
The Political Geography of the USA

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The last map might not have much relevance to today's world, but interestingly , what were once the slave states now vote Republican, and what were once the "free" states now vote Democrat.

This is ironic, because in 1860 it was the Democratic party that was pro-slavery & represented the South, and it was the Republican part (under Lincoln) that represented the North (mostly).
Speed Racer

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Since there are mostly red states... You can put them in any category you wish... lmao.

My deepest apologies for Bush getting more votes than any president in history in the last election... Its time to get over it.

Most of the country voted for Bush.. And no... Most of the country isnt retarded.

Hardcore lefty's please get over yourselves.

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first chart would have been better if it had dark and light blue, dark and light red to indicate strong and weak votes for the candidates.

To me, no difference between a state that went 49/51 versus 51/49.

After that, yeah, lots of room to make a lot of reaching conclusions.

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Th reality of the red state blue states.. is more closely reflected statistically on this website..

It shows FAR more of the reality of a split nation.. and will be changing drastically over the next year to reflect the new reality.


hahaha... If a kid gets beat up he always talks about the few shots he got in.. But he still got his ass kicked. Kerry got his ass kicked.. The end.. its over... It doesnt matter how you big you make the blue states using microsoft paint...

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Must be smokin some good stuff :P oh, I forgot, when it goes the other way (again) with will be a nightmare..........
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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hahaha... If a kid gets beat up he always talks about the few shots he got in.. But he still got his ass kicked. Kerry got his ass kicked.. The end.. its over... It doesnt matter how you big you make the blue states using microsoft paint...

Even the dumb asses in the red states are now getting a chance to see what Bush and Co are doing to the country.. it is hitting them where it hurts....all the fear mongering has caused the speculation that is driving up the price of oil....We were going to pay for the war in Iraq with their oil.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Guess that is another thing that did not quite work out for Shrubco

So when the Democrats retake the Congress.. are you boys gonna go get your guns and start running around in the woods again playing militia boy????:D:D:D:D

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The election was in 2004... Its 2006... why are we still seeing the maps of the election?

Yeah, and while we're on the topic of moldy comparisons and dead horses, I'd like to know why the republicans on dropzone still obsess about clinton.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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The election was in 2004... Its 2006... why are we still seeing the maps of the election?

What the hell else would you look at in trying to predict outcomes for this election?

Come November, we'll have new ones to examine. And it's going to be an interesting one - the battle of incumbency advantage against the traditional second midterm election falloff of a very unpopular president.

I think it's a bit sad, but it looks like the Democrats are going to beat up the GOP on an issue with great success and it won't be thousands of dead soldiers, but instead $3 gas. I don't think that reflects well on our values.

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Th reality of the red state blue states.. is more closely reflected statistically on this website..

It shows FAR more of the reality of a split nation.. and will be changing drastically over the next year to reflect the new reality.


And with these cartograms, you see EXACTLY the reason for the electoral college. The founders of the Constitution believed that population centers could exert too much control over the vast spaces of America that were sparsely populated, but no less important. It was an attempt to equalize the mix to prevent the Wyomings and Dakotas of the nation from handng over all policy decisions to the New Yorks and Los Angeleses of the county.

The maps show how an effort was made to make sure that the little piss-ant states still have some say.

Thanks, Jeanne. :)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I'd like to know why the republicans on dropzone still obsess about clinton.

I suspect because the democrats haven't presented anyone else worth paying attention to since then. High profile dems are just plain inconsequential except for the most extremist nutjobs - at least Clinton was popular enough that mockery of him appealed to a large portion of the populace. It's sad, I'm sure the hard core reps would love someone new with a bit of staying power. It's only fair for all the material the dems have received in the last 8 years.

The primary process in both parties is broken. Until then, we get pointless and extremist clowns from both.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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