
7 dead as woman goes postal in California

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So, are some of you suggesting that lives could be saved if the rules were changed and that it's O.K for people to take guns into Government Buildings?

What about Pubs or schools?


100% YES, emphatically.

There are cases in which guns brought to schools were used to stop carnage by those who brought guns to those schools illegally for the purpose of murder.

The law school in West Virginia was one. The media reported it as though bystanders just tackled the shooter, but what they did was point their own guns at him and order him to stand down and surrender. Why did they not report that it was armed civilian responders who did the hard part? We each probably have our guesses.

Then there was a public school shooting in which the school's principal went back to his car to retrieve a gun to stop a shooting by a student.

I can't understand why some of you people are skeptical about the utility of guns when they are possessed by good people with the will and courage to face down evil.

Some of you would rather vehemently deny that potential rather than open your eyes to real-world examples you could easily look up and read about.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Too bad, being a Federal facility, that everyone inside was unarmed. Makes it a perfect place for murder. Back in the fifties and earlier in this country, many postal employees were required to carry guns on the job, including airline pilots flying bags of mail. This crap never seemed to happen then. Many of these workplace revenge shootings are nipped in the bud by an armed citizen

listen, i'm all about the rights of people to have all the arms they want. but for real , there are alot of work places that don't allow guns , why is it that an unporportional amount of these work places murders are in post offices ? ...... come on any one ? are there any skydiving postal workers ? has there been a study on this ?

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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listen, i'm all about the rights of people to have all the arms they want. but for real , there are alot of work places that don't allow guns , why is it that an unporportional amount of these work places murders are in post offices ? ...... come on any one ? are there any skydiving postal workers ? has there been a study on this ?

Have you forgotten about the shootings at schools and office buildings -- also places that forbid lawful gun carry.

So no, it's not just post offices; you are omitting the number of school shootings that have taken place, as well as the workplace shootings like that office building in Atlanta, was it? And one in Boston, right? Some day-trader dude? I have forgotten the details. But it's not all post offices.

The left, the anti-gunners, would do well to note (although they probably know this quite well and just don't care) that MOST, if not ALL, multiple murders involving firearms are committed in places where lawful firearm carry is completely banned.

That should tell you something.

Some of us get the message.

Others ignore it because it doesn't fit their ideology which is, "Ban first; look for justification later."

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think this may be due to the targets. Postal workers again. You never hear about groups of professional racquetball players or jugglers. Those guys are too quick.

Postal workers are moving slow enough that you could eight of them using a single-shot rifle. ;) "Quick, sprint for theeee doooooorr..."

Actually, according to the Dept of Justice, the weapon of choice for women who commit murder is poison.

True story. Today's mail. I found a letter from my office. My usual earnings statement letter. The envelope was really dirty. Stepped on 80-90 times maybe.

This is really strange. The pay period? Period ending 5/31/2005. :o I have no idea.

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Actually, according to the Dept of Justice, the weapon of choice for women who commit murder is poison.

"Weapon of choice"...

You ever see that video by "Fatboy Slim" with Christopher Walken dancing around this hotel lobby?

Cool stuff! B|

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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the woman is totally crazy, practically certifiable...it's a wonder why she wasn't certified looney toon.

i live santa barbara, goleta is 10 min up the road.

woman = bonkers
Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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Here's my favorite - traffic's bad, we all pull over in this crowed road to let the cop/ambulance/firetruck through.
Invariably - Some guy, middle aged, NICE car, business suit, talking on the cell phone, is tailing the emergency vehicle like it's his own personal escort.

Why does that piss me off even more than the idiots that don't pull over? Maybe because the idiots are just oblivious, but this guy is doing it on purpose?

Didn't you recognize the lawyer? Sheeez!:P

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That makes no sense at all. I am all for citizens being armed, and I certainly think that if they were, at most one or two would have died before she was taken out, but it would not have prevented it.

a few guns on the other side would not have prevented this. It may have mitigated the harm she was able to cause, but that's it.

Isn't limiting casualties a good thing? Not every crime can be prevented, but having a chance to defend oneself can limits its effects.

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Here's my favorite - traffic's bad, we all pull over in this crowed road to let the cop/ambulance/firetruck through.
Invariably - Some guy, middle aged, NICE car, business suit, talking on the cell phone, is tailing the emergency vehicle like it's his own personal escort.

Why does that piss me off even more than the idiots that don't pull over? Maybe because the idiots are just oblivious, but this guy is doing it on purpose?

Didn't you recognize the lawyer? Sheeez!:P

Oh yeah, he's the guy strapped to back of the ambulance - also talking on his cell phone. Saves on gas expenses.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hi Peacefull Jeffrey,

Actually there was a guy who did try to rob a gun store which was at the time hosting an NRA convention. He was posthumously given a Darwin Award. You can confirm this at their website.

Your point however is perfectly valid. If these bozo'z knew that their intended targets would shoot back they would likely have better control of their anger or go seek another unarmed group.



The gun shop in my previous home town (Glenwood, IL) was shot up some 5 or 6 years ago, and the owners killed. There are actually many many cases of gun shops being robbed at gunpoint.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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What does it mean when the Post Office is flying their flag at half staff?

Now accepting applications.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Nope, as soon as she was required to deal with her mental health services, she was no longer part of the law abiding citizens status.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Here's my favorite - traffic's bad, we all pull over in this crowed road to let the cop/ambulance/firetruck through.
Invariably - Some guy, middle aged, NICE car, business suit, talking on the cell phone, is tailing the emergency vehicle like it's his own personal escort.

Why does that piss me off even more than the idiots that don't pull over? Maybe because the idiots are just oblivious, but this guy is doing it on purpose?

Didn't you recognize the lawyer? Sheeez!:P

Oh yeah, he's the guy strapped to back of the ambulance - also talking on his cell phone. Saves on gas expenses.

Obviously a lousy lawyer. A good lawyer would be showing the ambulance the way to the hospital.

I freaking hate amateurs...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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another victim discovered: http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/01/postal.shooting.ap/index.html

it's all over our morning local papers, radio, tv, etc.

i'm not going to get into the debate about whether or not Joe/Jane "Average" could have done anything to prevent this with their trusty 6shooter/glock. Personally, I think you all are missing the f***ing mark. RTFA'a and you might come to find out that the gun vs anti-gun bull$hit doesn't even apply here.

the woman was crazy. mentally unstable. extremely unstable. she wanted to start a paper: the racist press. she worked at that postal facility 2 years ago. the police had to remove her when she was fired. they fired her for being unstable/potentially dangerous to herself/others. the list goes on and on.

if you really want to go back and forth on a meaningless argument why don't you try and figure out why this woman was never locked up in the looney bin. better yet, why don't you discuss how her behavior can be this bad in, what i would consider, 2 "government" facilities: postal facility in CA and clerks office in NM.

right now, there is speculation that she knew the individuals she shot, and that she targeted them specifically. there is also wide speculation that she targeted minorities in particular, and may have only been "acquainted" with the victims - that is she had no real motive to kill them, other than the fact that she knew they were minorities.

another good read, for those of you with enough active brain cells to make it to the end: http://www.newspress.com/Top/Article/article.jsp?Section=LOCAL&ID=564674804502889080

hey, here's a unique idea: armed security guards at a postal facility. no no, that's far too simple. what we really need to do is make sure that all the employees are packing. that'll do it, that should solve everything.


about the only thing i can agree with in this thread is that the police are f***ing useless. honestly, if you didn't call them, they really aren't there to help you. and chances are, if you did call them, they're 10 min too late and you're already screwed. fark the police, useless shites. it's far too much to expect law enforcement to pursue this woman, after all, there were no indicators she would ever do something like this.


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Why do these incidents always seem to happen in America, with the odd exception of things like the Dunblane shooting and the odd incident in Europe/Australia?

Why do so many people pick up guns and go on shooting murderous shooting sprees in the US? You can't say it's purely down to gun ownership as there are places with more guns per capita that don't engage in this sort of psychotic behaviour.

Suicide bombing? I see that happening here all the time. It's easy to point a finger claiming them to be evil when you approach the subject with a myopic vantage point.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Nope, as soon as she was required to deal with her mental health services, she was no longer part of the law abiding citizens status.

Which part? Are the mentally ill not citizens ("...right of the people... "), or is it illegal to be mentally ill?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Nope, as soon as she was required to deal with her mental health services, she was no longer part of the law abiding citizens status.

Which part? Are the mentally ill not citizens ("...right of the people... "), or is it illegal to be mentally ill?

In response to your initial question: was she a (previously ) law abiding citizen? The answer is a resounding NO. She was fired from her place of employment for mental instability and because there were reasons to believe she would harm herself or others irrationally. Furthermore, she was forcibly removed after being fired by local LEO. What's worse, is she continued this pattern of behavior after moving to NM. She had multiple altercations at the local Clerk's Office in NM and LEO was again involved. Finally, she was cited for "nudity" after an incident at a gas station. The articles I posted can provide more details, should you wish to read further. From the facts, it is safe to say that she was NOT a law abiding citizen. She was a mentally ill person who had already had multiple incidents with law enforcement.

IMO, the failures are fairly simple to spot:

1 - she was 'allowed' back into her previous place of employement, even after being fired, and even after having been forcibly removed 2 years prior.

2 - she gained access to a firearm. although it is not known, at the moment, how this was accomplished there are really only a few options:
a- purchase legally
b- purchase illegally
c- receive w/o purchase (gift, family member, found on the street, etc)

Speculation never does much, but in this instance, I'd say that either A or C is going to hold true. If it's A, I could go on for hours. If it's C, well, than the only hope those poor employees had went out the window the minute she slipped under the barrier and made her way to the sort facility. Or, you could say, the only hope those employees had, went out the window, when law enforcement turned a blind eye to her repeated offenses and mental illness.

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Nope, as soon as she was required to deal with her mental health services, she was no longer part of the law abiding citizens status.

Okay, so now anyone with mental issues (Depression, Asperger Sindrome, etc) is not a law abiding citizen... So what will come next, blacks, inmigrants...

In my humble opinion, anyone is a law abiding citizen until they break the law, no sooner, no later. But that is just me, a tree hugging leftist. :S

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