan being partitioned like Korea.

As such, I think that Truman's administration was right to 'con' him into using the bomb... Right to do whatever possible to strengthen the peace faction in the Japanese Government and thus hasten their surrender. I *would* say that fewer Japanese died in the 2 bombings than would have died had the home islands been invaded.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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This is the "if they're immoral monsters we can be immoral monsters too." Doesn't fly with me. The US is not just like Japan. We're not just like Saddam Hussein. We're not just like the terrorists. We're better than that. (At least my vision of the US is. Clearly some people disagree.)

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>Bill if you were running Israel what would you do?

Side note - here's one thing I would NOT do:

Thanks for posting those pics. While I know I come off a bit abrasive and one sided on this issue it's only because I want the whole story to be told. These help. Sadly, hatred is learned and there are apparently plenty of people willing to teach.

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>Bill if you were running Israel what would you do?

Side note - here's one thing I would NOT do:

Thanks for posting those pics. While I know I come off a bit abrasive and one sided on this issue it's only because I want the whole story to be told. These help. Sadly, hatred is learned and there are apparently plenty of people willing to teach.

American soldiers put their names on the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII -- the Israelis probably got the idea from us. [:/]

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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