
Former Marine Fends Off Atlanta Robbers

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Former Marine Fends Off Atlanta Robbers
By Associated Press
Tue May 30, 10:22 AM

ATLANTA - A former Marine used a pocket knife to fend off a group of would-be robbers, killing one and wounding another, police said.

Thomas Autry, who authorities said will not be charged, had been walking home from his job waiting tables Monday night when four people got out of a car and chased him, Atlanta police detective Danny Stephens said.

One of the attackers had a shotgun and another had a pistol, Stephens said.

The suspects caught up with Autry, who yelled for help and pulled a knife out of his backpack. He kicked the shotgun out of one of the attacker's hands and stabbed both a 17-year-old girl who jumped on him and a man who also attacked him.

The suspects fled in their car but police found them later at a hospital where the girl was pronounced dead. The man stabbed in the incident was in critical condition, Stephens said.

Autry's attackers will face robbery and aggravated assault charges and are suspected in other robberies over the past week, Stephen said.

Stephens credited Autry's military training with helping him fend off the group.

"I would say he had to do what he had to do to stop the threat," Stephens said. "You can tell his training kicked in and he knew what to do."

Autry, 36, suffered a cut to his hand and a bruise on his chest, Stephens said.


What a drag

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When I read this I thought "Now that's justice!" They got what they deserved in my humble opinion. I'm just waiting to see if some screwed in the head family member of the deceased files a wrongfull death suit. This is a good example of why all states should have a concealed carry law. "Would be" criminals would think twice about attacking someone if there was a chance the victim was carrying a gun. I realize in this situation the Marine was only carrying a knife. You shouldn't F*@K with a Vet!!!!

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he should be charged with murder !

unpleasant as it is, robbery is NO reason to be able to kill somebody... unless you think you're some kind of Rambo, like this clown clearly thought he was :S

You've got to be fucking kidding.

These people came after him armed, and he defended himself. They got what they deserved.

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he should be charged with murder !

unpleasant as it is, robbery is NO reason to be able to kill somebody... unless you think you're some kind of Rambo, like this clown clearly thought he was :S


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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he should be charged with murder !

unpleasant as it is, robbery is NO reason to be able to kill somebody... unless you think you're some kind of Rambo, like this clown clearly thought he was :S


Don't feed the troll. The people who assaulted this man got what they deserved. It's still hard to believe he fended them off with a freaking pocket knife. Wonder what he could've done with a Crocodile Dundee one.

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Don't feed the troll. The people who assaulted this man got what they deserved. It's still hard to believe he fended them off with a freaking pocket knife. Wonder what he could've done with a Crocodile Dundee one.

But I don't think he's trolling. People actually believe you don't have the right to protect yourself. I'll never be a sheep like that. This marine not only protected himself, but all the next people those two jerks would rob the next day and the next and the next, and eventually killed.

I'm sure if it wasn't 1 knife vs 2 guns, he'd have wished he could have taken them to the cops, but this still beats letting them get away to do it to someone else.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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he should be charged with murder !

unpleasant as it is, robbery is NO reason to be able to kill somebody... unless you think you're some kind of Rambo, like this clown clearly thought he was :S

Too bad he didn't kill them ALL and seriously injure anyone who would think that THEY were the VICTIMS in this crime.

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robbery is NO reason to be able to kill somebody...

How was he supposed to know whether or not they intended to kill him after robbing him?

They've already proved themselves to be armed criminals with no regard for the law or human decency, and yet you expect the victim to just "trust them" to let him live?

Feel free to jeopardize your own life in that manner. But you have no right to tell anyone else to just give up and die like a helpless sheep. Let me hear you bleat; "Baaaa".

If everyone followed your advice, then you would be surrendering the freedom of the entire society to rule by the ruthless anarchy of thugs. No thank you.

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The attackers were aged four and six.

"The girl he stabbed, Amy Martin, 17, was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. The accomplice who was wounded, Christopher Daniel, 17, was listed in critical condition... Daniel and three other youths involved in the robbery — a 16-year-old and 17-year-olds Kendall Barksdale and Christopher Hayes — were charged with aggravated assault and armed robbery."
In other words, they were young punks, with no respect for the law or human decency.

Source, with a few more details: Daily Post

Try again.

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A teenage girl who tried to rob him with a gun and other armed accomplices. Don't want to leave out any facts now, do we?

Way to go, Devil Dog!

I'm sorry the assailants chose to initiate this altercation, however. Just think - had they actually worked for their money vice been scum-sucking bandits, they might be alive today.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Stabbing teenage girls, how very HooAH!

A teenage girl with a shotgun is no less dangerous than a middle-aged career criminal with one, but nice try.

If a 17yo girl with a shotgun was likely going to kill you, how would you react?

IMO, if someone physically threatens your life, they lose any right to live their own.

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Stabbing teenage girls, how very HooAH!

Mate, a shotgun and a pistol are deadly weapons no matter who's holding them. Now I am not at all supportive of killing people in the defence of property - but all reports so far suggest this mans own life was clearly in danger and he defended himself.

This is no Tony Martin case.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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you have a right to protect yourself, i've got no problem with that.... but to go over the top and go killing people is just plain wrong [:/]

But it would have been just fine for them to kill him?? Your logic escapes me...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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