
Bond, James Bond: "I Hate Guns"

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Fair point, but doesn't enforcement mean tighter clamp down, and the way to do that is to prevent the carrying of guns unless by police?

It's illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit just about everywhere (except vermont). But people still do it. People still have them illegally. Even in Toronto and London. So what would passing a new law do? First when you elliminate every illegally carried gun, then maybe think about new laws. Enforce those that exist first. Once again, the only people that will comply with a new law are law abiding citizens. It won't change a thing for the criminals.

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It's too bad he lacks the courage of his convictions. If he were a real man, he'd walk away from the role.

Um, Hello? It's called "acting".

Should actors who are opposed to serial-killers refuse to play them?

Should actors who are opposed to corrupt polititions refuse to play them, too?


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>As usual, the self-righteous self-appointed "advocates" don't hold
>true to their own convictions.

Ever jumped with someone you didn't like?

But wait, I thought movies were real. I thought that acting was defined as "being exactly how you are in real life." :S
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>As usual, the self-righteous self-appointed "advocates" don't hold
>true to their own convictions.

Ever jumped with someone you didn't like?

Of course, but that has exactly nothing to do with this conversation.

The point is advocacy; if you are a public advocate of a political agenda, setting aside your agenda to portray or participate in something that goes against your agenda is what this conversation is about.

Obviously movies aren't real, actors act and portray characters that do not reflect themselvs as a person, but if an actor is going to publicly push a public agenda I would have hoped they would stand firmly enough in their belief to not protray something that flaunts the opposing agenda. However, that seldem happens, hence my previous comments.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Shock. Tragic. End of the world stuff here!!! Someone doesn't like guns and will use one in a movie!! That's almost as bad as non-smokers taking a puff on a cigarette in a movie! The Horror.

Hmmm...maybe that's why they call it acting? nah....:S

this thread is proof that some people take life and certain issue way too damn serious. grow a sense of humor for fucks sake. not everything that involves a gun is a platform for you to stand taller on your soap box. sometimes life is just life and people will live in ways that don't agree with yours.

damn it. I wasted part of my life reading this drivel...then made it worse by responding to it. bet it recieves some veiled PA of some sort.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Dude I hardly call the comments he made to be "pushing an agenda".

He just said he hates handguns. An actor who is an outspoken proponent of the vegan lifestyle does not need to avoid a movie about working on a cattle farm. Its acting and not their real life.

If the public cannot realize that, that is their problem.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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An actor who is an outspoken proponent of the vegan lifestyle does not need to avoid a movie about working on a cattle farm. Its acting and not their real life.

You know, I would have some respect for an actor that turned down a role for reasons as such.

Basically, I don't really care what your beliefs are, just so long as you truely believe in them and don't sway with the wind.;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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>The point is advocacy; if you are a public advocate of a political
> agenda, setting aside your agenda to portray or participate in
> something that goes against your agenda is what this conversation
> is about.

Public advocacy? He hates guns. I'm sure there are other actors who absolutely love guns and think everyone should have them, yet play roles where they do not have guns.

You jump with people you don't like. That's fine. I suspect you have even, on occasion, made money jumping with people you don't like; I have too. That doesn't make you a hypocrite. It makes you a tandem master. And in this case, his use of guns in movies makes him an actor.

>but if an actor is going to publicly push a public agenda . . . .

This isn't the leader of Gun Haters Inc. This is an actor, and someone asked him a question. Should he have lied?

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It's too bad he lacks the courage of his convictions. If he were a real man, he'd walk away from the role.

Um, Hello? It's called "acting".
Should actors who are opposed to serial-killers refuse to play them?
Should actors who are opposed to corrupt polititions refuse to play them, too?

You're missing something.

The role of James Bond glorifies the utility of guns. Therefore, if you think that guns are used only for evil and that no one should have them, then you shouldn't take a role that demonstrates a position opposite of your convictions.

In your example, if someone hates murderers, but takes a role that glorifies senseless killing, then he's a hypocrite, because he's possibly encouraging people to copycat the behavior which he doesn't want. On the other hand, if he takes a role that shows how evil killers are, and the aftermath they leave behind their deeds, then that would be consistent with his beliefs.

It's not just the portrayal of the position by itself, but how the portrayal is slanted.

James Bond couldn't get through an episode without his gun: his gun is used to save his life, stop bad guys, save the world, and bed the pretty ladies. That's inconsistent with this new actor's espoused position on gun ownership. That makes him a hypocrite. He'll sell-out for the big bucks, while glorifying the very behavior which he says is bad for society. Just like Madonna.

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>In your example, if someone hates murderers, but takes a role
>that glorifies senseless killing, then he's a hypocrite . . .

Nonsense. Schwarzenegger isn't a hypocrite for being anti-murder, despite his many roles as inhuman killing machines.

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The role of James Bond glorifies the utility of guns. Therefore, if you think that guns are used only for evil and that no one should have them, then you shouldn't take a role that demonstrates a position opposite of your convictions.

Wouldn't a member of Her Majesty's Secret Service (or whatever the organization is called in bond movies) be considered a law enforcement officer of sorts? How many anti-handgun advocates do you know of that feel police should not have access to guns? How is he playing a role opposite his convictions, again?


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This is just a guess, but Kevin Spacey probably dislikes murder alot. Yet he played Kaizer Sose who killed his whole team and got away with it and he played the serial killer in Seven where his plan went exactly as he wanted.

It is acting. Its a job. It is portrayal of a world that does not necessarily exist.

Now, if a anti-gun advocate became a sponser of a company that made bullets or guns, THAT would be an issue.
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Dude I hardly call the comments he made to be "pushing an agenda".

He just said he hates handguns. An actor who is an outspoken proponent of the vegan lifestyle does not need to avoid a movie about working on a cattle farm. Its acting and not their real life.

That's actually pushing it. It's one thing to be an actor who says personally he's not too keen on guns. BTW, I always identify 007 more with his gadgets than that Walther PPK. (talk about emasculating)

But if an actor wants to use his currency to be an advocate, then he should be choosing roles accordingly. If not, tends to suggest he's doing it because celebrities are supposed to have causes for the sake of it.

How seriously could Bruce Willis be taken as a leader of HCI after the Die Hard movies? (Note he is not in favor of gun control.)

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You honestly think simply saying, "I don't like guns" is pushing an agenda? Has he done some campaigning I don't know about? Or lobbying? Or written letters?

Chances are, a reporter asked him a question about the guns and being Bond and he answered truthfully.

Later in the same article, he discussed how he does not enjoy a martini like Bond does.

I guess he is pushing a "martini agenda" too.:S
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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You honestly think simply saying, "I don't like guns" is pushing an agenda?

maybe you should have read my first paragraph?

I did. You said that's pushing it. But I guess now that you wre refering to my vegan example. oops. :ph34r::)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Would you enforce a law you do not personally believe in?

I was hoping to see an answer to this one from a cop or three.

One can work to revoke a law, but in the meantime must still follow/enforce it. Maybe some extreme 'what if' scenarios could be made in contrast.

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Now that's a good arbitrary-type screen name that any good arbitrarilist could be proud of - or at least luke warm about with a plate of biscuits and a dirty light brown liquid that almost but not quite tastes remarkably unlike tea.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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